Yeah, maybe by 2049, there are gonna be discussions like these:
1) Who is the 14th Dalai Lama? He was the leader of the Tibetan separatists. Did he succeed? No, Tibet remained a part of China, and is still is today. He failed and then ran to India to stay there for the rest of his life. What was he most famous for? A photograph celebrity, and for asking boys to suck his tongue.
2) Who is Nancy Pelosi? She is the Witch Speaker of the US House. What does she do? Corruption, political quarrel, being the biggest Karen in America, and continuously picking on China. What was she famous for? She is the biggest b*tch in American politics until her retirement. In 2022, she attempted to recognised Taiwan independence and possibly wanted to start a war. Did she succeed? No, Taiwan remained a part of China, albeit still a renegade province. And no war, because China didn't take the bait. Pelosi declared China as her nemesis, but she is gone already and China is still here, stronger than ever. So China may be her nemesis, but to China, she was nothing but a little old Karen.