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Registered Member
I suppose not even Trump's reelection is going to save Russia-US relations for quite a long while.

Trump is the outlier in the uniparty. Any relation could only remain stable as long as he remains in office during the 4 years. No point for the Russians to mend relations when it will at most last 4 years and then it goes straight back to hostility.


Lieutenant General
For those that don't understand the history of Western anthropology, I'll explain it. According to Western anthropology, there are only three races on the Earth. Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. When you're dead and buried and all that is left is your skeleton, they can tell if you're Caucasoid, Negroid, or Mongoloid just by looking at your bones. You may not know it today because of stereotypes but Africans and East Asians together were seen as the lowest humans in the world. Some Asians I tell this to are in disbelief because they want to think East Asians are up there with white Caucasians and in their own racism they don't want to believe they're seen at the same level as Africans. Don't worry if Asians are seen as racist because of it. There are African-Americans that identify with whites more and look down at Asians as being inferior to them as well. Why do Westerners call people who are mentally retarded or have cerebral palsy as people afflicted with Mongolism? It's because they associate it with those who look like Mongoloids. So you don't think East Asians were ever seen as the lowest of the low?

I've talked about how the West especially during their colonial period basically went around the world teaching everyone to hate and be suspicious of one another so that everyone else hates one another but no one hates white Westerners taking attention off their crimes against humanity. Look at Hong Kong. There the British made a distinction of who were superior Chinese as opposed to inferior Chinese. Of course the superior Chinese embrace British rule and their way of doing things. And you see that legacy today how Hong Kongers hate Mainland Chinese like they were a different race. The West especially drew the lines of who to hate more in the world when it came to Africans and East Asians. Many other parts of the world where they weren't "white" like the Middle East and India but they were Caucasian anthropologically. That's why there's only three races according Western anthropology. Those people were taught to really hate Africans and East Asians.

During the Cold War radical Islam was more of a problem for the West towards the end. Before that, they looked down at Africans and East Asians as inferior to them like Westerners did. So don't think like with people in the Middle East saw it as "us" Arabs, Africans, and Asians versus white Caucasians. That's why don't count on Turkey being a loyal friend to China because they identify with being "white" more and Chinese as lesser to them. And just like Westerners, because Chinese don't follow their hierarchy of things, they probably resent China's success. You see it in Brazil too. Why do right-wing Brazilians tend to be anti-China? China didn't do anything in history to them. It's like a Brazilian right-wight supporter of Bolsonaro said, he was envious and hated China because he thought Brazil should be where China is at in the world today. So the crime is Chinese not knowing their place below Brazilians.

That brings up Latin America. Did you know that all Latin American countries see Mexico as the lowest of Latin countries? Why? Because Mexicans are seen as the most mixed with Indians. Most Latin American countries look to how closer their are to Spain and Europe. Why the hate with Indians? Because the indigenous people of the Americas are of Mongoloid descent.

So don't be surprised by how countries you think wouldn't have a beef with China do. What's the difference between China and the West today is China has the money. When it comes down to it China is as vulnerable as much as the West is experiencing today because that's what everyone wants. Is anyone surprised how countries aren't as "loyal" to China as you think? You have Chinese who think say nothing do nothing is what's best for China. If there are Chinese who think China should do nothing even when wronged. you think other countries see they can depend on China when Chinese don't even defend themselves?

I was recently told that China shouldn’t retaliate over Biden’s tariffs if it doesn’t really do anything. Then apply that logic to why does China like to publicly proclaim how Western actions hurts China when it really doesn’t? For example, being a member of the International Space Station… it was so important to Beijing. China can build its own space station and has. No harm to China done. Look at Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei. When the US was attacking his company and kidnapped his daughter for ransom, he was crying US sanctions against Huawei was hurting and calling for the US to stop. Today Huawei is making more money than ever without the US and the West as customers. Huawei is now appropriately a threat to the West’s semiconductor industries.

Why would anyone side with China when some Chinese prefer to make China look vulnerable to the West? People want to side with the strong not with the weak. Yes, it is true that there’s no such thing as allies but only self-interests. This includes the West. The US’s own “allies” only side with the US because of self-interests and not because the US is a beacon of all that is good. Europe hates Donald Trump but they’ll follow behind him because they are that weak without the US on their side.

People don't have to wonder why the West has this advantage. It's not hard to understand. They were in control of the world for four hundred years. They colonized most of the world. They're white supremacists who wanted the world to believe they were superior because those that believed it were less likely to go against it. Generations have lived and died where nothing but white supremacy being brainwashed to most of the world to know nothing else. That’s why the world slants towards the West.



if Americans don’t intend to be No, 2, maybe they should actually become a worthy competitor instead of trying to Tonya Harding the entire world.

Or better yet, use that white supremacy, that liberal democracy, that ashkenazi elite IQ that Anglo Atlanticists love to rave on about.
Well, you are a diplomat from an empire that's in terminal decline. So cope and seethe.

An open admission of complete failure:

I guess "bits-more-than-one-can-chew" is a typical behavior of some delusional neocons.

The fabulous Miss Alabama 2024:


Registered Member
China still has a lot of the old "hide and bide" mentality and I'm sure a lot of us, myself included, are frustrated by this. To put it bluntly, I prefer that China behave thuggishly. It would delight me to see China humiliate the Turkish foreign minister by sitting him down like a delinquent pupil and telling him that he's not here to visit Xinjiang, that he doesn't have permission to have an opinion about whatever is or isn't happening there, that he's here to receive his orders and is expected to carry them out.

However, the effect of the hide and bide mindset on China's geopolitical trajectory and its growing power in the world is minuscule. China's power comes from its uniquely effective governance, its economic and social systems, its sheer scale, its incessant development of technology, and the legions of scientists and engineers it trains and graduates.

China remains immensely powerful, in a different league from Turkey or any other country except the US, and that's only temporarily. The US will join the rest in China's shadow soon enough.
So don't be surprised by how countries you think wouldn't have a beef with China do. What's the difference between China and the West today is China has the money. When it comes down to it China is as vulnerable as much as the West is experiencing today because that's what everyone wants. Is anyone surprised how countries aren't as "loyal" to China as you think? You have Chinese who think say nothing do nothing is what's best for China. If there are Chinese who think China should do nothing even when wronged. you think other countries see they can depend on China when Chinese don't even defend themselves?
That's entirely unsurprising. I wrote a little analogy about this a long time ago - China is a slave who escaped his bondage. It's not just the slaveowner who would hate the escaped slave, but the other slaves as well. China, by escaping, is a living reminder of their own continued enslavement and their inadequacies. Why is the escaped slave free while they are in chains? Why are they beaten and whipped and starved and made to lie in filth while the escaped slave isn't? What makes the escaped slave think he's better than them?

The wealthier and more powerful the escaped slave becomes, the angrier they get.


Registered Member
China still has a lot of the old "hide and bide" mentality and I'm sure a lot of us, myself included, are frustrated by this. To put it bluntly, I prefer that China behave thuggishly.

Yes ... but ...

There are limits to everything.

For example, the China Coast Guard water cannon those hapless Filipinos every week. Is that enough belligerence? Too little, too much?

That really is a matter of opinion I think.

The fact is the water is only shot one way.

Then I read in the news today that China has intensified its blocking efforts of Filipinos trying to move things to and from that area. The Filipino military claimed it was barbaric. All I could do was laugh! Sometimes I am really bad.

This is the fact, that China is employing gray zone tactics in its various disputes in East Asia. The idea I presume, is that if something changes in a positive development, then China has the option to switch gears and move for more peaceful development of relations.

Now is this gray zone strategy is the correct strategy here? That is a matter of opinion. History will show that will be right or not.

If China starts killing those enemies of the people left right and center, then it will be very hard to walk back from that in the future.

Another example is the Himalayan border, where in various incidents in recent years, China has killed people. Those were serious incidents.

My personal belief, there is no right answer here. Only history will know.





Registered Member
Virgin American Civil-Military Fusion:
View attachment 130757
Chad Chinese Civil-Military Fusion:
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(MLRS to put out fires lmao.)
View attachment 130758
LOL! Don't mess with Chinese firefighters, they are better armed than policemen around the world. While US policemen can walk around proud, toting their assault rifles, Chinese firefighters can drive around literal artillery pieces.


Registered Member
Wonder how this footage was taken?
It is not a footage taken by camera, but computer generated demonstraion video from telemetry signals from the lander.

If you mean the scene of the Chang'e 6's lander landing on the moon surface and extending its solar panels, it is a pre-made computer-generated animation video.

However, it should be noted that the video footage of the lander collecting samples from the moon surface is real (taken by a camera mounted on the lander itself, not shown in this segment of news reporting video).

Actually it is not pre-made. It is a video shown on one of the big screens in the control room. It is made like a computer game, but instead of input from joystick and keyboard, it takes input from onboard sensors of the lander and telemetry data (AOA, speed, orientation, altitude etc.) It is the same thing like showing shenzhou docking or reentry.

Example, the cyan colored arm is the planned next movement (command to be executed), the realistic arm will show the actual movement according to telemetry data, the green lines are the trajectory of the head of the arm. In the end of the video is the extension of the flag also according to telemetry data.