Its an interesting video. The Turkish and Uighur languages are partially intelligible. That is why the Turkish FM was able to partially converse with the local Uighurs in Turkish. For me, the most important part of the video was when he was able to partially converse with the local school children. Because that instantly debunks the "cultural genocide" BS. Those conversations showed that the Uighur language is far from being eradicated, as the youngest generation can speak them.
The idiots in the West will never understand the significance of China's preservation of Uighur culture, because they had eradicated the cultures and languages of the natives wherever they have colonize. ETIM will never understand this because they don't actually care about Uighur culture. All they wanted was to create their own Caliphate and impose their own interpretation Salafi-Islamic terrorist culture onto Xinjiang. ETIM was the true cultural danger to Xinjiang. They wanted to impose pure Arabic names, Wahabi beards, Burkas, strict Sharia laws, and the eradication of anything they deemed "unIslamic". China's hard crackdown on ETIM had actually saved Xinjiang's culture from corruption and eventual destruction.
What the West interprets as cultural "purity", poverty is a necessary component. They like to see the curious mud houses of Xinjiang or an old, collapsing Bazaar. Nevermind that the people living in those mud houses don't have running water and electricity. Nevermind that the old collapsing Bazaar is a potential disaster waiting to happen. Poverty and desperation are a must, so that those coloured wretched folks would have to come begging to their white saviours, ripe for exploitation. When coloured people are prospering, they don't need white saviours anymore. That is the true reason why the West detests China's overall development, with Xizang and Xinjiang being some of China's final frontiers. They still wanna feel powerful and needed over the poor coloured wretched people. So it is no wonder that India, PH, and other pro-West impoverished nations are their darlings today.
Typical westerner shallow understanding of history/anything. Basically "I saw a documentary on Netflix, so now I'm a SME".
Uighur language in China is still written in an Arabic script, this is not done in Turkey which uses Latin alphabet now, and similarly for Chinese-Kazakh, where Kazakhstan uses Cyrillic. So basically China was able to preserve a thousand year tradition of minorities on it's own. I guess for sure we can say there is western superiority in the field of cultural genocide.
They also don't realize that the Chinese style architecture was typical for Chinese mosques (for some reason Chinese-style architecture was used in China, go figure). Some of the oldest mosques in the whole world are Chinese (both style and location). Just google something like this:
Domes are not "Islamic" architecture, it is Arabic architecture and most of it is imported from conservative Saudi influence.
Here is a site about actual Islamic culture, and they are highlighting how Chinese and Islam come together
I've said before, I believe this whole China is the worst country to be Muslim in is some kind of US campaign to foster extremism. They are angry that China doesn't have more terror attacks on the level of 9/11.
It is not so much that poverty is a necessary component of the "cultural purity", just a lack of progress. I would argue White saviour complex isn't even a major part either. I was reading an article once and it was saying that the west really hasn't evolved from the 19th century attitudes when human zoos and ideas of "savage natives" were still common. Look at the anti-globalization/anti-corporate movement, it is essentially rooted in this kind of attitude. We live in the modern world, people need jobs and money to survive. Factories are not always pleasant places, but the income is steady. Multinationals are exploiting this kind of labour, sure, but it is silly to make the assumption that the locals are stupid and don't know any better.