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Not that I condone what the British did, but it's kind of ironic for Maoris to complain about genocide when they were responsible for the genocide of the Moriori.

Doesn't matter. The british make the nazi's look like angels (and I am not kidding here, please read the history books, even ones written by the english themselves). We need to bring up these issues as they cannot be swept under the rug. "Self-proclaimed" democracies need to be held to the highest standards, no exceptions.

I frankly do not care about what the Maori's did in thier internal affairs, I care about what other foreign powers do to others.


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A timeline of recent news.

Feb 28, 2021
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March 10, 2021
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March 11, 2021
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What a fine mess this is for Canada.

Then, we remember the news from a couple of weeks ago.

During this free vote in the Canadian parliament, the government abstained.

Feb 22, 2021
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You can tell these anglo nations honestly thought they could cross China and not suffer any consequences, like Australia thinking it could get away with calling for weapons inspectors like teams into Wuhan, or the UK fucking over Huawei, or Canada arresting Meng on trumped up charges.
These anglo leaders evidently believed that once Trump was out of power, or that the USG and China came to an accord, that they could find some face saving settlement with China and resume the same old relationship, no harm done.
Not this time.

This time, there's going to be blood; and the whole world is watching.


Registered Member
Not this time.

This time, there's going to be blood; and the whole world is watching.
While I understand your sentiment, I do not really hold the same opinion about the confrontation.

I still believe in Chairman Mao.

What Chairman Mao said, the Americans are not reasonable. Give them no choice, then they are reasonable.

With the deployment of the DF-21D and DF-26, the trade war and tech war, then the RCEP and CAI being signed, I think the Americans are running out of choices they want.

A first strike is not one of those choices they want, because there will be a counter strike in return.

So I expect some movement, otherwise, they just keep playing and squeezing the America's space to operate, as China grows bigger and bigger.



Registered Member
Well ... you know ...

It was that vote in the Canadian parliament, the non-binding vote on the Xinjiang province.

The Canadian government felt they had no choice, and abstained.

The Canadian government abstained from a vote in their own parliament, over a China issue.

Since the vote on the motion in the Canadian parliament was anti-China, the Canadian government who abstained, clearly disapproved of the vote, and it could be suggested the Canadian government were pro-China, by abstaining in the Canadian parliament on an anti-China motion.

Now that is having no choice.



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I always puzzled why smallpox with death rate 30% wiped out 90% of Indians in America, but failed to wipe out 90% of Chinese when it was first introduced into China in first century. Now I know it was all a lie.

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Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of the ongoing two sessions, Wang noted that when talking about genocide, most people would recall the atrocities against Indians in North America in the 16th century, against African slaves in the 19th century, against Jews in the 20th century and today's aborigines in Australia.


Well that's quite unfair. Victims complain and have a right to. Plenty of examples of this sort of "double standard" everywhere in the world over history.

We're all human and want the best for us and care less for others. Particularly when groups gather and form primitive tribal instincts and behaviours. Still prevalent ALL OVER the world today.

Just because past Maoris did certain things that every other group of humans pretty much did, doesn't mean they shouldn't voice at least complaint over genuine issues they have a grievance with.

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In late 1835, 500 Maori from Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Mutunga boarded hijacked ships, armed with muskets introduced by Europeans. The two waves arrived on the two main islands, Chatham and Pitt, in November and December (with the second having 400 armed warriors), and despite a warm welcome from local Moriori, immediately began either killing, cannibalising or enslaving the peaceful Moriori "like sheep".[11] The first act of war was taken out on a 12-year-old girl, who was kidnapped by the first invaders at Port Hutt, the beach where they landed; she was beaten, flayed and her remains were displayed on a post as a warning. Subsequently, nearly the entire population was either murdered or enslaved, with the Moriori language and way of life being forcibly replaced with mainland Te Reo Māori and their culture. News of the genocide spread across the world, thanks in some part to passing whalers.

The Maori were a brutal warlike culture. They were simply outmatched by the British.

I find the Maori complaining about genocide to be comparable to the Japanese complaining about getting nuked.