Miscellaneous News


Holy shit, Philippines is going all in on blasting the whole west over Myanmar.

The above video was edited. Here's the complete version:

What I find interesting is the strong reaction from the Philippines foreign minister over Myanmar affairs, and the fact that he claims to be talking to China and India to restore status quo, and then we have the recent news of China supporting the UN resolution condemning the coup, in an apparent change of attitude from before.

When the coup first happened, there was vociferous condemnation from the West, but ASEAN and China remained largely silent. Now it appears they may have been working behind the scenes and may very well be working together to restore Ang Sang Suu Kyi back to whatever limited power she had before. I guess we will see how it turns out.
The above video was edited. Here's the complete version:

What I find interesting is the strong reaction from the Philippines foreign minister over Myanmar affairs, and the fact that he claims to be talking to China and India to restore status quo, and then we have the recent news of China supporting the UN resolution condemning the coup, in an apparent change of attitude from before.

When the coup first happened, there was vociferous condemnation from the West, but ASEAN and China remained largely silent. Now it appears they may have been working behind the scenes and may very well be working together to restore Ang Sang Suu Kyi back to whatever limited power she had before. I guess we will see how it turns out.
Good to see the Philippines MFA being pragmatist and sees through the feign concern from the western elites. They are more interested in expanding their hegemony and in coercion and manipulating of Suu Kyi. They turn on her after failing to do so and she was viewed as a liability by the military elites. It is such as shame whatever democratic gains prior to her arrest has now been lost.

Suu Kyi's situation is reflection of coercion other none western head of state are constantly going through. They get demonize when they fail to follow the western diktat. Good for MFA Locsin to speak the truth.


Registered Member
Good to see the Philippines MFA being pragmatist and sees through the feign concern from the western elites. They are more interested in expanding their hegemony and in coercion and manipulating of Suu Kyi. They turn on her after failing to do so and she was viewed as a liability by the military elites. It is such as shame whatever democratic gains prior to her arrest has now been lost.

Suu Kyi's situation is reflection of coercion other none western head of state are constantly going through. They get demonize when they fail to follow the western diktat. Good for MFA Locsin to speak the truth.
@Dolcevita @solarz FYI Sec Locsin before is an AMBOY (American Boy), a very Pro American during the early days of Cory Aquino administration which he served a cabinet rank, why the sudden change, well first he is a nationalist, serving the Aquino administration he had seen the US hidden hands and how they manipulate the Philippine, second like all of us we see in Duterte the leader that will champion our cause. He serve as our permanent UN representative from 2017 to 2018 therefore gain experience on how geopolitics works. He gain admiration from China itself because he speak bluntly with diplomatic flair and wit. He and Duterte are alike but His style is more polish and finesse.
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Registered Member
Duterte doesnt.give a ****. I just read a couple of weeks ago he wanted the US military to pay 10-15 Billion dollars if they wanted to continue to use their bases there lmao
@voyager1 He wanted a transactional relationship instead of a subservient one. any trouble in the SCS we will be the first target why should we sacrifice ourselves for pittance, might as well ask for remuneration now while we had the leverage. At the same time we ask the same from China....LOL

a side note there are no US bases in my country, it is prohibit under our constitution, what the US has are weapon depots, that is why the VFA is very crucial ,without it the American can't enter the Philippines and use those weapons.
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