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Said nothing does not mean do nothing. Firing cannon shots across the path ahead of the aircraft being intercepted is common practice. Besides that, clipping the non-obedient aircraft is another option that China has done before to the Americans. Yes a kill will unite the two camps in USA, but China does not have to care much about that. Last time in Korean in 1950s the US were united but did not stop Mao to send PVA in after the red line was crossed. There is always a bottom line, after that line being crossed China won't care what US feel or think or do.

A kill is always the last resort, but it is always on the table just like what US leadership keeps on saying "everything is on the table". This is the time that China says so.

The big picture is NOT only China's big picture. If the US does not share and care for the same big picture, why should China care? Also the big picture CHANGES even in the eyes of China. Chin's big picture during Deng, Jiang and Hu's time was to gain the time by staying low. Now China's big picture is push back something that was impossible with increased strength. The picture will keep changing.
China should try it's best to wait and wait as much as possible every extra year in peace is year where China gains on the USA on all fields, militarily, economically and technologically.

The thing is that US wants a war or an incident to happen so that they can put a full stop on China. China on the other hands wants time. So China's strategy should be to to wait as long as its red lines are not passed and even then it should ensure that bar from the US starting hostilities, Beijing should not harm any american


Registered Member
China should try it's best to wait and wait as much as possible every extra year in peace is year where China gains on the USA on all fields, militarily, economically and technologically.

The thing is that US wants a war or an incident to happen so that they can put a full stop on China. China on the other hands wants time. So China's strategy should be to to wait as long as its red lines are not passed and even then it should ensure that bar from the US starting hostilities, Beijing should not harm any american
Just ask yourself one question.

What happens after the China and United States war?

I fully believe we go back to playing same games currently being played today.

Regardless of who wins or who loses.


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This person deserves an award from the UN for fighting against American cops who killed his family. Remember that there is no crime in defending yourself. Visible minority people across the US must always remember that their cause is righteous, and must be achieved at any costs.


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China should try it's best to wait and wait as much as possible every extra year in peace is year where China gains on the USA on all fields, militarily, economically and technologically.

The thing is that US wants a war or an incident to happen so that they can put a full stop on China. China on the other hands wants time. So China's strategy should be to to wait as long as its red lines are not passed and even then it should ensure that bar from the US starting hostilities, Beijing should not harm any american
Last time China tried that "this is not the right time, we should wait as much as possible" was March 18 1931 which led to a disaster for China, not gaining any better. Then there are numerous times before that in the 19th century when China tried the best to wait and avoid confrontations with colonial powers, what were the result? You should know. The more China refrain, the more beating China get. Ask yourself this "Would China suffer more than what China actually suffered in WWII IF China have chosen to fight Japan in 1931? How worse can that be? You are dead one way or the other, why not take a fight then you may have a chance to live?"

You know the phrase "以战止战" "war to stop war"? Haven't you heard "China don't want war, but is not afraid of going into war." This is repeated by top leaders.

If the story is true, isn't it a perfect proof that "by threatening a war, China avoided a war"? If you are not willing to go for a war today, you are guaranteed to get a bigger war later.

You have different opinion and I respect that. But the leadership has made the change of stance and I and many alike are fully in support to the decision. My thought is that: 1. Forcing off the US without a war, that is great. 2 China goes into an armed confrontation for Taiwan if have to, so be it.
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Lieutenant General
That part of the story, her cancelled trip, with Craft's plane circling aimlessly near the same airport, made no sense.

Something happened.
Yes that was reported in the US. Since it happened the day of the Washington insurrection, people thought it was the US was under an emergency and they called back everyone. Her loitering over Washington for four hours and then returning says it had nothing to do with the riots. Given the Trump administration's need to give the finger to everyone, it would be important to have Kelly Craft's plane land in Taiwan. They turning tail at the last moment says something serious happened that the US was afraid to go forward.


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More information is coming out from Taiwan itself regarding Kelly Craft's aborted trip to Taiwan in the last days of the Trump administration.

In recent days our military intelligence and cross strait diplomatic corp have acquired many pieces of information regarding this. After analysis the situation overall went thusly: from 7th of January to 10th of January China strongly protested via diplomatic channels (re Kelly Craft's trip) to no avail. After deliberation Beijing decided to respond with military force. On 11th of January PLA notified US DoD via military channels that China cannot tolerate Kelly Craft's action as they will damage the sovereignty of China. Once her plane nears Taiwan PLA aircraft will enter Taiwan airspace and declare sovereignty. If Taiwan aircraft were to interfere with this then they may be fired upon.

At the time The Pentagon was busy with the handover and did not expect such a strong response from the PLA. They attempted to contact PLA high command but was refused. Pentagon contacted United States Indo-Pacific Command and was told that the only way to ensure safety of Kelly Craft's plane was to mobilize F-15C from 18th Wing from Kadena Air Base, Okinawa for escort. But such as action risk military confrontation between China and US.

Alternatively to avoid direct military confrontation between US and China ROCAF aircraft might be used instead for escort, but such a plan could also be very troublesome as once large number of PLAAF aircraft crosses the midline there is risk of aerial combat with ROCAF aircraft over northern Taiwan. Should that happen Kelly Craft's aircraft would be in danger and will be forced to turn and land in US airforce base in Japan. Although this means US forces will not be involved in any fighting it will still trigger war between Taiwawn and China, and thus cause a political disaster for the US.

Thus DoD was forced to send both the PLA warning as well as their estimate regarding US forces to the state department and recommend Kelly Craft's trip to Taiwan be cancelled. Pompeo was very upset but after considering the consequences was forced to hit the brakes. To avoid giving the impression that the cancellation of the trip was due to pressure from China he instead used the handover as excuse and not only cancelled the Taiwan trip, but also his own trip to Europe as well as all other trips by State Department staff. Thus in the end Kelly Craft did not go to Taiwan and PLA did not implement the threat. Because of this Taiwan's politic establishment never realised they were part of this political show of force between Beijing and Washington and how close war brushed by them.
How reliable is this report? Isn’t it more likely that Kelly’s trip was canceled due to Biden coming into office at the time.


Lieutenant General
How reliable is this report? Isn’t it more likely that Kelly’s trip was canceled due to Biden coming into office at the time.
I asked if anyone knew of the credibility of this source also, but the idea that Craft’s trip was cancelled due to Biden is plainly pure BS. It’s not like Biden did a coup and suddenly came into power out of the blue. It was known so far in advance the exact time his administration would take over it is impossible to think anyone could have forgotten or not know about it, and the trip would never have been planned in the first had there been any issue on that front.

Pomp-pig was playing with fire and someone yanked the plug at the last minute to stop him blundering the US into a massive war on his last days in office. There is no other explanation for having senior diplomats all dressed up and in the car only to turn around half way to the ball.

I have no doubt something significant happened and that we came very close to a precipice without the wider world knowing just how close we got, but the real question is if the details in the report is accurate or mere guesswork.


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I asked if anyone knew of the credibility of this source also, but the idea that Craft’s trip was cancelled due to Biden is plainly pure BS. It’s not like Biden did a coup and suddenly came into power out of the blue. It was known so far in advance the exact time his administration would take over it is impossible to think anyone could have forgotten or not know about it, and the trip would never have been planned in the first had there been any issue on that front.

Pomp-pig was playing with fire and someone yanked the plug at the last minute to stop him blundering the US into a massive war on his last days in office. There is no other explanation for having senior diplomats all dressed up and in the car only to turn around half way to the ball.

I have no doubt something significant happened and that we came very close to a precipice without the wider world knowing just how close we got, but the real question is if the details in the report is accurate or mere guesswork.
Trump and Pompeo was trying to land mine Biden. While a lot of their last minute actions are not easy for Biden or any US president to repeal, cancelling Craft’s trip to Taiwan is an easy one for Biden to do.