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Trump and Pompeo was trying to land mine Biden. While a lot of their last minute actions are not easy for Biden or any US president to repeal, cancelling Craft’s trip to Taiwan is an easy one for Biden to do.

Not saying that the so called leak is true, but Biden wasn’t even sworn in at the time. How the hell could he cancel a trip that he has no control over?


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I asked if anyone knew of the credibility of this source also, but the idea that Craft’s trip was cancelled due to Biden is plainly pure BS. It’s not like Biden did a coup and suddenly came into power out of the blue. It was known so far in advance the exact time his administration would take over it is impossible to think anyone could have forgotten or not know about it, and the trip would never have been planned in the first had there been any issue on that front.

Pomp-pig was playing with fire and someone yanked the plug at the last minute to stop him blundering the US into a massive war on his last days in office. There is no other explanation for having senior diplomats all dressed up and in the car only to turn around half way to the ball.

I have no doubt something significant happened and that we came very close to a precipice without the wider world knowing just how close we got, but the real question is if the details in the report is accurate or mere guesswork.
Do all those american Beltway people on the plane know how close they were to dying?


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Trump and Pompeo was trying to land mine Biden. While a lot of their last minute actions are not easy for Biden or any US president to repeal, cancelling Craft’s trip to Taiwan is an easy one for Biden to do.
Biden didn't officially became president at that time, so all of the decision-making is in the hands of the Trump administration. He was only preparing for the transition to presidency and receive daily intel briefs.


Lieutenant General
Trump and Pompeo was trying to land mine Biden. While a lot of their last minute actions are not easy for Biden or any US president to repeal, cancelling Craft’s trip to Taiwan is an easy one for Biden to do.
As had already been pointed out by others, Biden had zero authority at the time to cancel anything.

Either Pomp-pig got scared, or Trump yanked on his leash as he only had one red line - don’t start any wars, and Pomp-pig was about to cross it.

As you already acknowledged, Pomp-pig was going all out laying as many land mines as he could before he was escorted out of the building, so the idea of him respecting the transition is laughable. At the same time Biden had no authority to stop anything Pomp-pig was doing, so the turning back of the plane had absolutely nothing to do with Biden. No two ways about it.


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I think the report on the Kraft trip makes sense, whether specifics are true or not.

I've said this before. The Americans cannot intervene over Taiwan. China has escalation dominance here. The Americans will not engage in nuclear warfare on the Taiwan question.

If the Americans don't go to nukes, the Americans cannot climb the escalation ladder and thus, will not engage in physical warfare as they would lose.

You can extrapolate the logic. A popular narrative is one of sea embargo of China. However, how do you starve to death a comprehensive nuclear power? It's nonsensical. If pushed, the Chinese will escalate beyond your appetite for violence.

It's not possible to defeat a nuclear power like China in the field. Even small states like Israel insinuate this impossibility with hints of their infamous Samson option.

Does the West not love to describe the CPC as a dictatorial, authoritarian regime? Then they should fear even more so an unaccountable CPC with aggressive WMD escalation and coercion.

But back to Kraft's visit to Taiwan.

Pompeo was too stupid (or desperate) to realize what every previous administration back to Nixon understood - the One-China policy is no favor to China, it's a deal struck with downsides to breaking it.

One of those downsides is war with a nuclear power. If the DoD did in fact reel Pompeo back in, I think it supports my previous point. As the military branch, DoD would understand that the US would not be able to match Chinese escalation and thus would recommend Pompeo to acqueisce to Chinese threats.


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Pompeo was too stupid (or desperate) to realize what every previous administration back to Nixon understood - the One-China policy is no favor to China, it's a deal struck with downsides to breaking it.

One of those downsides is war with a nuclear power. If the DoD did in fact reel Pompeo back in, I think it supports my previous point. As the military branch, DoD would understand that the US would not be able to match Chinese escalation and thus would recommend Pompeo to acqueisce to Chinese threats.
Can we hope then for a mutiny and impeachment in the case of a pompeo/cotton presidency?


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Not that I condone what the British did, but it's kind of ironic for Maoris to complain about genocide when they were responsible for the genocide of the Moriori.

Well that's quite unfair. Victims complain and have a right to. Plenty of examples of this sort of "double standard" everywhere in the world over history.

We're all human and want the best for us and care less for others. Particularly when groups gather and form primitive tribal instincts and behaviours. Still prevalent ALL OVER the world today.

Just because past Maoris did certain things that every other group of humans pretty much did, doesn't mean they shouldn't voice at least complaint over genuine issues they have a grievance with.


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A timeline of recent news.

Feb 28, 2021
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March 10, 2021
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March 11, 2021
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What a fine mess this is for Canada.

Then, we remember the news from a couple of weeks ago.

During this free vote in the Canadian parliament, the government abstained.

Feb 22, 2021
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