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Around the same period in the 90s, I remember white people and their media were saying how “asians can’t innovate” because “asians lack freedom” and “are too rigid with Confucian thinking”.
Apparently liberal western democracy means stealing from asians and killing them and claiming their innovation as your own.


Lieutenant General
Rather uncharacteristic for China to be this direct but maybe for extreme scenarios it is needed. Still doubt China announced it out loud though.

We are potentially entering a rapid paradigm shift in Ukraine where Macron is openly and repeatedly talking about sending in French troops directly and officially into Ukraine to prevent a total Russian victory. That would be a massive escalation and only a tiny step away from NATO fighting Russia directly in Ukraine. Which would be an absolute red line for China, as the Russians would resort to nuclear weapons at that point, which would almost certainly escalate out of all control and lead to global nuclear MAD.

In the event of open direct combat between Russian and NATO in Ukraine, the only thing that will prevent Russian nuke use is direct PLA intervention. And note the wording that China will intervene ‘anywhere’. This to me is China saying that any Chinese military intervention will not be limited to merely the theatre of operation between Russian and NATO troops. Indeed, the most effective and efficient way for China to militarily intervene in such a scenario would be AR. If America cannot meaningfully commit to the fight against Russia, the Russians should curbstomp the EU components of NATO in a direct war in Ukraine, or at a minimal, maintain an indefinite stalemate in Ukraine against them. Once China has secured its own core interests in Taiwan, it can then shift overwhelming military might to help the Russians steamroll the EU and UK leave the Americans confined to its own homeland, at which point they will probably turn against each other and tear themselves apart in Civil War 2.0.

As such, I believe that this may be a subtle but unequivocal direct warning from Beijing to NATO to remove any remaining doubt and wishful thinking about whether China will intervene if they attack Russia directly. It is done at the sub-official level for plausible deniability, and to allow NATO to bury the story to save face and not look like they are being cowed by China, because the core objective for China is to send a message to prevent itself getting sucked into a war it doesn’t want to be involved in, not to score media points.


It is not taken away. just route changes.
Route changes cost money. It becomes more expensive and less practical to get the amount you need.
This EU-US trade. i dont see any decline from long term trend. you make statements without data.
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You make statements without making sense. Why would you show US trade with EU? I said EU needs Russian energy and Chinese imports. And you posted data about US-EU trade. Your head is completely empty.

Chinese imports reduced:
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Russian energy to EU down:
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where is the damage that is caused by US?. US rebuilt Europe practically two times, give it free protection from internal and external conflicts, free flow of tech and on top of that American system created wealth in Desert Kingdoms that immensely benefited Europe.
Not since WWII, fool. The economic decline since the Russio-Ukraine War.
Green is identified with Soft Power of world strongest demographic growth.
Only in your imagination. No oil = no power; oil = hard power.
you cannot earn this Soft Power.
Hope so. Since you credited Arabic "soft power" with supporting Israel so I'd desperately hope China doesn't accidentally "earn it" and end up empowering Japan or some shit LOL
It is bestowed and very few are capable off full scope of implementing it. This what Macron saw when he kept talking about reforms in Lebanon. now he is going to extract Ukraine from Green.
He's not doing shit except maybe getting a couple of French guys killed.
That is a picture of rubble. It's probably symbolic of your mental health.
This list is not accurate
Nothing you say is accurate; you have no idea what it means.
how can Germany ahead of France and Turkey. but most countries have too commercialize there Soft Power that has reduced Soft Power effectiveness internally and externally. Soft Power cannot go up and down with Hard Power nor it can be cheaply purchased like TV dramas. there are three Arab countries in the list with population of about 40m but there Soft Power is far complicated and Sophisticated for this simple list.
Oh so complicated. You just don't understand and I don't want to waste time explaining it LOLOL
These pics in Green in Riyadh, Syria and Crimea are all visible demonstration of Arabic Soft Power.
They're just pictures of people standing there. They don't mean jack shit. I can take a picture of my high school graduating class and claim it's a visible demonstration that my high school has more soft power than any country in the world and it would make more sense than you.
Zelenski is now learning that there is that Green Soft Power that he could not see on this scale.
Really? What did he say? Or are you making up stories looking at him grimacing in the desert sun?
but those who are interested in Arabic soft power can observe it.
And those who are obsessed with it (you) can see/imagine it everywhere and in every random picture.
This have no relevance to present day.
That would be an accurate summary of your attempt to bring up events since WWII when the subject is limited to the effects on the EU economy from the US-instigated Russo-Ukraine war.
European Royals and Pope are unable to exercise Soft Power.
Yeah, they need oil to have what you confuse with "soft power" LOL
first they have to create trusting strong demographic societies before they reach the level where they can transform Soft Power into Hard Power.
They had that but because their societies are failing in hard power, their global image also suffers. Nobody transforms soft power into hard power; it is only the other way around.


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it appears the outrage is because these women are being presented to Asian Chinese rather than pristine caucasian men in their 50s.

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so, it looks like South Korea wont exist past this century if not this decade.

We are potentially entering a rapid paradigm shift in Ukraine where Macron is openly and repeatedly talking about sending in French troops directly and officially into Ukraine to prevent a total Russian victory. That would be a massive escalation and only a tiny step away from NATO fighting Russia directly in Ukraine. Which would be an absolute red line for China, as the Russians would resort to nuclear weapons at that point, which would almost certainly escalate out of all control and lead to global nuclear MAD.

In the event of open direct combat between Russian and NATO in Ukraine, the only thing that will prevent Russian nuke use is direct PLA intervention. And note the wording that China will intervene ‘anywhere’. This to me is China saying that any Chinese military intervention will not be limited to merely the theatre of operation between Russian and NATO troops. Indeed, the most effective and efficient way for China to militarily intervene in such a scenario would be AR. If America cannot meaningfully commit to the fight against Russia, the Russians should curbstomp the EU components of NATO in a direct war in Ukraine, or at a minimal, maintain an indefinite stalemate in Ukraine against them. Once China has secured its own core interests in Taiwan, it can then shift overwhelming military might to help the Russians steamroll the EU and UK leave the Americans confined to its own homeland, at which point they will probably turn against each other and tear themselves apart in Civil War 2.0.

As such, I believe that this may be a subtle but unequivocal direct warning from Beijing to NATO to remove any remaining doubt and wishful thinking about whether China will intervene if they attack Russia directly. It is done at the sub-official level for plausible deniability, and to allow NATO to bury the story to save face and not look like they are being cowed by China, because the core objective for China is to send a message to prevent itself getting sucked into a war it doesn’t want to be involved in, not to score media points.
Such a feat truly would be historic. No asian army has reached the hinterlands of the European Plain since Subotai and the Golden Horde breached the borders of Poland and the Holy Roman Empire. It would be the first time in 500 years since an Asian army was last in Europe.


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With Wang Yi coming to Australia, government there shows some good will

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Albanese government removes ASIO and ASIS heads from National Security Committee of Cabinet​

The Albanese government has initiated a major shift in Australia’s intelligence operations, dumping the heads of ASIO and ASIS from its National Security Committee of Cabinet.
The Albanese Government has removed the head of ASIO and ASIS from its National Security Committee of Cabinet in a move that reflects the diminishing role of the intelligence chiefs under Labor.

The intelligence community is growing increasingly concerned about the approach taken by the Albanese Government on national security, Sky News Australia can reveal.
Under the Coalition government, the head of ASIO and ASIS were permanent members of the National Security Committee of Cabinet - which makes decisions on the highest risk and most urgent national security matters.

The intelligence chiefs gave classified advice on issues affecting our security and sovereignty.

'Watered down' approach to national security

The fracturing of the relationship between the intelligence community and the Albanese Government is alarming.

Aside from removing the intelligence chiefs from the government’s premiere national security decision making body, the National Security Committee of Cabinet, the broader picture is that the Albanese Government has stopped publicly criticising China.
Labor figure Cameron Milner describes the silence as a clear capitulation to China from the Albanese government that’s deeply worrying.

ASIO boss, Mike Burgess, is the only official still daring to speak publicly about Chinese foreign interference, espionage and infiltration. He said it remains our number one security threat in his recent annual address to the nation.
But now, his voice is no longer a permanent fixture in the national security committee of cabinet.
Bye, Felicia


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This is the real reason the Anglo elites hate China, because China is nemesis to the sins of the Atlanticist elites.

China has now opened its financial markets to the likes of Goldman Sachs which means it’s plausible for China to detain and execute foreign executives who cheat Chinese customers, or at the very least force them to give up their billions to pay reparations


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The Europeans are getting jealous about China's lead in battery technology. DW says that China is at least 3-4 years ahead of Europe.

Sodium batteries was only a concept a couple of years ago, except in China. But now its seeing early commercialization in Chinese EVs. The Europeans are debating whether its even worth catching up. A startup founder says yes. But a more established Li-ion battery maker in says no, because Li-ion is still superior in performance. Na-ion still has energy density of about 50% of Li-ion. But its far cheaper. NaCO3 ore is at $290/ton, while LiCO3 ore is at $13,657/ton. DW says that Li-ion battery prices are still more lucrative than Na-ion batteries, so it might be better to just stick to investing in Li-ion. They doubt that Na-ion would eventually replace Li-ion.

Europeans are still debating about the future of battery technology, while the Chinese are rolling out Na-ion batteries for the commercial market. At this rate, they are not gonna catch up. If China could one day develop Na-ion batteries that can rival the energy density of Li-ion batteries, than that is gonna be a big game changer for the battery industry.


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The US is currently on the level of the USSR (in the period leading to the collapse) regarding human and social health metrics and a similar downtrend is observed between today's US and USSR of that time. Meanwhile, today's Russia overtook them in nearly all such quality of living metrics and is miles ahead. Since we have no such precise research on the collapses of other huge empires of the past in history, just some qualitative data, this kind of info comparing the USSR and the US directly is the most valuable and useful to gauge how long will the US last.

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Lieutenant General
The US is currently on the level of the USSR (in the period leading to the collapse) regarding human and social health metrics and a similar downtrend is observed between today's US and USSR of that time. Meanwhile, today's Russia overtook them in nearly all such quality of living metrics and is miles ahead. Since we have no such precise research on the collapses of other huge empires of the past in history, just some qualitative data, this kind of info comparing the USSR and the US directly is the most valuable and useful to gauge how long will the US last.

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American elites: pfft, those numbers don’t count as they include blacks, you amateurs know how much work it took to pump their mortality numbers so high without anyone realising it’s a feature and not a bug?