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Why? How can it be 'dumb' when the text is mostly historical facts and statistical research? It is not much of a 'personal opinion'.

It's not appropriate to dismiss it alongside such a low-quality, low-value-added, reply. Or do you question their validity or what?

Share some of your own 'wisdom' then, to disprove it, you are pretty famous for your 'wisdom' and 'arguments' here anyway.

Anyway, famous French Historian Emmanuel Todd used the exact same kind of sociological data methodology to predict the collapse of the USSR, with precision, and was amongst the earliest ones, unlike what everyone else at that time in the entire West thought.

So, reading this kind of information can't be said to be 'dumb' in a million years, in fact, it is objectively very valuable and rare.
Throwing a bunch of numbers together and making salad doesn't mean the article is worth a damn. The essence of what the post is saying is that the glorious white race birthrate is declining and so it's causing it to lose control, the brownies and blackies are increasing their numbers therefore the country's strength is declining because the glorious whites numbers are decreasing and without the glorious white race to run things the culture of the country will become more inferior.

Whites still hold majority of the population and blacks are still hovering around 13% of the population and it's been that way since I can remember. These people should stop making excuses, the truth is that empires rise and fall, doesn't matter if you have inferior minorities or not. The USSR fell because it maintained an unworkable system in place by force until it collapsed on itself, it was the glorious white parts of its empire that rebelled and caused it problems.

The US isn't declining per se, what we're witnessing is an economic and technological convergence on a scale the world has never seen before, and because of this the US will, naturally, not command the same level if influence it had just a few decades ago. It has nothing to do with this racist nonsense masquerading as science.


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Throwing a bunch of numbers together and making salad doesn't mean the article is worth a damn. The essence of what the post is saying is that the glorious white race birthrate is declining and so it's causing it to lose control, the brownies and blackies are increasing their numbers therefore the country's strength is declining because the glorious whites numbers are decreasing and without the glorious white race to run things the culture of the country will become more inferior.

Whites still hold majority of the population and blacks are still hovering around 13% of the population and it's been that way since I can remember. These people should stop making excuses, the truth is that empires rise and fall, doesn't matter if you have inferior minorities or not. The USSR fell because it maintained an unworkable system in place by force until it collapsed on itself, it was the glorious white parts of its empire that rebelled and caused it problems.

You're greatly exaggerating, and that part is holding maybe 10% of the entire word count, and is not the main thesis of the text, like you are internalizing it.

Believe me, that part has been put in the mildest way possible, I've read it being presented in a 10 times more direct manner.

You can't discount the great value of 90% information, because there is some 10% argument that you personally have negative emotions for.


Junior Member
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You're greatly exaggerating, and that part is holding maybe 10% of the entire word count, and is not the main thesis of the text, like you are internalizing it.

Believe me, that part has been put in the mildest way possible, I've read it being presented in a 10 times more direct manner.

You can't discount the great value of 90% information, because there is some 10% argument that you personally have negative emotions for.
I can. When the writer has a bias and uses numbers to justify their subjective bias while ignoring other important factors then I immediately checkout. It's similar to those white supremacists who constantly claim that China can't innovate and they are ready to use every excuse to justify their position. Eastern Europe doesn't have darkies to worry about as they are virtually homogenous but they trail behind Western Europe that has significant minority populations. The world is changing and the unipolar order has gone as far as it can go, no need to outsource excuses.


US: Our mortality numbers DO NOT count as they include data from those minorities.


US: Our fertility numbers DO count because they include data from those minorities.
Hypocrisy is the essense of the US. These examples are all over the place.

The US: Our savings rate is low because everyone trusts in the economy.
Also the US: Our savings rate is at a historic high; we can survive almost 5 whole weeks without pay! That means the economy is doing great!

The US: China's demographic crisis means that it won't have enough young people to work all the jobs needed to sustain the economy.
Also the US: China's poor economy can't generate enough jobs to keep the youth employed.


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Oil is a very very small, negligible aspect of American hard power. American hard power mostly lies in its military and technological power. Both of those have declined in relation to China so losing its spot as an unchallengable superpower is what causes American influence, which some ignorant people call soft power, to decline. This decline as a follow up to its decline in hard power shows that it is actually extended hard power, not any kind of imaginary soft power.
If you remove American oil from the market. The prices for the rest of the world will increase by ten times and American imports will balloon multi trillion. Oil is hard power that US has invested the Most but is unable to translate into Soft Power.
First of all, everything you said is wrong. Europe and US were built on technological power. The oil of Gulf Arabs only made life easier but they would have been built all the same without it.
Look at Dassualt history in Mideast why it switch sides. There is zero chance that without Arab wealth the Wide body Aviation will have progressed on this scale. Infact my theory is that all those Boeing Troubles are due to Arabs. When there is so much wealth concentration Boeing best may have been too much involved in Arabic aviation so that it forgot about rest of the world. As long as Arab aviation have confidence in Boeing. Boeing is fine. I am including every thing from Chinook choppers to F-15.
Secondly, even if what you say is true, it only amounts to an admission that everything is dependent on Arab money, which is gotten from oil. So... once again, all hard power, nothing soft.
There is Soft Power behind Arab money. Try multiply Russian or Chinese government money investments into multi trillion inside western system and see how much it can influence. remember key word is multiplication of wealth not just holding foreign reserves.
Just saying it again doesn't make it true. I have demonstrated ad nauseum how hard power converts to cultural influence, which some confuse as soft power. But you can never demonstrate this "soft power" being converted to hard. Repeating is not demonstrating.

Because that's the limit of your "brain."
Practical demonstration of Arabic Soft Power converted into Hard Power is this Ukraine conflict. and this Hard Power is derived from the fastest growing demographics in the world that follow Arabic ideology and Royal Culture.
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This is off topic. What they wish to make and what they have are not related. I wish them success because Europe should be stripped and turned penniless... I only fear that the Saudis cannot do it.
They are the only one capable to create this new economic and political entity which will be supported from Japan to Mexico and every one in between.


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The state of the indian Canadian job market.

This is the grand strategy of the Indian elites: mass export their useless mouths with feet who will compete with the local population for jobs and university places And housing. This benefits the elites of the west who believe everything the slavish suck up Indians in their employ say to them, and who will also benefit from the rise in real estate prices. It helps as well that the Indian government makes it a condition for good relations for other nations to accept their Indian immigrants and to recognise Indian diploma mills.

Once these Indians form a beachhead, they will shamelessly and nepotistically only hire their own eg Cisco, oracle, any corporate firm etc such that wealth concentrates in this group and their votes and lobby groups will then be used t9 influence the government for pro Indian policies. The ashkenazi Zionist strategy so to speak.


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The state of the indian Canadian job market.

This is the grand strategy of the Indian elites: mass export their useless mouths with feet who will compete with the local population for jobs and university places And housing. This benefits the elites of the west who believe everything the slavish suck up Indians in their employ say to them, and who will also benefit from the rise in real estate prices. It helps as well that the Indian government makes it a condition for good relations for other nations to accept their Indian immigrants and to recognise Indian diploma mills.

Once these Indians form a beachhead, they will shamelessly and nepotistically only hire their own eg Cisco, oracle, any corporate firm etc such that wealth concentrates in this group and their votes and lobby groups will then be used t9 influence the government for pro Indian policies. The ashkenazi Zionist strategy so to speak.

The western oligarchs are the ones engineering this for mass immigration to push natives to compete harder for resources. The people coming are just taking advantage and using any loop holes to get ahead.