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A rumor that is going around:

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"A representative of
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Ministry Of Defense on Saturday allegedly said that Beijing is 'ready to intervene' if the United States or NATO decide to attack Russia, a Telegram channel - WW3.INFO Battlefield Research - reported. This comes as the intergovernmental military alliance and Moscow are at odds since Sweden officially joined NATO earlier this month.

The Telegram channel quotes a Chinese defense representative as saying: "China is ready to intervene militarily anywhere if the US or NATO decide to attack Russia." We have reached out to the department to verify the claim..." - Times Now Digital

NATO be like noooo Chyna not like this...o_Oo_Oo_O


Registered Member
They throw so much cash around that they must think it grows on trees or something…
Well, that announcement has all the hallmarks of a US politician “announce first, never cut the check later” move like B3W or even now Chips act (where you at gadgetcool? This is what’s murdering China?)

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But my main gripe is how something as ridiculous as port cranes even commands this kind of attention and boastfulness? Like the wall is considered a stupid waste of money, but why isn’t this? At least the wall would definitely make it somewhat harder for actual criminal human smugglers. The port cranes would do what? Stop them from turning into massive Transformers and rip apart the whole west coast?


Registered Member
A rumor that is going around:

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"A representative of
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Ministry Of Defense on Saturday allegedly said that Beijing is 'ready to intervene' if the United States or NATO decide to attack Russia, a Telegram channel - WW3.INFO Battlefield Research - reported. This comes as the intergovernmental military alliance and Moscow are at odds since Sweden officially joined NATO earlier this month.

The Telegram channel quotes a Chinese defense representative as saying: "China is ready to intervene militarily anywhere if the US or NATO decide to attack Russia." We have reached out to the department to verify the claim..." - Times Now Digital

Rather uncharacteristic for China to be this direct but maybe for extreme scenarios it is needed. Still doubt China announced it out loud though.


Registered Member
Rather uncharacteristic for China to be this direct but maybe for extreme scenarios it is needed. Still doubt China announced it out loud though.

Like most things. If China really did say it then Western Media (especially financial leaning sites) would be posting about this non stop. It has already been an hours or two since this was posted on the internet. The only source continues to be that telegram channel.
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Senior Member
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For all their drum beating about other countries women's rights, Western neoliberal countries are in fact laggards in that department.

New Alzheimer's study just dropped, this really reminds me of the gaffes of a certain head of state...
Frequent difficulty finding the right word can signal changes in the brain consistent with the early ("preclinical") stages of Alzheimer's disease – before more obvious symptoms emerge.
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Hope the job isn't transferred to the likes of MEMRI.
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I assume that AI can do an impeccable job of translation.

The French are irked by the inroads Russia has been making in Francafrique in the past several years. The Russian influence in Francafrique (French neo colonies in Africa) is thought to be the cause of recent anti-colonial and Anti-French sentiment in the region.
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French embassies attacked, Russian flags raised by Africans
Niger also terminated their military agreement with the US.

Looks like Japan would like to have another Toshiba reminder.

"wOuLd HeLp DeFeNsEs AgAiNsT cHyNa"

B1tch, the US and Japan's combined steel production capacity isn't even 1/5th of China's.

View attachment 126788

China's steel production capacity actually rose in 2023, while Japan's steel production capacity actually dropped in that same year and the US' remained pretty much the same.
Here is the Toshiba moment. The US simply can't tolerate any competition, even it's from their own minions.

Like most things. If China really did say it then Western Media (especially financial leaning sites) would be posting about this non stop. It has already been an hours or two since this was posted on the internet. The only source continues to be that telegram channel.
I tend to believe what China said, because the stake is so high: once Russia is defeated (in Ukraine), China will be the next target. On the other hand, you have to be mad to attack Russia directly, because of Russia's nuclear weapons.
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Did anyone post this already? HMS Queen Elizabeth caught fire.

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I'm eagerly waiting for the picture that proves it's still above water.


According to the logic of some genius, the Holocaust was not genocide because it occurred during an active war.
According to the logic of some other genius, a lot of dead people is not genocide, while zero dead people is genocide. Also, zero evidence of intend is genocide, but plenty evidence of intend is not genocide.

Of course America's politicians are lying to sell more weapons, because they are in the pocket of the MIC.
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