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China living the Jetsons life. This must really make the boomers who comprise the USG, rage.

Case in point: Their STUPID POLICY OF ABRUPTLY BANNING TIKTOK on NATIONAL SECURITY GROUNDS. The Indians if they were really good could and should have made their own alternative Social media app like Tiktok. But nope, a TRUE SUPERPOWAH delusion, their social media landscape were totally devoured by the baby of all democracy: U.S. tech companies like Meta (Facebook), Google etc.
Yet, somehow the west continues to feed delusions after delusions to the already delusional people ably led by their equally delusional leaders that somehow India is in the ascendancy? Ascendancy of what? other than population I do not see where Indians are leading in any meaningful sense of the word. If leading out bound migration to many different parts of the world is leading, that's beyond sad and pathetic. What the west accused China of doing or even the latinos of doing (invasion of the horde) the Indians are actually practicing such strategy.

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And for all the tirade and fake gnashing of teeth against China and it's system: It's all stem from JEALOUSY and INSECURITY. The latest survey found that a considerable majority of Indians would love to have autocratic/military ruler to lord over them. What happened to the mother of all democracy? They have become nuts?

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Look at how the WEST and it's nincompoop losers a.k.a. Xizhang separatists that flood western social media deal with SIKKIM. A kingdom that was weak militarily easily ABSORBED, CAPTURED by India and no one BATTED AN EYE. Not even China for obvious geopolitical reasons. And yet the nerve of SOME Indians to lecture China about it's supposed aggression and expansionist power LOL....

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it’s even worse, Indians have been lying re their economy

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Junior Member
Registered Member
This has already been discussed but there are two points to observe despite India having a growth rate over 8%.

Manufacturing has not significantly improved overall which is key to India moving to the next stage.

Foreign direct investment remains static despite outflows from China. Some say it's going to Vietnam instead.
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Registered Member
Autocracy is no guarantee of good governance. In fact an inept autocracy is even worse than inept democracy.
Agreed on the first part. But I would argue that inept leadership will make any type of government suck. Whether it's a democracy, autocracy, monarchy, theocracy, or whatever.

And for all the tirade and fake gnashing of teeth against China and it's system: It's all stem from JEALOUSY and INSECURITY. The latest survey found that a considerable majority of Indians would love to have autocratic/military ruler to lord over them. What happened to the mother of all democracy? They have become nuts?

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Historically, many autocracies were voted in by democracies. Just like how Hitler and Mussolini were voted into power, India is also going through a similar political journey. Too many Indians who could vote were captured by the BJP's constant promise of a Supapowar Bharat Hindu Empire. Nations who like that are quite prone to going to war. But thanks to India's sheer incompetence, they were unable to act on their warmongering dreams.

Assuming that India doesn't collapse from it's internal contradictions, if India continues going down this path, its going to eventually get itself into a war.

Look at how the WEST and it's nincompoop losers a.k.a. Xizhang separatists that flood western social media deal with SIKKIM. A kingdom that was weak militarily easily ABSORBED, CAPTURED by India and no one BATTED AN EYE. Not even China for obvious geopolitical reasons. And yet the nerve of SOME Indians to lecture China about it's supposed aggression and expansionist power LOL....

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To the West, everything is politics. If you're their enemy, even your own land is not recognized by them as yours. But if you're their friend, you can invade, butcher, massacre, and take other lands at will. They'll happily recognize your gains and tell the world that you have rightfully gained what you have taken.

India to it's Asian neighbours is considered an expansionist power. And quite a nasty one too. It is an artificial nation created by the British. It had claimed and annexed territories that had never belonged to it prior to British colonisation. But this point of view had been suppressed and dismissed by the West because India is their darling. After all, India uses their political system, it speaks the Anglo language, and most importantly, it is a willing pet of the Anglos.

Ironically, India's new Hindutva path, and the waning power of its Anglo masters will eventually put it's identity into question. What is India actually without the British Empire? What is this Akhand Bharat? It has never actually existed in history. If India does go on a rampage to realize Akhand Bharat, then all of these questions will eventually emerge.


Junior Member
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This has already been discussed but there are two points to observe despite India having a growth rate over 8%.

Manufacturing has not significantly improved overall which is key to India moving to the next stage.

Foreign direct investment remains static despite outflows from China. Some say it's going to Vietnam instead.
India's economy contracted by 5.8% in 2020. Since then, its GDP has grown at an average rate of 3.5% a year (-5.8% in 2020, +9.1% in 2021, +7.2% in 2022). In other words, it is still recovering from the impact of the pandemic.

If India's GDP manages to grow by 8% this year, that would bring its average growth rate from 2020 to 2023 to 4.625%. India's GDP really should be growing at a double-digit rate.

From 2020 to 2023, China's GDP grew at an average rate of 4.7% (+2.2% in 2020, +8.4% in 2021, +3% in 2022, +5.2% in 2023).


Registered Member
Looks like Japan would like to have another Toshiba reminder.

"wOuLd HeLp DeFeNsEs AgAiNsT cHyNa"

B1tch, the US and Japan's combined steel production capacity isn't even 1/5th of China's.


China's steel production capacity actually rose in 2023, while Japan's steel production capacity actually dropped in that same year and the US' remained pretty much the same.
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