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US is a tiny fraction of the Tik Tok market.

Abandon the entire brand for a tiny share? Fuck that. Fight it in court and if lose pull out proactively.

tiktok should hire an Indian CEO so that they can gain the Indian market. Imagine an Indian CEO being asked questions in a Senate Committee hearing. The Indians are going to be mad about it.


Junior Member
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tiktok should hire an Indian CEO so that they can gain the Indian market. Imagine an Indian CEO being asked questions in a Senate Committee hearing. The Indians are going to be mad about it.
That won't happen because despite talking tough, India will always bow to the west when things get tough. It's easy to say you aren't going to listen to them when they haven't even brought out the stick yet.

Only India can believe the crap that it's genuinely a neutral power. It has no power to do so.


Lieutenant General
Today, the US congress has a non white face all over the news defending the ban on TikTok in Congressman Ritchie Torres. He’s trying to spin that the US congress is not banning TikTok. They demanding Bytedance divest. So if TikTok doesn’t divest it’s Bytedance that’s banning TikTok from Americans.

That's what I hate about the Chinese. They seem to go out of their way not to call something what is because they think it’s going to make them look like they’re taking the low road or they’re afraid of offending the other side meaning the established “white” authority that Chinese are taught to respect no matter what. It’s racism and white supremacy at work. They admit to it when they have to bring out a non-white face to cover for them. The West portrays Chinese as evil. Why not call a spade a spade and say regularly the West is motivated by white domination of the world? You don’t have explain it. Just say it all the time in public forums. They’ll go crazy just like Blinken was panicking when China brought up George Floyd. The West is that sensitive and it tells you how the world doesn’t confront them at all over it.

Everyone is trying debate whether or not China has soft power or not. It’s no different how the West says China is not a superpower unless it does what the West says. I’ll tell you what says China is not a superpower. It’s how China does nothing when the West aids in genocide in Gaza while West accuses China genocide with no sort of bombing. China should be organizing countries for a complete boycott of the US until they force Israel to end its bombing campaign. Like the oil embargo of the 70s. The West doesn’t want to see other countries doing the very sanctioning they do on them. When China does that to the West, that’s when China becomes a superpower.

You are actually mistakenly interpreting Chinese actions through a purely western lense, hell, it’s not even a western lense but a purely crude American one.

China doesn’t ‘call a spade a spade’ because it knows words have consequences. If you call something out explicitly and yet don’t do anything about it, all it does is make you look weak and impotent. What benefits do you get if you run your mouth off and is forced to take action you didn’t want to take just to not look weak? China doesn’t play such idiot games, which is why it doesn’t explicitly call something out unless and until it is ready to throw down over it.

If China is going out of its way to not call something out, it’s not because it doesn’t recognise what it is or even that it doesn’t have power to fight and win over it, but it is looking 10 steps ahead and decided now is not yet the best time to take action. And don’t fall for western propaganda in thinking it’s only China that works this way, all the great powers knows and plays this game to some extent. The biggest difference is that China’s system and leaders have the maturity and patience to play the long game while the west is dominated by impatient and immature hacks too easily goaded into making rash and unwise reactionary moves. The best the west can do is use spin and propaganda to try to make their weakness seem like a strength. It might make them feel better in the short term, but they are still loosing no matter how they spin it.

This isn’t white worshipping, it’s a tiny facet in explaining how Chinese culture has been so successful throughout history. It tries to be reasonable and accommodating whenever it can, because it values compromise and harmony over the longer term, and only fights when it cannot accept the alternative, rather than seeking conflict and dominion at every turn like the west.

The brash western way might appear to work better. But that is only because the viewer assesses that over a too short timeframe. The brash fake-it-till-you-make-it American bully boy tactic might work well in the short run, but it’s not a viable long-term strategy as you always find out eventually when you roll the dice too many times on fucking around.

Just look at America today. The self proclaimed sole superpower with by far the biggest military budget, a global network of military bases and a massive gang of allies and ‘friends’ running itself to exhaustion impotently swatting needlessly at every passing fly while fires rage all over its domain.

As for the genocide against the Palestinians. As tragic and abhorrent as that is, why is it China’s problem to fix? America has self declared itself as the law, and this is happening under its watch and with its active participation. China has already been uncharacteristically blunt and explicit in calling this atrocity out at the UN. But beyond that it has no obligation to go fight for the Palestinians, especially when the Arab and Muslim worlds take no action over this themselves. If the Arab and Muslim worlds want to stand up for the Palestinians, China will support them, but it’s not China’s burden to do the heavy lifting for them on this.


Registered Member
Imagine if the President of China can express an honest appraisal of what's happening in Gaza like this Malaysian P.M. recently did while on official visit to Germany.

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I just don't think the President of China himself is gonna get involved in any discussions about Israel - Palestine conflict. It's a very sensitive topic. Xi Jinping is the President of China. While he is a very powerful person, he is still beholden to the CPC and China first. So if there are any opinions, it would be a CPC decision about what that is, and would be conveyed via proper channels, like their diplomats. That is how the Chinese government works. Its a machinery made up of people, not a one-man show.

I don't view Xi Jinping as a charismatic politician. And that is not a negative thing for me. Not every great leader must be charismatic. He is doing his job better than the vast majority of world leaders out there. If he does that quietly, then so be it. He is a serious leader, and that is best for China.

Despite all the accusations by the haters that Xi Jinping is building a cult of personality, he has been very low profile. We don't see him posting stuff on social media. We don't see him getting into interviews with journalists. We don't see him pulling out PR stunts like flying in a strategic bomber, riding in a tank, swimming in ice water, scuba diving, or praying in some temple. Whatever we get is just some snippets of his life story. Xi Jinping had always presented himself as a part of the CPC and China, and never about himself first. I think he is much more respectable than the majority of world leaders out there.

Some countries need charismatic leaders to lead them. Because of their social, cultural, historical, and political circumstances. It is only once in a lifetime, that people finally find a charismatic leader who genuinely cares about the nation. People like Anwar Ibrahim or Putin. Most of the time, they're getting snakes like Modi, Erdogan, Marcos Jr, Trump, etc. People who are very good at talking are more often than not, untrustworthy snakes. If charisma is not a must have, then more genuine leaders could be found. It is fortunate that China has perfected a political system that does not necessitate needing charismatic leaders.
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Kek, I wonder what Blinken will say when Marcos beg for aid in SCS.
"Little Marco sit down and don't stir up more trouble for me. I already have enough on my plate with Ukraine, Israel and the Houthi. If you dare to make new trouble in SCS, you are on your own. Got it? For now just pretend you make up with the Chinese and as soon as we are done with our issues, we will start again our SCS agenda."

Calls Xi:
"Yes? Comrade Xi, actually Philippinos have Chinese heritage and blood, and tendencies for communism! We are all one family, let's not make things difficult between us, we are brothers after all. And about these SCS incidents, just some low-level officials acting without permission, I will reprimand them immediately! I promise it won't happen again"

Only Philippines think they are so smart and that Chinese are so stupid, that they fall for this crap. If Xi didn't get fooled on that magnificent Philippines' act (that fooled a lot of people here) with Duterte, ain't no way in hell he believes whatever bs Little Marco is saying


Lieutenant General
You are actually mistakenly interpreting Chinese actions through a purely western lense, hell, it’s not even a western lense but a purely crude American one.

China doesn’t ‘call a spade a spade’ because it knows words have consequences. If you call something out explicitly and yet don’t do anything about it, all it does is make you look weak and impotent. What benefits do you get if you run your mouth off and is forced to take action you didn’t want to take just to not look weak? China doesn’t play such idiot games, which is why it doesn’t explicitly call something out unless and until it is ready to throw down over it.

If China is going out of its way to not call something out, it’s not because it doesn’t recognise what it is or even that it doesn’t have power to fight and win over it, but it is looking 10 steps ahead and decided now is not yet the best time to take action. And don’t fall for western propaganda in thinking it’s only China that works this way, all the great powers knows and plays this game to some extent. The biggest difference is that China’s system and leaders have the maturity and patience to play the long game while the west is dominated by impatient and immature hacks too easily goaded into making rash and unwise reactionary moves. The best the west can do is use spin and propaganda to try to make their weakness seem like a strength. It might make them feel better in the short term, but they are still loosing no matter how they spin it.

This isn’t white worshipping, it’s a tiny facet in explaining how Chinese culture has been so successful throughout history. It tries to be reasonable and accommodating whenever it can, because it values compromise and harmony over the longer term, and only fights when it cannot accept the alternative, rather than seeking conflict and dominion at every turn like the west.

The brash western way might appear to work better. But that is only because the viewer assesses that over a too short timeframe. The brash fake-it-till-you-make-it American bully boy tactic might work well in the short run, but it’s not a viable long-term strategy as you always find out eventually when you roll the dice too many times on fucking around.

Just look at America today. The self proclaimed sole superpower with by far the biggest military budget, a global network of military bases and a massive gang of allies and ‘friends’ running itself to exhaustion impotently swatting needlessly at every passing fly while fires rage all over its domain.

As for the genocide against the Palestinians. As tragic and abhorrent as that is, why is it China’s problem to fix? America has self declared itself as the law, and this is happening under its watch and with its active participation. China has already been uncharacteristically blunt and explicit in calling this atrocity out at the UN. But beyond that it has no obligation to go fight for the Palestinians, especially when the Arab and Muslim worlds take no action over this themselves. If the Arab and Muslim worlds want to stand up for the Palestinians, China will support them, but it’s not China’s burden to do the heavy lifting for them on this.
Yeah and like I’ve said, sometimes the only way you can communicate with someone is to speak in their own language. Sino/US relations are at their worst since the darkest days of the Cold War. Since Chinese shun confrontation so much, it ain’t some Sun Tzusian move on the Chinese part and this is exactly where China wants the US where the majority of Americans see China as the enemy. A lot of China’s problems could have been mitigated if they spoke in the US’s language, i.e. George Floyd with Blinken. Instead Westerners think they’re the good guys without a thought because no one tells them otherwise therefore think they can lord over the world. It’s the West that should be put on the defensive.


Registered Member
Yeah and like I’ve said, sometimes the only way you can communicate with someone is to speak in their own language. Sino/US relations are at their worst since the darkest days of the Cold War. Since Chinese shun confrontation so much, it ain’t some Sun Tzusian move on the Chinese part and this is exactly where China wants the US where the majority of Americans see China as the enemy. A lot of China’s problems could have been mitigated if they spoke in the US’s language, i.e. George Floyd with Blinken. Instead Westerners think they’re the good guys without a thought because no one tells them otherwise therefore think they can lord over the world. It’s the West that should put on the defensive.
they just ban people that speak their language back to them, or they twist their words into "OmG tHeY aRe NaTiOnALiSt WoLf WaRriOrZ!!!111!" bullshit.

Remember Wuheqilin? How he got absolutely demonized to the degree that the PM of Australia himself went apeshit over a simple piece of digital art? And how nobody made fun of him for behaving like some 3rd world dictator, but were all outraged alongside him?



Registered Member
It has nothing to do with SWE, who are mostly worker bees, but the algorithm behind Tiktok. China has banned ByteDance from selling it or sharing it with foreigners.
I don’t understand why these anglos don’t use their evident white genetic superiority to out innovate Chinese, or use that famed ”Ashkenazi Jewish high IQ” to innovate better products. Surely, if they were confident in their own evident racial supremac, they shouldn’t have to act like a whiny little bitch who shrieks in pain as he strikes you.

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therapy for Gina would have been less deleterious to the decline of Anglo America.
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