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So you are saying this is actually a 4D chess. Dems know Republican will oppose anything they initiate, so they will be tougher on China and force Republicans to look soft.

Almost feels like a good plan except the whole young voters are predisposed to Democrates. Losing young voters might be a bigger problem than winning the tough on China voters.
I find it hard to believe that dems are gonna lose young votes to the republicans over a chinese app


Least cucked, least self loathing asian
The Japanese are the "honorary white men", no kidding.

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Most Americans believe this tbh. They (rightfully) think politicians are creating boogeymen but that at the end of the day they're still and always will be the best.
Reminds me of another ignoramus who can't figure out a single thing that China gives to the world.

"Interesting" argument. I have no comments.

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Well, call it the conspiracy theory, but I believe that the US and many other Western "democracies" are actually ruled by a cabal of international financiers and bankers (those who really control the financial capital) behind the scene and the presidential elections are just a charade.

Yup, one of the reasons to ban the TikTok is the antisemitic...er, anti-zonist content, as described by the CEO of the ADL.

I find it hard to believe that dems are gonna lose young votes to the republicans over a chinese app
Well, they have to cater to their biggest donors, young voters be damned.

BTW, TikTok isn't really a Chinese company.

The wisdom of some politicians in the US is really limitless: "TikTok is like a Chinese spy balloon in your phone".

This month is Ramadan. So Uyghurs are prohibited from fasting!


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Judge don't need to appease people. Once they are elected they are in. Politicians need to appease people to win the next election. Judge don't. Judges are selected based on their predisposition. If you know he is conservative, he will make conservative judgment without the need to appease anyone.
I'm basing my argument on the idea of having elections on an interval, not the current system.


Junior Member
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I find it hard to believe that dems are gonna lose young votes to the republicans over a chinese app
Four years ago I would have said the same thing.

Recently, I was on the subway in New York City and literally every single person around me was using TikTok. I could tell that they were using TikTok and not Reels or Shorts. The software engineers at Meta and YouTube aren't that great, so Reels and Shorts are terrible compared to TikTok and cannot compete with it unless it is banned. Among young people, TikTok is really, really popular. It would not be an exaggeration to say that for many young people, TikTok has replaced the television. Obviously this isn't a matter of life or death, but most young people really enjoy using TikTok. If the Democrats take that away, they'll lose a lot of votes.

I have a Korean TV and I use it pretty often. If the Democrats took my TV away, I would probably vote against them.


Junior Member
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Four years ago I would have said the same thing.

Recently, I was on the subway in New York City and literally every single person around me was using TikTok. I could tell that they were using TikTok and not Reels or Shorts. The software engineers at Meta and YouTube aren't that great, so Reels and Shorts are terrible compared to TikTok and cannot compete with it unless it is banned. Among young people, TikTok is really, really popular. It would not be an exaggeration to say that for many young people, TikTok has replaced the television. Obviously this isn't a matter of life or death, but most young people really enjoy using TikTok. If the Democrats take that away, they'll lose a lot of votes.

I have a Korean TV and I use it pretty often. If the Democrats took my TV away, I would probably vote against them.
I get what you mean, but idk, nowadays people get over stuff pretty quickly, e.g. the abortion thing, it was talked about as if the second french revolution was upon us, and it fizzled out anyway

the way I see it, chinese administrators are more interested in finding a deal, I'd be very surprised if they let it just burn instead of selling it to an american company
if it just switches owners, users will only be mildly inconvenienced


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Super Moderator
Four years ago I would have said the same thing.

Recently, I was on the subway in New York City and literally every single person around me was using TikTok. I could tell that they were using TikTok and not Reels or Shorts. The software engineers at Meta and YouTube aren't that great, so Reels and Shorts are terrible compared to TikTok and cannot compete with it unless it is banned. Among young people, TikTok is really, really popular. It would not be an exaggeration to say that for many young people, TikTok has replaced the television. Obviously this isn't a matter of life or death, but most young people really enjoy using TikTok. If the Democrats take that away, they'll lose a lot of votes.

I have a Korean TV and I use it pretty often. If the Democrats took my TV away, I would probably vote against them.

It has nothing to do with SWE, who are mostly worker bees, but the algorithm behind Tiktok. China has banned ByteDance from selling it or sharing it with foreigners.


Lieutenant General
Got this idea about the coming TikTok ban law from the US Congress, and I believe it is all bullshit.

I am not a lawyer, so it takes a while for me to figure out what they are saying in plain English, or lawyerly English.

There is a difference between the words, "Ban," and, "Unavailable."

The US Congress legislation pertaining to TikTok, does not "ban" TikTok, it makes TikTok "unavailable" because it would be difficult to find and download.

TikTok would be unavailable for download from Google Play and Apple servers.

The US Congress, being all lawyers, know they cannot ban TikTok, because trying to ban TikTok has be struck down three times, the precedent has been set, and the judges threw it out so quickly that that is a legal dead end. No TikTok ban is possible because of the US Constitution, the highest law in the land.

What I understand of the current legislation, is that TikTok is not being banned, just that it would be illegal for Goggle Play and Apple to offer it for download.

Banning TikTok is not legal according to the courts. Preventing Goggle Play or Apple offering TikTok for download, does not infringe on the Americans First Amendment Rights, the right to free speech.

So that is the bottom line to this. TikTok cannot be banned in America due to the First Amendment. But there is a legal gray zone there, maybe they can prevent Goggle Play or Apple from distributing it.

What is the difference, we might wonder?

Well, this is why this is all bullshit.

Obviously when this goes in front of a judge, they will ask the same thing.

The US government does not want to ban TikTok, because that is against the US Constitution, but making TikTok unavailable for download is not against the US Constitution. At least not yet.

If the judge in this case axes the government lawyers, what is them difference sounds like them same difference, got to expect some weasel words coming out of their mouths.

If anyone wonder why the American people elected Trump in the first place, following this TikTok story, shows why.

What the hell are they doing?

Those US politicians should ax their voters what they want.

The voters do not want a TikTok ban!

Give the people what they don't want, while knowing it is illegal to do that, and this gray zone lawyering is not going to work on some judge, it is not going work on anybody with a couple of active brain cells.

Rule of law!

Today, the US congress has a non white face all over the news defending the ban on TikTok in Congressman Ritchie Torres. He’s trying to spin that the US congress is not banning TikTok. They demanding Bytedance divest. So if TikTok doesn’t divest it’s Bytedance that’s banning TikTok from Americans.

That's what I hate about the Chinese. They seem to go out of their way not to call something what is because they think it’s going to make them look like they’re taking the low road or they’re afraid of offending the other side meaning the established “white” authority that Chinese are taught to respect no matter what. It’s racism and white supremacy at work. They admit to it when they have to bring out a non-white face to cover for them. The West portrays Chinese as evil. Why not call a spade a spade and say regularly the West is motivated by white domination of the world? You don’t have explain it. Just say it all the time in public forums. They’ll go crazy just like Blinken was panicking when China brought up George Floyd. The West is that sensitive and it tells you how the world doesn’t confront them at all over it.

Everyone is trying debate whether or not China has soft power or not. It’s no different how the West says China is not a superpower unless it does what the West says. I’ll tell you what says China is not a superpower. It’s how China does nothing when the West aids in genocide in Gaza while West accuses China genocide with no sort of bombing. China should be organizing countries for a complete boycott of the US until they force Israel to end its bombing campaign. Like the oil embargo of the 70s. The West doesn’t want to see other countries doing the very sanctioning they do on them. When China does that to the West, that’s when China becomes a superpower.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Everyone is trying debate whether or not China has soft power or not. It’s no different how the West says China is not a superpower unless it does what the West says. I’ll tell you what says China is not a superpower. It’s how China does nothing when the West aids in genocide in Gaza while West accuses China genocide with no sort of bombing. China should be organizing countries for a complete boycott of the US until they force Israel to end its bombing campaign. Like the oil embargo of the 70s. The West doesn’t want to see other countries doing the very sanctioning they do on them. When does that to the West, that’s when China becomes a superpower.
100% agree. I would definitely like to see more asssertive approach from China when it comes to diplomacy/foreign policy. I observe that China is always defending itself against the baseless accusations coming from US/EU. Never does China try to launch diplomatic attacks on the West despite having plenty of ammunition to do so. Why not draft UN resolution condemning illegal US occupation of Syria for example ?

Also I would add that in my view China cannot be considered a superpower until Taiwan province question has been resolved once and for all.