Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
This is another version of "It's super complicated, just trust me"?
yes things are complicated thats why i dont write long paragraphs and there is no photos i can find to explain complicated phenomena.
So either way, America caused the EU economy to go down. Either it did it by cutting its ability to get oil from Russia and goods from China or it did it by withdrawing its own lifelines. It's just a matter of direct or indirect damage. Either way, Europe's economy is in trouble and it's America's doing. That's what they get for willingly submitting themselves to subjugation.
American cause EU economy to go down. lol. did you ask real experts?. These Gulf Emirates have amassed trillions in an American system despite funding wars (read that MBS interview with Foxnews) and giving donations to billions of people even include Universities and R&D in West. These people know things that you will be surprized and Europe is no exception. bankrupt societies in west should be glad that there were people who were storing wealth that can be reinvested.
Nonsense about green colors and "soft power" that was already debunked. Incoherent; does not merit rebuttal.
Its all about Green Colors. i am surpized i keep repeating it and you still not getting it. and these people look much deeper into societies and also want to know whether coming generation people are interested in products which can provide protection and suppression.



Junior Member
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Why are the Dems banning Tiktok and alienating young voters on an election year? Are they stupid?
The Jewish lobby in DC is unhappy about the fact that they don't control TikTok (and Twitter). Since the attacks on October 7th, there has been a surge of pro-Palestinian content on TikTok because a lot of people despise the Israeli people for slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinian people. They're trying to force Bytedance to sell TikTok's US operations to a Jewish-controlled company because then they can systematically get rid of any content that is critical of any Jewish person. They already do this on other Jewish-owned platforms like YouTube and Instagram. For instance, if you mention the fact that the Opium Wars were facilitated by the Iraqi-Jewish Sassoon family on a Jewish-owned platform, you'll be accused of antisemitism and silenced. You can't mention that Epstein and Weinstein were Jewish because apparently that makes you an antisemite. You can't even mention the fact that Jewish people control most of the major media companies in the US. I almost got banned on SDF of all places for saying that! Chinese censorship is peanuts compared to Jewish censorship. If TikTok ends up in the hands of a Jewish-controlled company, you will no longer be able to criticize Israel for slaughtering innocent women and children.

Anti-Jewish sentiment is called antisemitism and not Judeophobia because there is nothing irrational about anti-Jewish sentiment. Jewish censorship is a serious problem in the West.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The Jewish lobby in DC is unhappy about the fact that they don't control TikTok (and Twitter). Since the attacks on October 7th, there has been a surge of pro-Palestinian content on TikTok because a lot of people despise the Israeli people for slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinian people. They're trying to force Bytedance to sell TikTok's US operations to a Jewish-controlled company because then they can systematically get rid of any content that is critical of any Jewish person. They already do this on other Jewish-owned platforms like YouTube and Instagram. For instance, if you mention the fact that the Opium Wars were facilitated by the Iraqi-Jewish Sassoon family on a Jewish-owned platform, you'll be accused of antisemitism and silenced. You can't mention that Epstein and Weinstein were Jewish because apparently that makes you an antisemite. You can't even mention the fact that Jewish people control most of the major media companies in the US. I almost got banned on SDF of all places for saying that! Chinese censorship is peanuts compared to Jewish censorship. If TikTok ends up in the hands of a Jewish-controlled company, you will no longer be able to criticize Israel for slaughtering innocent women and children.

Anti-Jewish sentiment is called antisemitism and not Judeophobia because there is nothing irrational about anti-Jewish sentiment. Jewish censorship is a serious problem in the West.
IDF recording their warcrimes on Tiktok are Hamas.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Reading the bill as it is written right now, here's what I think is going to happen: It’s going to pass Congress, signed into law. Then a federal judge will issue a preliminary injunction blocking it on first amendment grounds just like what happened both times with the Montana ban in 2023 and trumps executive order in 2020.

So if they really want to force a sale or ban it, they would have to create the conditions necessary so that the judge can't strike it down via 1A. This bill is more competently drafted than Trump's team attempt (it specifically names Bytedance for example) but nothing so far indicates that it won't go down the path described above -- so far. Will be a shitshow for sure.
Yep, the courts will put a pause the ban on it as it's unconstitutional and violation of first amendment, drag on for years.
Congress and Biden appears "tough", and people will forget about it after the election.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Why are the Dems banning Tiktok and alienating young voters on an election year? Are they stupid?
Republicans are perceived to be tougher on China than Democrats. This move gives them the ammo to argue otherwise. Honestly, if you've seen the latest polls, Americans hate China - been conditioned to do so from mainstream media - so it's great to be seen as the tougher party vs. China.


Registered Member
Playing Devil's Advocate, people voting in judges could rapidly lead to the tyranny of the majority. Look at Florida and several other conservative states. Thanks to their racist majority they were able to push unfounded Yellow Peril bills in regards to property ownership. Politicians already caused significant damage to certain groups in order to appease their voter base even if the voter base is ultimately wrong. I do not want to imagine what would a judge do to appease their voter base to get elected.
Judge don't need to appease people. Once they are elected they are in. Politicians need to appease people to win the next election. Judge don't. Judges are selected based on their predisposition. If you know he is conservative, he will make conservative judgment without the need to appease anyone.


Registered Member
Republicans are perceived to be tougher on China than Democrats. This move gives them the ammo to argue otherwise. Honestly, if you've seen the latest polls, Americans hate China - been conditioned to do so from mainstream media - so it's great to be seen as the tougher party vs. China.
There is only 1 thing stopping them from launching a war.

Basically they would if they could but can't so they don't.

To say this requires knowledge of intent. Luckily they've already broadcast their intent. So the only question is then one of capability.


Registered Member
Republicans are perceived to be tougher on China than Democrats. This move gives them the ammo to argue otherwise. Honestly, if you've seen the latest polls, Americans hate China - been conditioned to do so from mainstream media - so it's great to be seen as the tougher party vs. China.
So you are saying this is actually a 4D chess. Dems know Republican will oppose anything they initiate, so they will be tougher on China and force Republicans to look soft.

Almost feels like a good plan except the whole young voters are predisposed to Democrates. Losing young voters might be a bigger problem than winning the tough on China voters.