Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Nope. Still blocked. Great Firewall of America is slowly but surely coming

That is why this all bullshit.

They cannot ban TikTok directly, because that has been struck down due to the First Amendment, pertaining to free speech.

So they are going to shut down TikTok, which is to say they will not ban TikTok, but they will make TikTok unavailable. Here is my long ass rant about it, hehe,

The trial judge is allowed to ask questions.

What if the judge asks, since this is not a ban on TikTok instead this is making TikTok unavailable, "What is the difference?"

The Americans, especially those in power, seem to be in a panic over this TikTok thing. They seem so unsure of themselves.

Freedom, and freedom of speech, use to be so good. Now they want to ban freedom of speech, because it is bad.

I mean, the whole idea of freedom of speech, is to allow others to say, what they want to say, and not whether we agree or disagree with that speech.

Ministry of Truth, here we come!

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Registered Member
FBI can take control of the domain.

I wonder if anyone here has taken a screenshot of those FBI warnings after they had shut down some hapless pirate site, LOL!


If they do that, America is not exactly America anymore.

Many people will say, where have you been, America been like that for ages!

This could be the final nail in that coffin.

The Americans like Biden and the political class, want to promote democracy and promote their values.

They will skewered their own freedom of speech values over TikTok.

Street cred takes a while to build up.

Then when someone blows it, it does not come back, if at all. More likely they probably will be whacked.

Like that Boeing guy in the parking lot.



Lieutenant General
I am of opinion at certain point a war is benefitial to China. Say 2035. It is not a matter of hard power disparity. It is a matter of attitude. British has not lost a major war in the past hundred years, so it still act smug despite being weak as shit. By 2035 US will be weak as shit relatively, but rest assured their confidence on China will not waver even when country is falling apart. If you want these Chihuahua stop making noise the correct response is to kick it, not just being stronger. Same reason by all measure of hardpower Taiwan and South Korea, Japan are insignificant, but still act smug around China. Good thing for them, they dont need to be attacked. A show of force on weakened 2035 US is enough.

You are forgetting about nukes. Any direct clash between China and America has a real risk of escalating into nuclear war. For that reason alone, while China will not be cowed by this risk to avoid conflict at unacceptable costs or if America truly crosses a red line or directly attacks, it won’t proactively seek a direct war against America short of that because China’s leaders are too responsible and rational to take that risk unnecessarily.

That means in my view, it’s actually much more likely that if China is forced to fight a war, it will be against an US vassal. Indeed, that is actually paradoxically one of the most likely scenarios for both how China and America might avoid direct war, or get suck into one. Which path the two will do end up heading down will depend on a massive amount of factors, but a key determinant factor will be how well or badly the PLA perform in any actual war.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Secondly, and more importantly, the US succeeding in that theft (that's what it is), would mean that Chinese enterprises are now in the chopping block for Western countries to steal from them. This is absolutely impossible for China to tolerate. Imagine all these BRI projects. Now imagine the West going to all these countries saying "you can steal Chinese developed assets". It may sound far-fetched, but that's the inevitable end-point of allowing theft of your assets.
I agree with MelianPretext's assessment and yours, I agree that this is a scenario that chinese leaders want to avoid, not to mention the possible loss of tiktok's algorithm.

it's just that imo, if china does not acquiesce to this seizure, it radically shortens the roadmap to physical war, and I don't think zhongnanhai is too keen on that at this point in time

maybe my opinion is wildly inaccurate, and war is just a remote possibility given the material/industrial circumstances of many possible players (e.g. europe), but I'm seeing a lot of signs that the american effort to completely defeat china is slowly but surely ramping up to a point of no return, and this time they're also operating in tandem with its allies (eu conducting an investigation into china's EVs: europe's own version of this tiktok thing in the us. it seems to me as if china's mercantilist practices have never been that much of a problem since its admission to wto, but now, suddenly, they are. is it made in china 2025 that scared the s**t out of them? did it start before? idk)

for example, I've always thought that semiconductors sanctions are pointless if you don't physically reset china's ability to research and innovate; china has the market and the talent pool to eventually come up with an indigenous EUV solution, so what's the point of sanctioning them? imo they make sense if you already know that in a couple of years you're planning to bomb the s**t out of their research facilities