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WASHINGTON, March 14 - Two years into office, President Donald Trump authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to launch a clandestine campaign on Chinese social media aimed at turning public opinion in China against its government, according to former U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the highly classified operation.
Three former officials told Reuters that the CIA created a small team of operatives who used bogus internet identities to spread negative narratives about Xi Jinping’s government while leaking disparaging intelligence to overseas news outlets. The effort, which began in 2019, has not been previously reported.
During the past decade, China has rapidly expanded its global footprint, forging military pacts, trade deals, and business partnerships with developing nations.
The CIA team promoted allegations that members of the ruling Communist Party were hiding ill-gotten money overseas and slammed as corrupt and wasteful China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which provides financing for infrastructure projects in the developing world, the sources told Reuters. Although the U.S. officials declined to provide specific details of these operations, they said the disparaging narratives were based in fact despite being secretly released by intelligence operatives under false cover. The efforts within China were intended to foment paranoia among top leaders there, forcing its government to expend resources chasing intrusions into Beijing’s tightly controlled internet, two former officials said. “We wanted them chasing ghosts,” one of these former officials said. Chelsea Robinson, a CIA spokesperson, declined to comment on the existence of the influence program, its goals or impacts.
A spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said news of the CIA initiative shows the U.S. government uses the “public opinion space and media platforms as weapons to spread false information and manipulate international public opinion.”
The CIA operation came in response to years of aggressive covert efforts by China aimed at increasing its global influence, the sources said. During his presidency, Trump pushed a tougher response to China than had his predecessors. The CIA’s campaign signaled a return to methods that marked Washington’s struggle with the former Soviet Union. “The Cold War is back,” said Tim Weiner, author of a book on the history of political warfare. Reuters was unable to determine the impact of the secret operations or whether the administration of President Joe Biden has maintained the CIA program. Kate Waters, a spokesperson for the Biden administration’s National Security Council, declined to comment on the program’s existence or whether it remains active. Two intelligence historians told Reuters that when the White House grants the CIA covert action authority, through an order known as a presidential finding, it often remains in place across administrations. Trump, now the Republican frontrunner for president, has suggested he will take an even tougher approach toward China if re-elected president in November. Spokespeople for Trump and his former national security advisers, John Bolton and Robert O’Brien, who both served the year the covert action order was signed, declined to comment.
The operation against Beijing came with significant risk of escalating tensions with the United States, given the power of China's economy and its ability to retaliate through trade, said Paul Heer, a former senior CIA analyst on East Asia who learned of the presidential authorization from Reuters. For example, after Australia called for an investigation inside China probing the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Beijing blocked billions of dollars in Australian trade through agricultural tariffs.
Trump’s 2019 order came after years of warnings from the U.S. intelligence community, and media reports, about how China was using bribery and threats to obtain support from developing countries in geopolitical disputes as it attempted to sow division in the United States through front groups.
China’s Foreign Ministry said Beijing follows a “principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and does not interfere in the domestic affairs of the United States.”
A year earlier, Trump gave the CIA greater powers to launch offensive cyber operations against U.S. adversaries after numerous Russian and Chinese cyber attacks against American organizations,
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. Reuters could not independently confirm the existence of the earlier order.
Sources described the 2019 authorization uncovered by Reuters as a more ambitious operation. It enabled the CIA to take action not only in China but also in countries around the world where the United States and China are competing for influence. Four former officials said the operation targeted public opinion in Southeast Asia, Africa and the South Pacific.
“The feeling was China was coming at us with steel baseball bats and we were fighting back with wooden ones,” said a former national security official with direct knowledge of the finding.
Matt Pottinger, a senior National Security Council official at the time, crafted the authorization, three former officials said. It cited Beijing’s alleged use of malign influence, allegations of intellectual property theft and military expansion as threats to U.S. national security, one of those former officials said.
Pottinger told Reuters he would not comment on the “accuracy or inaccuracy of allegations about U.S. intelligence activities,” adding that “it would be incorrect to assume that I would have had knowledge of specific U.S. intelligence operations.”
Covert messaging allows the United States to implant ideas in countries where censorship might prevent that information from coming to light, or in areas where audiences wouldn’t give much credence to U.S. government statements, said Loch Johnson, a University of Georgia political scientist who studies the use of such tactics.
Covert propaganda campaigns were common during the Cold War, when the CIA planted 80 to 90 articles a day in an effort to undermine the Soviet Union, Johnson said. In the 1950s, for example, the CIA created an astrological magazine in East Germany to publish foreboding predictions about communist leaders, according to declassified records.
The covert propaganda campaign against Beijing could backfire, said Heer, the former CIA analyst. China could use evidence of a CIA influence program to bolster its decades-old accusations of shadowy Western subversion, helping Beijing “proselytize” in a developing world already deeply suspicious of Washington.
The message would be: “‘Look at the United States intervening in the internal affairs of other countries and rejecting the principles of peaceful coexistence,’” Heer said. “And there are places in the world where that is going to be a resonant message.”
U.S. influence operations also risk endangering dissidents, opposition groups critical of China and independent journalists, who could be falsely painted as CIA assets, said Thomas Rid, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who wrote a book on the history of political warfare.


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I just don't think the President of China himself is gonna get involved in any discussions about Israel - Palestine conflict. It's a very sensitive topic. Xi Jinping is the President of China. While he is a very powerful person, he is still beholden to the CPC and China first. So if there are any opinions, it would be a CPC decision about what that is, and would be conveyed via proper channels, like their diplomats. That is how the Chinese government works. Its a machinery made up of people, not a one-man show.

I don't view Xi Jinping as a charismatic politician. And that is not a negative thing for me. Not every great leader must be charismatic. He is doing his job better than the vast majority of world leaders out there. If he does that quietly, then so be it. He is a serious leader, and that is best for China.

Despite all the accusations by the haters that Xi Jinping is building a cult of personality, he has been very low profile. We don't see him posting stuff on social media. We don't see him getting into interviews with journalists. We don't see him pulling out PR stunts like flying in a strategic bomber, riding in a tank, swimming in ice water, scuba diving, or praying in some temple. Whatever we get is just some snippets of his life story. Xi Jinping had always presented himself as a part of the CPC and China, and never about himself first. I think he is much more respectable than the majority of world leaders out there.

Some countries need charismatic leaders to lead them. Because of their social, cultural, historical, and political circumstances. It is only once in a lifetime, that people finally find a charismatic leader who genuinely cares about the nation. People like Anwar Ibrahim or Putin. Most of the time, they're getting snakes like Modi, Erdogan, Marcos Jr, Trump, etc. People who are very good at talking are more often than not, untrustworthy snakes. If charisma is not a must have, then more genuine leaders could be found. It is fortunate that China has perfected a political system that does not necessitate needing charismatic leaders.
My suggestion was not for the current leader (GenSec Xi) but the leader(s) of tomorrow when China's status as the pre-eminent power is beyond reproach.

I should have qualified my post but I do agree with the points you made and especially @plawolf


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Two years into office, President Donald Trump authorized the CIA to launch a clandestine campaign on Chinese social media to try to turn public opinion in China against the government, according to former US officials

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Most Chinese don't believe this, this is what Comrade Trump calls FAKE NEWS!

Pretty relevant opinion piece that recently came out. Helped my understanding of the previous drama at VOA.
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Bobby Kotick Wants To Buy TikTok As Potential Ban Looms​

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Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is interested in buying TikTok​

Ives, the tech analyst, said he sees a 25% chance that the TikTok legislation ultimately becomes law, forcing a sale of the company. He said countless parties are undoubtedly considering making an offer to buy TikTok should it go up for sale.

“It’s sharks. They see blood in the water,” he said.

However, the more likely buyer, according to Ives, would be a tech giant like Microsoft or Oracle, which already has a relationship with TikTok, and not a financial player like Mnuchin.


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That's just the part they were willing to share with the press. What they probably won't tell are the more direct CIA clandestine operations such as the HK colour revolution project, and propping up the DPP in Taiwan.

The CIA are pure evil. They have historically carried out clandestine biological and chemical attacks. So I'm highly suspicious that the CIA carried out the twin bio-attack of African Swine Fever and Covid-19. Those epidemics appeared very conveniently during Trump's trade war on China. I wonder why super viruses are a little quiet now, after the US's biolabs in Ukraine had been busted.

While CIA operations in China had been largely dismantled, things are gonna heat up again when Trump returns to office. China should especially keep an eye for attempted terrorism or another bio-attack.


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Three Taiwanese drunk chads beat up three US Special Forces trainers at a "massage" shop in PengHu.



yes things are complicated thats why i dont write long paragraphs and there is no photos i can find to explain complicated phenomena.
Usually, when people can't explain something, they just shut up. This is applicable to your situation.
American cause EU economy to go down.
did you ask real experts?.
Yes, that's the concensus. Who would these "real experts" be? You? People who you know but can't be published? LOL
These Gulf Emirates have amassed trillions in an American system despite funding wars (read that MBS interview with Foxnews) and giving donations to billions of people even include Universities and R&D in West. These people know things that you will be surprized and Europe is no exception. bankrupt societies in west should be glad that there were people who were storing wealth that can be reinvested.
Nope, off topic. You have a middle-eastern obsession that is tantamount to brain rot.
Its all about Green Colors.
On Saint Patrick's Day it is. Not any other time.
i am surpized i keep repeating it and you still not getting it.
How many times have you been surprised that nobody else here gets you? Crazy people don't know they're crazy. But if you think everyone else is crazy.... that's a sign.
and these people look much deeper into societies and also want to know whether coming generation people are interested in products which can provide protection and suppression.

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Nope, random irrelevant pictures again. No value.