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Kuznetov is very reliable carrier for its age. Russia does not spend on its maintenance and training needed for long sustain voyages.
In Syria it went with complex airwing of Su-33, MIG-29K and Ka-52K (Strike sorties aka bomb laden they counted 420 with 127 night with 4 targets per sortie) against Syria and quick pilot recovery after crash landings. and another large scale training Exercises next to Libya to demonstrate to Libya Haftar and he was brought on board.. If Carrier was really effective tool in Mideast than priority on Carrier building and operations will be much higher. and it is not just this Carrier. Russia also sent that Tu-214R twice and as they wanted to intercept some thing to enhance confidence in the region on them. pay attention to word confidence. Those residing in Mideast have intelligence observation.
Su-33 were equiped with wing tip pods.
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View attachment 126466

I think describing the service life of Kuznetsov as anything more than a tragicomedy is already being quite generous, but calling it reliable for its age and describing its Syrian deployment as anything resembling a success is wild.


Registered Member
I think describing the service life of Kuznetsov as anything more than a tragicomedy is already being quite generous, but calling it reliable for its age and describing its Syrian deployment as anything resembling a success is wild.
really how? the numbers are published and distance/ duration of voyage is known.


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Trump is basically Tiktok's only ally here. I think there's a high chance it will go through, notwithstanding first amendment challenges
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It's actually pretty clear why he reversed his stance on TikTok: to get votes. And once he has them, he will get rid of TikTok in one way or another. Empty promises while campaigning are a hallmark of politicians. If the response from citizens is too rowdy, then another change of face will calm their nerves.

It is a grave test for the civil servants (courts, judges, etc). How much autonomy do they have and how much unbiased freedom do they really possess to counter unconstitutional legislations enacted by governments. Being too lenient here can jeopardize their own legitimacy.

Let's not forget again, however, that a much more severe and gross violation of the US constitution had already passed not too long ago in the form of the Patriot Act, where the civil servants failed miserably (or even supported it). This TikTok issue is peanuts in comparison. But that was right after 9/11 when the country was in a state of indignant delirium, perceiving an external threat. This time the fury is internal. I don't expect the (real) government to back down on removing TikTok, thus will require something more major to act as a credible incentive (false flag).


Lieutenant General
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really how? the numbers are published and distance/ duration of voyage is known.

The losses of aircraft during that deployment and having to base them on land due to issues with the aviation facilities on the aircraft, do not make it a distinguish it as a very successful deployment.

I mean, I give it credit for being able to do the journey at all.


Registered Member
The losses of aircraft during that deployment and having to base them on land due to issues with the aviation facilities on the aircraft, do not make it a distinguish it as a very successful deployment.

I mean, I give it credit for being able to do the journey at all.
those things are already taken into account that this will happen when this scale of voyage is done after long break and new aircraft / crew tested. what counts are strike sorties. This carrier had specific task to demonstrate things in that region. like Naval version of MIG-29M2 whose head got an award. if some thing below expectations than you will hear it many ways from those who does matter in that region and they know alot about carrier operations. and they have confidence with Russia on large Naval projects like those Nuclear Icebreakers.

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Disclosure of the use of Ka-52K combat helicopters in Syria​

“In combat conditions, new models of aviation equipment were tested


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China, Taiwan, and Core of Vatican Diplomacy​

When it comes to the Holy See, neither Taipei’s nor Beijing’s typical tactics for wooing diplomatic allies are effective.
In 2018, the Vatican and China signed a provisional agreement on the appointment of bishops, which was initially set to last for two years. When this interim agreement was extended for the first time in 2020, rumors circulated in the media that the negotiation process included plans to establish a “papal liaison office.” In the spring of 2024, the Holy See will again enter into negotiations for further discussions and planning for the upcoming two-year period.
In fact, the Vatican is keen on signing bilateral agreements with various countries. Since the 18th century, the Holy See has signed a total of 266 agreements, most of which are still in effect. More than half of these agreements were signed after the Second Vatican Council in the 20th century. Through these international legal documents, the Holy See has been able to safeguard its own interests while also embedding Catholic values into the domestic laws of various countries.
The appointment of bishops is a key issue in such bilateral agreements. Even when signing agreements with predominantly Catholic countries, the Holy See also includes clauses regarding “appointments of church personnel,” which typically contain two major concepts: first, that secular states respect the authority of the Pope to appoint personnel at all levels within the Church, and second, that the Catholic Church, out of respect for secular states, will notify the local authorities before announcing new bishop appointments. In that regard, the temporary agreement between the Vatican and Beijing on the appointment of bishops is no exception. It revolves around how these two major concepts can be demonstrated while respecting each other.

The current pope seems very China friendly. Taiwan might get some surprises ahead.
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China, Taiwan, and Core of Vatican Diplomacy​

When it comes to the Holy See, neither Taipei’s nor Beijing’s typical tactics for wooing diplomatic allies are effective.

The current pope seems very China friendly. Taiwan might get some surprises ahead.
The church needs new more converts and ¥¥ to their coffers from all the money they spent on their rapist priests, archbishops. Plus, the Catholic Church was also used and utilized fully by Western intelligence agencies against then Soviet Russia. I don't like religion, especially organized religion like the church who's had long history of dabbling in politics, sex, and geopolitics. It's one of the primary reasons why the framers of the American constitution (Thomas Jefferson) framed the language in the 1st amendment of their constitution stating:

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits Congress from making laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This amendment is foundational in protecting freedoms related to religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition the government.

If the Catholics want to exercise their religion, sure please go ahead, but they must be vetted and pay taxes just like any other business that profits from the general public, that uses infrastructures that tax payers and citizens paid into. That goes for ALL ESTABLISHED RELIGIONS, Islam included.