Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Regarding TikTok... They're so worried about some secret spyware in TikTok but they're okay with Bytedance just selling its stake in it. They haven't found any Chinese nefarious program yet they believe it's in there hidden anyway waiting to be exploited and they're okay with Bytedance just selling its stake.

I hope they don't divest and just let TikTok get banned. The only reason why they want Bytedance to divest is so some lobbying American company takes over and makes all the money. The reason why the US has a long history of wanting everything privatized especially in other countries is because US/ Western countries had the advantage because they had the money to buy everything out and take control. There would no domestic companies because they were all bought out by Westerners. Now they don't talk about it that much anymore because there's countries like China to compete against them.


Registered Member
They want to ban TikTok from app stores operated by American companies Apple and Google, which essentially is a worldwide ban.

I thought I read somewhere that they wanted to outlaw Apple and Google from allowing TikTok to be downloaded by Americans, but outside of the US, anyone else can download it.

IMHO, this law does not have a chance, and I ain't no lawyer or anything.

What happens in a courtroom in America or Canada, is exactly what we see on TV shows.

The judge will ask the government lawyer, how is this not an infringement on free speech, enshrined in the highest law of the land in America.

The government lawyer will only have some weasel words to say.

Then the judge, if they want to continue, could ask the government lawyer why has similar legislation and executive orders been struck down three times already, and it is different this time?

Judges are there for a reason, they are suppose to be the best of the best of that profession.

A lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Or something like that, forget the exact words, lol.



Registered Member
He's right in a sense. It is a major major major problem ... for genocidal psychopaths like himself.

I knew TikTok played a major role in disseminating the reality of Israel in ways that have always been suppressed by all other media platforms including YouTube. Therefore, TikTok is indeed a massive problem for both American and Israeli propaganda. It nullifies their conventional information warfare tactics. Therefore, TikTok has to go [their perspective].

This is my 2 cents on the culture wars.

First, I would like to say something.

I actually like anglo culture.

So when I read comments in this forum about anglo this or angle that, I do not agree.

This is what I like about anglo culture. The anglos still uphold the spirit of fair play. They believe in fair play.

I do not like most other Europeans places, I think those countries are shit.

If you are minority person and want to immigrate, head to an anglo countries and not some other one in Europe. Anglo countries still believe in fair play.


Now, listening to you younger guys, I came to realize something about anglo culture.

Why do the anglo still believe in fair play?

Because it is totally apparent, that deep down, the anglos also know they are the biggest and most pompous hypocrites around. They are worst than those other shit European countries.

(That Canadian spy story regarding Micheal is a good example.)

But the anglos believe in fair play, and will accept the verdict of the court.

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Note that, this only applies inside the borders of an anglo country and not outside of it.

I think that is mainly because the anglos have a hierarchy view of things.

That is exactly the same as the Chinese, who have a hierarchy view of things.

However, the difference is that the anglo believe what they do, and want to impose their way onto others, while the Chinese who believe in what they do, do not give a shit about your shit country, Chinese are happy that way with China.



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White American adaptations of Asian art and film eg dragonball, ninjas, 3 body problem must abide by the white suoremacist ideal of emasculating the Asian enemy. This is what an “all of society” race war looks like,

re TikTok, I’m reminded of how Ren zhengfei, the Huawei CEO was being made aware of Alstom and the American mafia tactics of stealing companies and threatening board members.
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The Americans are counting on ppl ”forgetting” due to their control over their media. TikTok threatens that control hence why they want to do an “Alstom”, even worse, TikTok will refuse to allow white Anglo Zionist crimes go unreported and unanswered, Tiktok should fight, and it is good that they immediately told their users to dial their representative, “political interference” be damned. US congress didn’t do shit re Facebook in the “russiagate” hacks so why should it matter for TikTok? It’s basically white supremacists stealing from Chinese all over again.

The myth of white supremacy is the state religion of the west, it’s why Chinese science and tech frightens the west so.
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Libertarian Elon musk who once laughed at the prospect of BYD competing against Tesla is now becoming a communist and demanding state capitalism tariffs from the USG

This is my 2 cents on the culture wars.

First, I would like to say something.

I actually like anglo culture.

So when I read comments in this forum about anglo this or angle that, I do not agree.

This is what I like about anglo culture. The anglos still uphold the spirit of fair play. They believe in fair play.

I do not like most other Europeans places, I think those countries are shit.

If you are minority person and want to immigrate, head to an anglo countries and not some other one in Europe. Anglo countries still believe in fair play.

Now, listening to you younger guys, I came to realize something about anglo culture.

Why do the anglo still believe in fair play?

Because it is totally apparent, that deep down, the anglos also know they are the biggest and most pompous hypocrites around. They are worst than those other shit European countries.

(That Canadian spy story regarding Micheal is a good example.)

But the anglos believe in fair play, and will accept the verdict of the court.
You should live around more anglos. On an individual level, the average Anglo American/australian etc is not going to be a rabid goose stepping moron, but in the privacy of a 4chan board or amongst other white anglos, the racism will come out,

It comes out in the form of networks and understandings not to promote asians in the corporate office, to sabotage Asian efforts because of a belief that an Asian succeeding means a white Anglo lost something. This is inherent of their piratical racial philosophy.
The shrieking by Anglo media re Chinese investors in the property market is one example of that Anglo insecurity despite statistic’s demonstrating Chinese effect on the real estate market is minor.

Whenever I go back to Taiwan, I am reminded of the naïveté of Chinese people who rarely encounter such specimens of “Anglo fair play”. Anglos will be the first to claim they are for fairness and egalitarianism but will enact barriers against Asian students and families and bully and attribute malice to ordinary Asian’s who are simply living their lives eg that idiot who got scared of a Chinese city because it was more glorious than the urinals that comprise American cities today.

Against such a culture, the only response is overwhelming power such that fear keeps them behaving civilised. It’s not enough for China to simply stay in Asia because the communities of Chinese overseas are at the mercy of a race of people who write and dream about exterminating Chinese (jack london, heinlein) and who have committed pogroms against Chinese eg lambing flats, current era murders of Asian elders. What I want to see is a political CPC commissar in the board rooms of every major Anglo firm, and in each level of Anglo government with the power of veto of Anglo laws, as well as a permanent detachment of PAP in every city with a major Chinese community. Do To them what they did to us.
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Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
China is already on par with or even ahead of US in semiconductors.

US can't make 5nm chips from DUV. Intel has fallen behind.

If Netherlands banned US from accessing EUV and DUV machines. US semiconductor sector would be nuked

Similarly, if China had access to EUV, then there's no reason not to think that SMIC can develop 3nm chips considering they can do 5nm with outdated DUV

China is forced into doing extra effort to achieve self-sufficiency. When it finally happens. China is going to flood the market with cutting edge semiconductors leaving western semiconductor sector to dust

Right now. China is still catching up to the west in critical technological sectors. Semiconductors, Operating Systems and Aviation are some of those sectors. In 5 years time. I would imagine China would close the gap while taking a lead in A.I, quantum and robotics


Registered Member
When will Huawei go public?? And how much will it be worth?
Why would Huawei go public and give control and reveal its inner workings to Anglo Zionist financiers? Huawei is a workers commune and a flagship of the future of company corporate governance, hence why westerners would love nothing more than to turn it into samsung, under white anglo control.