Miscellaneous News


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Any idea how China could retaliate if US Congress passes the bill ? Surely this won't be left unanswered ...
China’s hand is rather weak here for a number of reasons.

First, it has already banned the American equivalents - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. Not much retaliatory ammo.

Second, the adoption of HarmonyOS while rapid within China, is lackluster outside of it. With regards to software platforms the US still has a near monopoly globally. This means it can’t really prevent a global ban if the US decided to long arm its jurisdiction through Android & iOS. It will have to rely on the EU and other countries resisting the ban and threatening to take Google & Apple to the courts.

Third, while the attack on free speech argument is powerful ideologically and can be weaponized against the US, ultimately China can’t use it that well because it is itself guilty of restricting free speech especially in the context of foreign propaganda. I mean, China doesn’t even allow access to Reddit, Wikipedia, etc. So it doesn’t have much of moral high ground to go on.

I think the most that can be done is accelerating Chinese phone vendors and application makers to move off of Android & iOS through putting Google and Apple into the unreliable entities list. But Chinese companies actually do tons of business through Android and iOS so even a soft ban would have significant negative consequences. For this reason I don’t think China will go that far & may just target smaller players like approval of American games & movies & productivity tools where there is a Chinese equivalent.


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I really think the effect of a Google Play TikTok ban is overrated.

You can just go to the TikTok website and download it. It like takes five minutes to figure out.

I personally don't use Google Play and have used third-party app stores to update my apps for years. My TikTok works just fine.

Many Android apps are auto-updating nowadays, so you don't even need to do anything to update.


Registered Member
Any idea how China could retaliate if US Congress passes the bill ? Surely this won't be left unanswered ...

I think the most that China will let go is TikTok splits with Bytedance TikTok and TikTok USA operating only in the US, controlled by the US.

A rich American hedge fund owns 30 billion worth of Bytedance. They are not going to let it die. Off topic, this also shows how Chinese failed to develop their own capital venture funds and allow foreign firms to "own" the majority stocks of many of their public companies.


Senior Member
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China’s hand is rather weak here for a number of reasons.

First, it has already banned the American equivalents - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. Not much retaliatory ammo.

Second, the adoption of HarmonyOS while rapid within China, is lackluster outside of it. With regards to software platforms the US still has a near monopoly globally. This means it can’t really prevent a global ban if the US decided to long arm its jurisdiction through Android & iOS. It will have to rely on the EU and other countries resisting the ban and threatening to take Google & Apple to the courts.

Third, while the attack on free speech argument is powerful ideologically and can be weaponized against the US, ultimately China can’t use it that well because it is itself guilty of restricting free speech especially in the context of foreign propaganda. I mean, China doesn’t even allow access to Reddit, Wikipedia, etc. So it doesn’t have much of moral high ground to go on.

I think the most that can be done is accelerating Chinese phone vendors and application makers to move off of Android & iOS through putting Google and Apple into the unreliable entities list. But Chinese companies actually do tons of business through Android and iOS so even a soft ban would have significant negative consequences. For this reason I don’t think China will go that far & may just target smaller players like approval of American games & movies & productivity tools where there is a Chinese equivalent.
All those can be solved with time. In 6 years, Harmony OS will be a lot better and even higher adoption, we will continue to see the decline of the US/EU while China continues to grow. I'm willing to bet by the end of this decade, China will be on par with the west in terms of OS, GPU, CPU, and semis, and surpass them in the next. I wouldn't worry too much about retaliation right now, it will come naturally and this ban may even be a good thing for us to give them a harsher punishment somewhere down the line.


Registered Member
Any idea how China could retaliate if US Congress passes the bill ? Surely this won't be left unanswered ...
A few thoughts:

Increase fuel efficiency requirements for all vehicles sold and made in China, for environmentalist reasons. (and if Ford/GM can't meet them?)

Increase safety requirements for civil aviation, taking into account recent accidents and malfunctions. (and if Boeing can't meet them?)

Increase regulations on foreign media, targeting news and live action movies specifically. (and if Hollywood can't meet them?)

Lower academic English requirements up to high school graduation. (and if it happens that demand for Engrish teachers declines?)

Strictly enforce the export ban on recommendation engines so Bytedance cannot transfer any IP without a license.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I think the most that China will let go is TikTok splits with Bytedance TikTok and TikTok USA operating only in the US, controlled by the US.

A rich American hedge fund owns 30 billion worth of Bytedance. They are not going to let it die. Off topic, this also shows how Chinese failed to develop their own capital venture funds and allow foreign firms to "own" the majority stocks of many of their public companies.
I don't think China will let them have TikTok, isn't it better to have it banned in the US and stir some drama than to give it to them? I don't see how selling it will benefit us especially if it makes the Chinese unhappy.


Registered Member
I think the most that China will let go is TikTok splits with Bytedance TikTok and TikTok USA operating only in the US, controlled by the US.

A rich American hedge fund owns 30 billion worth of Bytedance. They are not going to let it die. Off topic, this also shows how Chinese failed to develop their own capital venture funds and allow foreign firms to "own" the majority stocks of many of their public companies.
It is not up to the American hedge fund to determine whether TikTok dies in USA or not.

It is Chinese government who determines whether Bytedance can licence TikTok continue using the software after US taking over. That is the reason of China made the export law around the time Trump started the drama of ban. Without the license, TikTok USA would either be a software pirate or simply die. Letting TikTok banned or die is to bleed the American share holders so they have the motivation to press the US ruling class.

An equivlant to "letting US fully own TikTok while using SW from Bytedance" would be Chinese company can always buy license from any American company they want without any restrictions. That is essentially US giving up any export restriction. I don't think this will ever happen.

Let's be clear, at the moment that China made legislation of "export control" China's position is already clear (US kill TikTok or do nothing), anything US congress or government did since then is just show like baby crying hoping to make a difference. It is rediculous to think that Bytedance would want some cash under threat or it actually has a choice, people should not forget that China is happy to let the whole world see how US murders TikTok and Bytedance will have to go along with it.
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