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The shakedown lobby head Greenblatt freaking out over TikTok’s ability to inform the masses and counter Anglo Zionist propaganda
He's right in a sense. It is a major major major problem ... for genocidal psychopaths like himself.

I knew TikTok played a major role in disseminating the reality of Israel in ways that have always been suppressed by all other media platforms including YouTube. Therefore, TikTok is indeed a massive problem for both American and Israeli propaganda. It nullifies their conventional information warfare tactics. Therefore, TikTok has to go [their perspective].


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Doesn't quite feel strong enough though. If DW/Spiegel is going for that 1960s People's Daily feel they need to have somewhere in the title "砸烂中帝国主义的狗头", "Smash the dog head of Chinese Imperialism".
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They can’t go too hard on unpopular decisions. Biden being wiped out is one thing but those decisions will ricochet back at the Democrats being wiped out the house and senate if they try bluffing their hand too much.
Again, if they believe house and senate is losing, they will just do whatever.


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TikTok’s business model is advertising money, twerking American youth doesn’t generate any actual money, it’s the ad money American companies paid to get their ads in from of their target demographic that generates the revenue for TikTok.

A US ban would in effect become a world wide ban since most large international companies would be loathed to pay TikTok to advertise their goods and services would fall fowl of US long arm jurisdiction BS and their weaponisation of the USD and financial system.

This is why the ban will be a big deal, and will require proportional responses from the Chinese government to make sure this sort of thing doesn’t become routine.

Major Chinese companies should move in and take advantage of this, by advertising on tiktok where American companies cannot.


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Civil society groups say that even if the bill's actual text doesn’t directly censor TikTok or its users, it still has the ultimate effect of doing so.

"There's no denying that it would do just that," said Jenna Leventoff, senior policy counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union. "We strongly urge legislators to vote no on this unconstitutional bill."

The bill’s primary mechanic – setting up a choice for TikTok that could lead to a ban – is really a sleight of hand that courts will see through instantly, according to First Amendment experts.
Ken White, a First Amendment litigator at the law firm Brown White & Osborn, said courts can and do look at whether the functional effect of a law is to stifle speech, not just what the text of the law says. Lawmakers may try to say the bill regulates TikTok's foreign ownership, not content. But, White said, "'foreign influence' aren't magic words that get you out of First Amendment problems. It's not at all clear that Congress' fig leaf of an excuse will work."

An important part of First Amendment scrutiny will be whether lawmakers could have achieved their goals through a "less restrictive alternative" to a flat-out ban, said Jameel Jaffer, executive director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. Passing a nationwide privacy law regulating how all companies, not just TikTok, handle Americans' data would lead to the same result without raising First Amendment concerns, he said.
Setting that aside, courts have held that Americans have a constitutional right to receive foreign propaganda, even if the U.S. government doesn’t like it.

By that precedent, it would be unconstitutional for the government to ban TikTok even if it were blatantly a direct mouthpiece for the Chinese government, Jaffer said.

"If you give the government the power to restrict Americans' access to propaganda," he said, "then you've given the government the power to restrict Americans' access to anything the government deems to be propaganda."
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Curiously, however, Trump this week came out against a TikTok ban, saying in a
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that it would only empower Facebook and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whom he described as "a true Enemy of the People!"

It’s not clear why Trump abruptly reversed his stance on TikTok. Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president, who will likely take on Biden in this November’s election.
Trump is basically Tiktok's only ally here. I think there's a high chance it will go through, notwithstanding first amendment challenges


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This is rapidly approaching Admiral Kuznetsov
Kuznetov is very reliable carrier for its age. Russia does not spend on its maintenance and training needed for long sustain voyages.
In Syria it went with complex airwing of Su-33, MIG-29K and Ka-52K (Strike sorties aka bomb laden they counted 420 with 127 night with 4 targets per sortie) against Syria and quick pilot recovery after crash landings. and another large scale training Exercises next to Libya to demonstrate to Libya Haftar and he was brought on board.. If Carrier was really effective tool in Mideast than priority on Carrier building and operations will be much higher. and it is not just this Carrier. Russia also sent that Tu-214R twice and as they wanted to intercept some thing to enhance confidence in the region on them. pay attention to word confidence. Those residing in Mideast have intelligence observation.
Su-33 were equiped with wing tip pods.