Miscellaneous News


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PS to the Mods

I didn’t know the closing of PDF was already being discussed here so I made a whole new thread about it. You can delete that thread if you want.
I don't understand the "design choice" of this forum, SDF -- it's really unwieldy with everything jumbled up in a (relatively) few threads, such that even a veteran user as yourself can't easily check to see whether a topic's already under discussion...what gives????

WTF is the utility in having literally everything conceivably "Miscellaneous" under one damned thread instead of one sub-forum as is common practice online????

Is this just the "Inscrutable Oriental Mind" at work LOL


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We had the same sort of reputation with the Swiss then CryptoAG leaks happened and Switserland has been a US controlled province all along.
Hey is it possible for you to expound on this? I don't get the reference -- are you referring to Edward Snowden or something -- and am not sure what to even look for (search terms/keywords)...thanks!


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Iran is a pariah in a large part of the world. Ethiopia is landlocked and just went through a devastating civil war with more to come soon. Both aren't likely to survive in its current form within 50 years.
Wait, what -- by that logic, you wouldn't expect North Korea, either...or Taiwan, even, to survive another fifty years...???

Seriously wish you would elaborate, please. Which other countries do you honestly expect to collapse?


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Shocking. I no longer post there but I use PDF as a news aggregator. I always pick up some interesting news there that I otherwise would have missed.

Hopefully things at PDF will be resolved and it can soon re-open.

PS to the Mods

I didn’t know the closing of PDF was already being discussed here so I made a whole new thread about it. You can delete that thread if you want.

Realistically speaking, it is the end of PDF. This site won't be coming online anytime soon. I had been a member of that site for over 20 years. Before that pakistanidefence.com that also ended in similar fashion.


Registered Member
WTF is the utility in having literally everything conceivably "Miscellaneous" under one damned thread instead of one sub-forum as is common practice online????

You are on the sub forum already. Members club room. It is just that everyone flocks to the miscellaneous news thread within the sub forum because it is simply more convenient to use.


New Member
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You are on the sub forum already. Members club room. It is just that everyone flocks to the miscellaneous news thread within the sub forum because it is simply more convenient to use.
Here's what I mean; which is more semantically rich (never mind convenient)?

"Forum-Top-Level > Members Only > Miscellaneous News == One Yuuuge Thousands-of-Pages-Long-Multiyear-Thread for A, B, C...X, Y, Z"

Or, as is common practice practically everywhere else online:

"Forum-Top-Level > Miscellaneous News > Thread A, Thread B, Thread C...Thread X, Thread Y, Thread Z"