Miscellaneous News


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I think it sorta works okay here is because people tend to post many random links/news item and people often just "thumbs up/smile" rather than having many replies to a post. Maybe better categorization of threads would help like Asia News, Europe News, US News but i think people still tend to dump into misc because it gets more views and topics cross borders.
LOL "Dump" is right -- reminds me a bit of "garbage collection" and "memory dumps" in C or C++ LOL

That's not actually meant as an insult or something, BTW.

Maybe this is just a generational thing -- seems like the "endless scroll" mentality is what younger people like. Or maybe it's somehow more convenient to moderate??

Certainly less practical for checking to see if a topic's already under discussion.


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PDF refugee detected.

To be honest. The forum does need a reorganization and probably a thread cleanup on dead unused areas. Similar to what blizo was talking about having tags such as [Serious] and [Credible] tags.

But if you ask me then something like this should be sufficient with the bold areas being new or changed parts. It would help with the core threads from being derailed with random banter. However, only webmaster is able to make changes to the forum.

Management Area
-> Announcements
-> Forum & Thread Rules
-> Feedback & Suggestions

China Defense, Military, & Technology (Serious Discussion/Credible Only)
-> Strategic Defense
-> Army
-> Airforce
-> Navy
-> Technology
….-> Semiconductor Industry
….-> AI

World Military Forces & News
-> Military Conflicts

-> World Military Forces
-> World Military Pictures
-> Military History

Members General Room
-> Members Club Room
-> Miscellaneous News
….-> General News (Pinned)
….-> China News (Pinned)
….-> Science News (Pinned)
-> General Pictures

Friends & Partners
-> Defence.Com


Senior Member
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REALLY REALLY HOPE THEY KEEP FIGHTING for China's sake...! Would be nice to get at least another two years of Westoids and Russians bleeding each other out (both wanna chop up China) so that even more opportunities can open up for relatively peaceful Chinese development to continue!!
even if zelensky sues for peace, russia is likely going to ask for a lot more than they initially did. cant underestimate putin's ability to get fooled a third time but surely this time he be asking for more land and total disarmament of ukraine.


New Member
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even if zelensky sues for peace, russia is likely going to ask for a lot more than they initially did. cant underestimate putin's ability to get fooled a third time but surely this time he be asking for more land and total disarmament of ukraine.
Well it's not up to Zelenski since it's 99% the Americans' call (I've got boxes of popcorn ready for how he's gonna pivot and try selling a most unsatisfactory peace -- or how the U.S. will finesse in his replacement, poor man!!!).

Sad to say and I wouldn't ever do so to my Ukie and Ukrainian-American friends (thank Buddha for SDF LOL) but I honestly hope that war keeps burning for another two years at least to further bleed the Westoids and Mother Russia!!


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...Doesn't have competent system in place to run their economy without constant aid they're used to handouts and may become a liability to BRICS,
None of these Global South basket-case economies do (not counting Russia since they think of themselves as Europeans, ultimately, whatever the politics of the moment)...what makes one preferred over another is what's interesting to parse out...I wish I knew how these things work...SDF has been very educational but some of the claims made are really surprising, like what @Bob Smith said....


Registered Member
None of these Global South basket-case economies do (not counting Russia since they think of themselves as Europeans, ultimately, whatever the politics of the moment)...what makes one preferred over another is what's interesting to parse out...I wish I knew how these things work...SDF has been very educational but some of the claims made are really surprising, like what @Bob Smith said....
Argentina isn't a global South country. They're no more global south than Australia is.

They think of themselves as white westerners.

They're treated as white westerners.

They have a western religion.

They speak a European language.

They have a western capitalist democracy.

They're genetically white westerners. there were very few natives in what is now Argentina, they're 85% white.

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They're demographically part of the Global north. Just not as successful.


New Member
Registered Member
Argentina isn't a global South country...they're demographically part of the Global north. Just not as successful.
Yes, I personally know Argentinans (one's a real screamer in bed LOL) and that Hitler retired there (just kidding!) but they're considered Global South by others -- including many in the West (the same folks for whom Africa begins with Italy and Asia with Poland LOL).

Yes yes they're part of the Global American Empire and very proud of it but I'm one of those who won't humor their Westoid pretensions (nothing personal; just how I see the reality of multiple decades of triple-digit inflation and other bad governance).




Registered Member
Argentina isn't a global South country. They're no more global south than Australia is.

They think of themselves as white westerners.

They're treated as white westerners.

They have a western religion.

They speak a European language.

They have a western capitalist democracy.

They're genetically white westerners. there were very few natives in what is now Argentina, they're 85% white.

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They're demographically part of the Global north. Just not as successful.
What are these distinctions meant to achieve anyways? As far as China is concerned, it should categorize countries only based on which ones are allies, which ones are redeemable over time, and which ones are irredeemable enemies.

We have no commonality with those who claim to be the global south, like Indians, who are lazy and easily swayed by bribes. We also have no commonality with most of the so called global north, like Americans or god forbid, Israelis, due to their inhumane and unacceptable ideologies.

It is better to view the world rather through lenses of developed and developing countries. The job of us in the former camp is to gather more countries of either type into collective security responses while shielding developing countries from enemy exploitation.


They're demographically part of the Global north. Just not as successful.
Like Brazil, Argentina is another country of the future, and will always be. These are countries that lack China's innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, productivity, and manufacturing prowess, and will be stuck in the middle income-trap forever. Many people in these countries behave like uninformed ignoramuses - just look at the recent election result in Argentina, they voted someone who not only supports organ-trading, he also advocates child-selling.

Unlike the former USSR, China cannot be isolated. Attempting to do so will only isolate the US itself. Some American commentators now recognizes this reality.

What America Wants From China​

A Strategy to Keep Beijing Entangled in the World Order

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