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This is just your personal perception with the Philippines.

But do you think that if the Philippines were colonized by Protestant Englishmen it would be better than a miniature India? Or Nigeria?

Spanish and Catholic Church rule ended long ago. In fact, the Catholic Church was for a long time an enemy of the US and liberal Zionist Freemasonry. But the church lost after WWII with Italy and France and today is just a story of the past.

Those who dominate today are the US, and in addition to the Filipinos and Argentines lackeys, Japanese, British, Germans, Indians and even some liberal Chinese also kneel to the US.
Well the American didn't destroy the Spanish colonial infrastructure, like I said they just coopt them, do you know how the American pacify the Philippines in such a short time (after they captured Aguinaldo) and why until today there is still a Muslim insurrection in Mindanao. Just a food for thought. Plus why the Muslim Mindanao called themselves as Maharlikan instead of Filipinos. Because Islam save them from being colonized and they refused to be converted.


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Well the American didn't destroy the Spanish colonial infrastructure, like I said they just coopt them, do you know how the American pacify the Philippines in such a short time (after they captured Aguinaldo) and why until today there is still a Muslim insurrection in Mindanao. Just a food for thought. Plus why the Muslim Mindanao called themselves as Maharlikan instead of Filipinos. Because Islam save them from being colonized and they refused to be converted.
Just as they maintain control over India, Nigeria and more than half the world, including muslim countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that see the US kiling Palestinians with Israel and still use the dollar and do nothing against it. It is not a failure only of the Philippines and other former Spanish colonies.

The US dropped the nuclear bombs on Japan and destroyed Vietnam, and yet the Japanese and Vietnamese are also US lackeys today.

If the Philippines were colonized by England or the Netherlands, in the absence of an anti-hegemony leader, it would be the same of today.
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Just as they maintain control over India, Nigeria and more than half the world, including muslim countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that see the US kiling Palestinians with Israel and still use the dollar and do nothing against it. It is not a failure only of the Philippines and other former Spanish colonies.
Not until the Gulf state and other oil producing Muslim country use other currency as an alternative will they have an independent foreign policy. So they have an option cause it wasn't institutionalized while those colonized catholic will forever be indebted as they think they have been civilized by the Western countries.
The US dropped the nuclear bombs on Japan and destroyed Vietnam, and yet the Japanese and Vietnamese are also US lackeys today.

If the Philippines were colonized by England or the Netherlands, in the absence of an anti-hegemony leader, it would be the same of today.
The Spaniard use religion for colonization as a matter of faith, the British and others use commerce to exploit, so a big difference.


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Not until the Gulf state and other oil producing Muslim country use other currency as an alternative will they have an independent foreign policy. So they have an option cause it wasn't institutionalized while those colonized catholic will forever be indebted as they think they have been civilized by the Western countries.

The Spaniard use religion for colonization as a matter of faith, the British and others use commerce to exploit, so a big difference.
Maybe because of your personal experience you give a lot of importance to the Catholic church, but in the world today the church has no power, much less political institutionalization capabilities.

In Latin America the entire political structure is Masonic and liberal while the vast majority of the population is secular or evangelical Protestant, who are much more submissive to the US than the former Catholics.

Generally Catholics were like the Italians and French, who as romanized societies feel more civilized than Protestant Germans and Orthodox Slavs. If the Catholic Church still had power, it would be easier to continue to be against the US and not for it.

The Catholic Church's greatest power was concentrated in hands of the old Europe's white, conservative aristocratic elite destroyed after WWI.

In the colonies, whose majority of the population is mixed race and adheres to religious syncretism with pagan beliefs from Africa or Asia, the church has never had so much strength as you imagine, especially in Asia, where not even the Spanish language survived among the native population.
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The elites of the former European colonies are just puppets of a greater imperial power.

They were puppets of the Spanish Empire, of the French, of the British, of the Portuguese Empire in the past and today they are just puppets of the American Empire also.

If one day China or Russia wins and conquers them, these colonial elites will also be their puppets, because they are weak and parasites and only respect force, just like Japan, South Korea, India and Arab states.


Registered Member
In the colonies, whose majority of the population is mixed race and adheres to religious syncretism with pagan beliefs from Africa or Asia, the church has never had so much strength as you imagine, especially in Asia, where not even the Spanish language survived among the native population.
In Asia only the Philippine had been colonized by Spain and among the ASEAN we are unique cause aside from having an hereditary oligarch system we are a catholic practicing nation. Our situation is uniquely similar to those of Latin America as the society is structured the same and you're right that the use of Spanish had been displace by English as the American see the value of maintaining the current Spanish system to established their hegemony.

In other word the American had perfected the art of colonization by adapting the Spanish and British model and combining them with a Yankee twist.


Registered Member

An interesting explanation about how Javier Milei won the elections in Argentina. One of the explanation was that the election was already fixed before it even started. The current popular VP, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was barred by court to run for the next president. So the only choices are between Sergio Massa, who is already quite unpopular vs Javier Milei. IMO though, de Kirchner and Massa were already part of the current administration, so it wouldn't have mattered anyway if de Kirchner was running for president.

The better explanation was that Argentina's current economic woes is a structural problem. Neoliberal economic policies for decades have already eroded Argentina's industrial base and reduced the nation's economy into an agricultural export economy. Furthermore, the country is grotesquely indebted to the IMF, and because their income is dependent on commodity prices, when times are bad, they can't earn enough to repay the debt. In 2018, under the Mauricio Macri (another pro-US rightwing dog) presidency, Argentina received the IMF's biggest loan in its history, about $57bn. The loan was ordered by president Trump to help Macri win the 2019 presidential election. Macri lost that election anyways and Covid-19 came later, leaving Argentina in a deep mess. It also didn't help that majority of Argentina's debt is owed to private bondholders in the West. The current government tried to fix things, but the damage done by previous pro-US rightwing idiots was just too much. When the elections came, time is up.

It is always in times of great economic troubles that electoral democracy sucks big time. Most of the average voters always look for a shortcut, an easy way out. So they tend to gravitate towards demagogues like Javier Milei who promised to "cut everything up and start anew". The majority voters who voted for Milei were probably ignorant, desperate, or are just plain foolish. Similar to how many Americans voted for Trump. Basically they wanted change, and they want change ASAP. But just like previous rightwing pro-US idiots before him, Milei will make Argentina's predicament even worse. By the next election, we won't know if there is an Argentina left to save.


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You have to read between the lines of his recent statement on trade:

"Our fundamental axes are free trade, peace, freedom and aligning ourselves with the West, where the highest references are the United States and Israel. China will be a trading partner of the private sector, we do not make pacts with communists."

In other words:
- separation of politics and economics.
- Argentina will move closer to the West
... but trade's still on.



Junior Member
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In Asia only the Philippine had been colonized by Spain and among the ASEAN we are unique cause aside from having an hereditary oligarch system we are a catholic practicing nation. Our situation is uniquely similar to those of Latin America as the society is structured the same and you're right that the use of Spanish had been displace by English as the American see the value of maintaining the current Spanish system to established their hegemony.

In other word the American had perfected the art of colonization by adapting the Spanish and British model and combining them with a Yankee twist.
OK sorry man but this is getting a bit off. The Latin American countries already went through very strong anti-clericalist suppression and seizure campaigns in the 19th century, like Mexico (reform war, 1910 revolution), Venezuela, Colombia (La violencia), Argentina (Rivadavia and Leyes Laicas). Whatever influence the Catholic Church had was already gone by ww2; they are less powerful than evangelists in US or South Korea. In fact, the majority of the pro-US shills in Latin America are linked to evangelical protestants, like Montt (Guatemala military dictator), Jimmy Morales (2nd government to move Israeli embassy to Jerusalem), Mauricio Macri (IMF puppet), and of course Bolsonaro, or are dissident Catholics like Milei (who constantly calls the pope "sh*t" and said he wants to become Jewish). Meanwhile the Catholic clergy are often tied to leftists, like the current Pope, liberation theologians and Oscar Romero-type clerics, and conservative Catholic clerics have basically no political influence, not even in their own congregations. Philippines is definitely an outlier.

Philippines is the only SEA country with a LANDLord ruling oligarchy but the others have different kinds of oligarchy. Myanmar Indonesia and Thailand have a strong and wealthy military oligarchy. Singapore has a scholar-official oligarchy that, according to statistics, is almost hereditary. Landlord oligarchies historically existed everywhere not just in the Spanish Empire; they had to be dismantled by social revolution or expulsion (if the landlords were foreigners).

Also the strength of the Church is not always related to the strength of the landlords. In Latin America the suppression of the Church led to the landlord class scooping up the church lands at firesale prices and then selling out to the Americans.


Registered Member
You have to read between the lines of his recent statement on trade:

"Our fundamental axes are free trade, peace, freedom and aligning ourselves with the West, where the highest references are the United States and Israel. China will be a trading partner of the private sector, we do not make pacts with communists."

In other words:
- separation of politics and economics.
- Argentina will move closer to the West
... but trade's still on.

View attachment 121783
It seems the guy also got Chinese COVID vaccines instead of Western ones
