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Are you saying it's not even plausible? Off the top of my head I can think of many ways to make Xi sick, and it wouldn't kick in until he left the US or even a week later. Just a quick example. Food laced with Apixaban and plavix causing a GI or hemorrhagic stroke. Easier than you think. Undetectable after a few days. I work in medial overdose and toxicology. What are your credentials?

I mean the US allowed their company to sell HIV laced hemophilia drug to HK in the 80s causing a spike in HIV cases in China. It's true, google it if you don't believe me. I would not put it past the US to try and poison people they deem to be key in another countries stability.

Are you one of those people who also think that Canada would never kidnap Meng Wanzhou? Or the US would never dare to bomb the Chinese embassy in Belgrade?

Every possibility needs it be considered and properly vetted. It's a war. So get off your high horse and consider all the possibilities.
...if you give enough anticoagulants to achieve such an effect, the effect will be in minutes to hours. Nothing will happen from a small dose.

PT and thromboelastrometry respectively will detect these medicines. Not only that, but electronic trail back to US will make such an operation impossible without revealing themselves. It would be an unprecedented act of war that would immediately remove any chance of anyone except US taking their side. Not to mention giving China carte blanche justification to void immunity on US diplomatic staff globally.

For that massive, massive, setback to US, Xi Jinping or even every person on the diplomatic team to US is a tiny price to pay.

Besides, more practically speaking, how would US know which person from the security team/Xi himself eats which dish? If they attempted an operation against China's staff, it is far more likely that they kill some random team member and incur every single penalty from above, without even getting at Xi.


Registered Member
Are you saying it's not even plausible? Off the top of my head I can think of many ways to make Xi sick, and it wouldn't kick in until he left the US or even a week later. Just a quick example. Food laced with Apixaban and plavix causing a GI or hemorrhagic stroke. Easier than you think. Undetectable after a few days. I work in medial overdose and toxicology. What are your credentials?

I mean the US allowed their company to sell HIV laced hemophilia drug to HK in the 80s causing a spike in HIV cases in China. It's true, google it if you don't believe me. I would not put it past the US to try and poison people they deem to be key in another countries stability.

Are you one of those people who also think that Canada would never kidnap Meng Wanzhou? Or the US would never dare to bomb the Chinese embassy in Belgrade?

Every possibility needs it be considered and properly vetted. It's a war. So get off your high horse and consider all the possibilities.
There's a logic in what you've expressed, but the chance of that happening is nigh improbable. I mean, if Xi was somehow poisoned successfully and the blame will certainly be automatically blamed on the Americans, by then, any semblance of diplomatic overtures and conversation is automatically dead on the water and it's not inconceivable that a quid pro quo will be enacted, or worst war.

Besides, if the CIA couldn't even manage to kill Fidel or Mao back when China was piss poor, what's the likelihood of the Americans succeeding without any trail this time against the current iteration of China? Let's be sober with our analysis since we don't want to come across paranoid and conspiratorial.


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Are you saying it's not even plausible? Off the top of my head I can think of many ways to make Xi sick, and it wouldn't kick in until he left the US or even a week later. Just a quick example. Food laced with Apixaban and plavix causing a GI or hemorrhagic stroke. Easier than you think. Undetectable after a few days. I work in medial overdose and toxicology. What are your credentials?

I mean the US allowed their company to sell HIV laced hemophilia drug to HK in the 80s causing a spike in HIV cases in China. It's true, google it if you don't believe me. I would not put it past the US to try and poison people they deem to be key in another countries stability.

Are you one of those people who also think that Canada would never kidnap Meng Wanzhou? Or the US would never dare to bomb the Chinese embassy in Belgrade?

Every possibility needs it be considered and properly vetted. It's a war. So get off your high horse and consider all the possibilities.
Intellectual rigidity is a common weakness of the old or infirm. Don't be shocked that some people here prematurely rule out risks. Some people are really good at getting scammed/conned, and their inability to grasp the foreign/alien is a key part of it.


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Xi had a private meal with Biden.

Their formal talks earlier was only a little over 2 hours. I doubt it was super in depth, nonetheless Biden says the talks was "real progress".

In a temporary reconciliation between US and China situation I would think at least one economy will be harvested between the two countries.

You can see Anthony Albanese has an acute sense of smell and he pre-empted this with a trip to China to mend relations. India is busy being Bharat and doing their own thing and no longer play up Quad. The only one still making noise about China is Japan:

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Therefore ahead of South Korea and EU, I think Japan will be the most likely to be harvested.


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With regards to US poisoning, remember the rumors Hugo Chavez bandied around that maybe the US caused several leftist Latin American leaders to all get cancer around the same time?
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There's no secret exotic technology to give someone cancer. It's actually extremely easy to do so with food/water contamination via carcinogenic or teratogenic compounds. Just a stealthier assassination plot.


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Xi had a working lunch with Biden.

Their formal talks earlier was only a little over 2 hours. I doubt it was super in depth, nonetheless Biden says the talks was "real progress".

Xi and Biden go for a little walk.
Which means they basically talked for only an hour since half of the time went to the interpreters, which also means Xi and Biden only spoke for like 30 mins each. Bit doubtful anything substantial could be conveyed in so little time.


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Loll. Keep worrying about how U.S. may lace Xi’s food with Eliquis. I won’t stop you from embarrassing yourself further.

Of all the things you can worry about between US - China relations, you’re worried about Xi getting poisoned.
Your naive thinking is laughable. Eliquis is just an off the hand example of using even common medicine to damage someone. Instead of arguing against the concept you chose to belittle an off the cuff example. I do hope that Chinese secret services are much more comprehensive than you. In the end your really embarassing yourself by not considering the potential risks due to your limited knowledge base. But I guess ignorance is bliss.

...if you give enough anticoagulants to achieve such an effect, the effect will be in minutes to hours. Nothing will happen from a small dose.

PT and thromboelastrometry respectively will detect these medicines. Not only that, but electronic trail back to US will make such an operation impossible without revealing themselves. It would be an unprecedented act of war that would immediately remove any chance of anyone except US taking their side. Not to mention giving China carte blanche justification to void immunity on US diplomatic staff globally.

For that massive, massive, setback to US, Xi Jinping or even every person on the diplomatic team to US is a tiny price to pay.

Besides, more practically speaking, how would US know which person from the security team/Xi himself eats which dish? If they attempted an operation against China's staff, it is far more likely that they kill some random team member and incur every single penalty from above, without even getting at Xi.
So Apixaban starts in around 6 hours and last 3 days with a 12 hour half life. You just need a normal dose, not a high dose, with plavix it's increases the chance of a bleed. Plavix lasts 7 days. I'm not saying they will make him bleed 100% of the time but with these two common meds you can increase the risk of a bleed and all they need is to take as aspirin for a headache to truly bleed easily. It is also hard to detect these compounds specifically. Again it's just a quick example. It's the concept that some poison can happen and I'm sure there are compounds which can give the attacker plausible deniability.
There's a logic in what you've expressed, but the chance of that happening is nigh improbable. I mean, if Xi was somehow poisoned successfully and the blame will certainly be automatically blamed on the Americans, by then, any semblance of diplomatic overtures and conversation is automatically dead on the water and it's not inconceivable that a quid pro quo will be enacted, or worst war.

Besides, if the CIA couldn't even manage to kill Fidel or Mao back when China was piss poor, what's the likelihood of the Americans succeeding without any trail this time against the current iteration of China? Let's be sober with our analysis since we don't want to come across paranoid and conspiratorial.
Yes miniscule but not impossible. All I'm saying is they need to at least consider that possibility and prevent it if possible.