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I'm not the one claiming China does not possess that technology, the onus is on you to backup your assertions.
I pointed out, correctly, that there exists no evidence that a compound like that describes actually exists. I then provided further reasoning for why this is correct by saying that such a compound, if it existed, would almost certainly be used prolifically, and therefore we would observe a much higher than normal rate of heart attacks among political elites. But we don't, so it very likely doesn't exist.

You then deflected by moving the goalposts and asking me to essentially scour every nook and crany of the entire world to prove that it doesn't exist, a kind of request that is reminiscent of those made by religious individuals when faced with someone who points out the lack of evidence in God, or maybe more relevantly, a liberal when faced with the lack of evidence of mass killing of Uyghurs. Such a request is obviously ridiculous and you can't really expect me to take it seriously.
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I pointed out, correctly, that there exists no evidence that a compound like that describes actually exists.
You know this because? Making up a claim out of thin air is not a factual statement. You are claiming out of all the chemical compounds that can possibly exist in the world, there doesn't exist one which is likely to cause a delayed heart attack which is currently undetectable. What do you think researchers at bioweapons lab do all day?

I then provided further reasoning for why this is correct by saying that such a compound, if it existed, would almost certainly be used prolifically, and therefore we would observe a much higher than normal rate of heart attacks among political elites. But we don't, so it very likely doesn't exist.
This line of reasoning is also fallacious which I already explained in the heart attack gun example as a similar technology that certainly exist but isn't reported on.

Also you softened your claim to very likely doesn't exist instead of doesn't exist. I'm not going to debate the likelihood of the existence of such a weapon, but let's not try to make definitive claims next time.


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Almost complete acceptance that US will fight China over Taiwan. This level of acceptance from a very liberal outlet like Newyorker is telling. Unless China achieves overwhelming advantage with the first island chain and a certain level of advantage over the second island chain, then US will most certainly think about fighting China over Taiwan.

And as long as Taiwan continues to believe that US will fight for Taiwan, DPP's Salami slicing Taiwan independence strategy will continue to be extremely popular with the Taiwanese Public. Cause they think US will fight for them no matter what provocation they do. Plus even if there is a fight, US will win no matter what. They have such extreme confidence over American tech, military, organizational prowess and complete disdain for China and PLA's competence.

So, Unless China achieves overwhelming advantage in ships, planes and missiles compared to US and its allies, it can forget about peaceful political change towards reconcilliation in Taiwan.


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Almost complete acceptance that US will fight China over Taiwan. This level of acceptance from a very liberal outlet like Newyorker is telling. Unless China achieves overwhelming advantage with the first island chain and a certain level of advantage over the second island chain, then US will most certainly think about fighting China over Taiwan.

And as long as Taiwan continues to believe that US will fight for Taiwan, DPP's Salami slicing Taiwan independence strategy will continue to be extremely popular with the Taiwanese Public. Cause they think US will fight for them no matter what provocation they do. Plus even if there is a fight, US will win no matter what. They have such extreme confidence over American tech, military, organizational prowess and complete disdain for China and PLA's competence.

So, Unless China achieves overwhelming advantage in ships, planes and missiles compared to US and its allies, it can forget about peaceful political change towards reconcilliation in Taiwan.
The Taiwanese believed in the status quo, both side want a peaceful resolution, how to achieved that is for us to decide NOT the American or anybody else.

I believed that in 2030 the American will leave the Pacific for good, they can't sustained their current imperial agenda and will suffer a system collapse if they didn't change course. The trajectory is there for everyone to see, by that time the Chinese will have an escalatory dominance from the SCS to the second Island chain, defending Taiwan will be an oxymoron decision as logistically and militarily is impossible to defend and IF America is defeated or even 1 aircraft carrier is sunk, its prestige will suffer and hasten its collapse.

This show of force is design to force the Chinese into a settlement that is favorable to the US, there is an acceptance that their plan for 2025 war is deemed impossible as they were bogged down in Ukraine and in the middle east. Will the Chinese complied, well there is NO harm in talking and time is on her side, there is an unerring confidence among the CCP leadership that 2025 is the inflection point, they will able to solved their vulnerability (semiconductor and aircraft engine) and the following years will only increase its Comprehensive National Power.


You know this because? Making up a claim out of thin air is not a factual statement. You are claiming out of all the chemical compounds that can possibly exist in the world, there doesn't exist one which is likely to cause a delayed heart attack which is currently undetectable. What do you think researchers at bioweapons lab do all day?

Ever taken basic courses in biology?

There are only two possibilities for such toxins: chemical or biological.

Chemical toxins work by interacting/interfering with body chemistry. A chemical toxin that has a delayed effect on the order of days, as opposed to minutes, has no theoretical basis in science. What is the chemical doing during the delay? What would prevent it from acting immediately? Drugs can be made with delayed effects by coating it with a slow dissolving substance, but we're talking about something you can slip into food or drink here.

A biological toxin could theoretically have a delayed effect, but it is extremely uncontrollable. The channel of infection also determines the nature of the toxin. Ingested biological agents would have to be able to move out of the digestive tract and into the blood stream in order to cause a myocardial infarction effect as described, and that is simply unknown to current science. Airborne agents would be too volatile and indiscriminate, infecting everyone in the area, this defeating the very purpose of the attack, which is to make it look like an accident. Worse, any biological toxin can be easily detected with blood work or at worst, an autopsy, making it impossible to look like a natural death.

There is a third possibility, radiation poisoning. It has the delayed effect that you seek, but radiation works by destroying cells. You cannot cause heart attacks with it and it's going to be extremely obvious.

Just to add, it's a lot harder to poison someone than you think. One simple security precaution would be to ensure nobody from the food preparation unit knows who they are preparing the food for. Have trusted agents bring the food to the VIP.
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Dragon of War

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President Xi uses his own Hongqi N701 presidential car during his visit to the US.

View attachment 121417

Wondering if they're using the Il-76 or Y-20 to transport the Hongqi to San Francisco...

America looks so much better with the Chinese flag and red banners, now show a before picture with mounds of walking dead-esk drug addicts and homeless US soldier veterans sleeping on the street. And that car Xi is driving is a elegant beauty, love the subtle touches of red stripes really demands a powerful presence. Really setting a image and example for this visit, who needs a ol western tradition of red carpets from the plane when you're riding the sea of red banners of the people, beautiful!


Registered Member
America looks so much better with the Chinese flag and red banners, now show a before picture with mounds of walking dead-esk drug addicts and homeless US soldier veterans sleeping on the street. And that car Xi is driving is a elegant beauty, love the subtle touches of red stripes really demands a powerful presence. Really setting a image and example for this visit, who needs a ol western tradition of red carpets from the plane when you're riding the sea of red banners of the people, beautiful!
Now that will be a perfect scene for Red Dawn 3 the Coming of the Emperor. ;)