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or just commercial container ship with of course extra security measures

Far cheaper and easier to just put it inside a large transport plane and fly it into the US. The president car sitting inside the cargo ship will have onboard security personnel, lots of planning, and cooperation with the cargo company. That includes financial compensation to allow the transport and any additional expenses incurred. You might as well just cut out the extra paperwork and fly it in a state owned plane instead.


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A 38% increase from FY2023 defense budget to $5.04 billion - China must be scared sh*tless. I mean, just look at some of the assets that the Philippine Marine Corps has currently!
Everything goes according to plan, push the China threat narrative and everybody is happy, the military, the politician gets what they want, all will be partaking in slicing the cake.... lol Just look at the timing as Xi meet with Brandon, they know now is the time to increase and approved the budget before a favorable outcome between the 2 superpower will be agreed. (I bet you, the news and optics about Chinese aggressive action in the SCS will be lessen)

Regarding the increase in budget all had been accrued from previous weapon purchase from Horizon phase 1 to 2 so nothing special, The Horizon modernization plan was formulated under the Aquino administration BUT real funding was allocated by Duterte. The next Phase 3 will be crucial as the plan is to purchase a squadron of fighter plane, here the Philippine is expecting the US to provide the goods especially the F16, now we wait and see IF the American will sent a second hand refurbished plane or a brand new AESA equip. IF they provide the former then we're screwed, lets see how Marcos extricate himself from his blunder. Duterte dictum is to rely on oneself and not be vassal of the US, BBM had reversed that for his family benefit.
BTW, as @ansy1968 pointed out before, only a revolution can save the Philippines probably.
Unfortunately it will never happen as long there is a Duterte in the ballot box, The oligarch political elite should thank him for saving their ass, he make the masses believed that change is still possible under a competent nationalist president. They will put their fate in the ballot box unless there is a massive cheating and Marcos is doing just that by trying to discredit his VP.


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Far cheaper and easier to just put it inside a large transport plane and fly it into the US. The president car sitting inside the cargo ship will have onboard security personnel, lots of planning, and cooperation with the cargo company. That includes financial compensation to allow the transport and any additional expenses incurred. You might as well just cut out the extra paperwork and fly it in a state owned plane instead.

Anyone notice there are 2 identical presidential limos? (looks like Xi got into the one closer to the plane). Not sure if it's for security as a escort double or whether it's used for other VIPs of his entourage (Cai Qi, Wang Yi)

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