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Some grassroots human rights activists can be genuine. It's the NED western backed ones that are real hypocrites and used as tools of regime change by their backers.

The most obvious mask off moment recently was the completely different attitude towards a real genocidal ethinc cleansing war crimes by Israel in Gaza and a fabricated one by china in Xinjiang. Almost all the uyghurs human right champions ignored Israeli genocidal crimes and some even ridiculously blamed people for being too focused on Palestinians and not care for the "plight" of uyghurs. Unbelievable.

So yeah we are somehow asked to believe they are genuinely concerned about Muslims but only those in China obviously.

That's as ridiculous as white house backing Israel to the hilt in their war crimes against Palestinians but then announce they are concerned with rising Islamophobia.
Anybody who does any real research into the issue will know it's obviously completely made-up fake news.

So basically, 100% of all "Uygur experts" are willingly selling their soul for the American imperialists
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Just think about it. Making a city that is a line in the middle of the desert.
There is a reason why cities have a certain shape. If you want to reduce the time taken to travel from one point to another the most suitable shape is something approximating a circle.

Not necessarily.

The main challenge of intra-urban travel isn't distance but congestion. If you look at congestion, a lot of it happens at intersections as cars need to wait in line to make left turns.

If instead we spread the density over a longer length, and serviced that length with high speed rail, we could achieve better commute times and facilitate the planning of public transit.


Registered Member
India is signing up labor contracts with multiple countries. However, I don't think India will be a colonist of anyone. It's more likely to become a bigger version of the Philippines. You cannot really develop your country by exporting labors. You can only develop your country by attracting foreign companies to set up factories and employing your labors in your own country, like China did.

I was thinking this exact thing. These labour export contracts are usually for underdeveloped countries, as you mentioned Philippines is one, North Korea is another. India is trying to promote the development of their industries, yet still have that much excess labour? Seems like a bad sign to me.

This does not make sense unless the DPP is determine to permanently damage Taiwan's future. Why can't Taiwan just aggresively hire more Hokkien speaker from SEA (Philippines)?

Hokkien speakers from SEA are established for 100’s of years. Many of them are well off business owners, not labour for hire. DPP painted themselves into this corner by not passing the cross strait services trade agreement negotiated by the Ma administration. DPP/Tsai tried to create the “New Southward Policy” as a signature/legacy policy to enhance trade with SEA, but SEA wants to trade with real China, not the pretend one. 1 billion > 25 million.

The DPP has not made any significant imprint on the island despite being in power for more time in the post single party era. All the talk of semiconductor leadership, all of that was established in the CCK era. DPP’s greatest hits have been “用愛發電make love for electricity” and Chen Water Flat’s staged re-election shooting.

One of the biggest hypocrites is these so called human rights champion. They are worse than White supremacists as they are not only racist but hateful and self righteous.
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People never ask the simple question, why didn’t/doesn’t 9/11 or Al-Asqa flood happen in Xinjiang?


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Just think about it. Making a city that is a line in the middle of the desert.
There is a reason why cities have a certain shape. If you want to reduce the time taken to travel from one point to another the most suitable shape is something approximating a circle.
Reminds me of the early 2000s and 2010s era in China where a bunch of less educated people suddenly got extremely rich and started spending on stupid sh&t except Saudi Arabia never got past this phase.


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This deal shows the reality of the Pacific Islands. Ever since World War 2, when the Japanese and the US fought for the dominance over the pacific, and US won, the entire Pacific is de facto US colony. The pacific islands have independence and sovereignty in name only. They were allowed have a facade of independence when US power was uncontested. But now that China has risen up and is more powerful than the Soviets in the Pacific domain, US is under pressure. US will not longer allow these so called countries the same leeway it did before.

US and Australia are ofcourse part of the same Anglo-Saxon empire, so naturally Australia is given some part of the US domain as part of its colony.

Not just Tuvalu, the more power China gets and more desperate US gets, you will see US and even Austrlia toppling governments with coups, doing these kinds of deals and setting up bases all over the pacific.

For China to have presence in the Pacific, it will have to physically either fight for it. Or do its own influence and coup operations to set up its own friendly governments. But most likely any kind of coup not backed by huge Chinese naval presence will not succeed and US will takeover again. So, the only way China can have any meaningful influence in the pacific islands is to have a huge navy with 15+ aircraft carriers that is able to comfortably overpower US navy in the pacific. Only then China will have any chance of setting up bases and real influence in the pacific islands.


Junior Member
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This deal shows the reality of the Pacific Islands. Ever since World War 2, when the Japanese and the US fought for the dominance over the pacific, and US won, the entire Pacific is de facto US colony. The pacific islands have independence and sovereignty in name only. They were allowed have a facade of independence when US power was uncontested. But now that China has risen up and is more powerful than the Soviets in the Pacific domain, US is under pressure. US will not longer allow these so called countries the same leeway it did before.

US and Australia are ofcourse part of the same Anglo-Saxon empire, so naturally Australia is given some part of the US domain as part of its colony.

Not just Tuvalu, the more power China gets and more desperate US gets, you will see US and even Austrlia toppling governments with coups, doing these kinds of deals and setting up bases all over the pacific.

For China to have presence in the Pacific, it will have to physically either fight for it. Or do its own influence and coup operations to set up its own friendly governments. But most likely any kind of coup not backed by huge Chinese naval presence will not succeed and US will takeover again. So, the only way China can have any meaningful influence in the pacific islands is to have a huge navy with 15+ aircraft carriers that is able to comfortably overpower US navy in the pacific. Only then China will have any chance of setting up bases and real influence in the pacific islands.

Don't worry China has a very strong overt and behind the scenes influence ops. And knows how to protect its interests.