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The Marvels made just 57,000 USD outside the USA. The MCU is dead. IMO it was the biggest soft power boon of the USA in the 21st century.

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What the heck? why the sudden and very abrupt drop in box office receipts? What do you think was the primary reason(s) for the continuing decline, if not the death knell to what was once the most exciting I.P. in movie entertainment? (Full disclosure: I enjoyed the avengers movie up to it's finale).


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Your posts and it's content in terms of the current geopolitical trends and analysis makes sense to people that want to see the west weaken it's decline and hold of the world. But such view and the current unfolding of events along with the future you've laid out is also why the west and it's supporters from its perceived vassals and supporters in the global south want the west to remain the dominant player. The west provided post WWII a pillar of stability in what's always been a chaotic world, when might makes right. It's the rationale that western prime gardener Borrell alluded to when describing countries outside of western gardens as jungle. What's your take on that western centric view?

Colonial period was also peaceful and full of stability. But people didn't want to be slaves and get exploited by foreign rulers. So, they rose up and kicked out these so called security providers. But just after decolonization, plenty of countries had civil wars in Africa, South East Asia and so on. Decolonization caused alot of wars in various parts of the world. But this is way the world works.

When an old system of dominance is ended, before a new system is established, there will be wars. But that doesn't stop people and countries from rising up because they are not okay with the old order.

The current order is kind of like old colonialism. Its just a soft form of colonialism with a facade of independent states. But western companies still dominate all the brands, technologies and platforms. They even control how you trade with dollar dominance. Its lopsided against the local population of many regions and western companies and people have a lot unfair advantages. So, sooner or later fed up people will rise up to change the status quo.

Will this cause a lot of wars. Of course. But it will be a more fair system compared to what exists now. And people have shed alot of blood to achieve fairness.

Now what is fairness? Your independence, prestige, wealth and influence is equal the amount of power you have. That's fairness. If you don't have that, you will use your power to achieve it. Which means whoever has more wealth, prestige, influence than their power to keep it will have to fight for it.

Power struggles are inevitable part of life, every single day.
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Dragon of War

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I can see the concept works when everything goes to plan. But what if something doesn't? Lets say, what happens if train is not working? What if there is fire or earthquake? Terrorist attacks?

I believe that's just natural in any kind of conflict, you don't know what to expect until boots are on the ground and accessing the situation. Best approach is to have the emergency service available for such disasters, keep them well funded, and give them plenty of preparation and training for such situations. "In times of peace, prepare for war" so to say.

Deleted member 24525

IMO Xi should become the next US president. Look at this, just with a single visit by Xi, San Francisco has suddenly become clean and narcotic/crime-free. Xi can help all people equally, irrespective of what country they reside. He is truly the people's leader

Americans love to say stuff like this but will fight tooth and nail to prevent the tax hikes required to actually fund a sustained increase in the intensity of policing, or anything else for that matter.


Registered Member
Americans love to say stuff like this but will fight tooth and nail to prevent the tax hikes required to actually fund a sustained increase in the intensity of policing, or anything else for that matter.

Neither side of the political spectrum exactly has a “good opinion” on the police due to the last few years… or really a good opinion on any government institution for that matter.


Registered Member
Your posts and it's content in terms of the current geopolitical trends and analysis makes sense to people that want to see the west weaken it's decline and hold of the world. But such view and the current unfolding of events along with the future you've laid out is also why the west and it's supporters from its perceived vassals and supporters in the global south want the west to remain the dominant player. The west provided post WWII a pillar of stability in what's always been a chaotic world, when might makes right. It's the rationale that western prime gardener Borrell alluded to when describing countries outside of western gardens as jungle. What's your take on that western centric view?
The post soviet order was built on China-US cooperation, as outlined through Deng and Kissinger's negotiations. So it was never about a pillar of "western" stability, because the West couldn't take down the USSR alone. It was about a calculated gamble where we decide the USSR had to go, China should turn a blind eye towards American aggression in the 3rd world, and in exchange, China would legally be treated the same as the other "garden" countries, I.e. free market access, preferential economic treatment and peace with US.

It was always might makes right, it's just that we used our might to bargain for good conditions while turning eyes away from other countries suffering under might makes right.

The deal has already collapsed. That's why China is now moving into the middle east and consolidating its hold on Russia.