Miscellaneous News


Every nobody has to have a say in Xi and Biden meeting. No wonder the US is such a mess now.
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More threats but nothing to offer.
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Another useless climate meeting and agreement that never result in real and position changes. China is going with its own pace and probably leave these countries in dust soon in implementing climate policies and renewable energies.
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Moderator - World Affairs
The NEOM concept is ambitious and forward-thinking, addressing emergency services and achieving ultra-rapid transit would necessitate careful planning, technological innovation, and likely incremental implementation. The integration of cutting-edge technologies and a phased approach to development may be key in realizing these aspects of the NEOM vision.

The Royal Saudi Armed Forces, is a well-equipped and a sizeable force in the Middle East with one of the highest defense budgets in the world. Comprehensive security measures can significantly reduce the risk of terrorism impacting the hyper-rail system. Effective intelligence gathering and counter-terrorism measures will be important. This involves cooperation between security agencies, international intelligence sharing, and staying ahead of potential threats. Leveraging technologies such as surveillance cameras, facial recognition, and other security systems can enhance monitoring and response capabilities.

Why are you using ChatGPT to write your responses in this thread?


Registered Member
The NEOM concept is ambitious and forward-thinking, addressing emergency services and achieving ultra-rapid transit would necessitate careful planning, technological innovation, and likely incremental implementation. The integration of cutting-edge technologies and a phased approach to development may be key in realizing these aspects of the NEOM vision.
I can see the concept works when everything goes to plan. But what if something doesn't? Lets say, what happens if train is not working? What if there is fire or earthquake? Terrorist attacks?


Registered Member
It's kinda funny how western media claims China only looks nice because they're putting on a show, meanwhile you have San Fransisco putting on a massive show with dozens of "beautification projects", cleaning up graffiti, trash and poop and literally shipping out homeless people


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Just think about it. Making a city that is a line in the middle of the desert.
There is a reason why cities have a certain shape. If you want to reduce the time taken to travel from one point to another the most suitable shape is something approximating a circle.
It's like devolving backward.

1 Dimension: Line
2 Dimension: Square
3 Dimension: Cube

Most cities are trying to increase densities, i.e., building up and away from building out, so they're attempting to go three-dimensional. Saudis are regressing to one dimension.


Junior Member
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It's like devolving backward.

1 Dimension: Line
2 Dimension: Square
3 Dimension: Cube

Most cities are trying to increase densities, i.e., building up and away from building out, so they're attempting to go three-dimensional. Saudis are regressing to one dimension.
The worst problem with it is the waste. Just imagine what all this money and effort could have been spent on instead. The Saudi royal family cares too much about status and luxury goods and not enough about developing their country.

Neom is projected to cost 500 billion dollars to build. You could buy 25,000 kilometers of high speed rail at Chinese prices for that


Senior Member
One of the biggest hypocrites is these so called human rights champion. They are worse than White supremacists as they are not only racist but hateful and self righteous.
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Some grassroots human rights activists can be genuine. It's the NED western backed ones that are real hypocrites and used as tools of regime change by their backers.

The most obvious mask off moment recently was the completely different attitude towards a real genocidal ethinc cleansing war crimes by Israel in Gaza and a fabricated one by china in Xinjiang. Almost all the uyghurs human right champions ignored Israeli genocidal crimes and some even ridiculously blamed people for being too focused on Palestinians and not care for the "plight" of uyghurs. Unbelievable.

So yeah we are somehow asked to believe they are genuinely concerned about Muslims but only those in China obviously.

That's as ridiculous as white house backing Israel to the hilt in their war crimes against Palestinians but then announce they are concerned with rising Islamophobia.
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In return, Australia will have effective veto power over Tuvalu's security arrangements with any other country.

"With the Pacific the best placed to support the Pacific's own security, Australia and Tuvalu will also mutually agree cooperation with other countries in Tuvalu's security sectors," the agreement reads.

Australia has made the sudden announcement of a defence agreement with Tuvalu
From what I understand the deal acts similarly to the Compacts of Free Association between the US and its former Mandates in Micronesia, Palau and the Marshal Islands. In exchange Australia will provide Tuvalu with Australian citizenship and residency rights to evacuate and relocate into Australia, but with the deal structured to throttle applications at 280 persons annually rather than all 11,000 Tuvaluans in a year.

So for the price of one single plane load of people a year Australia has purchased military control over Tuvalu. Thats quite the coup in terms of strategic access, but more importantly access denial against China.

This comes amid the final preparations of a defence treaty with the Papuan New Guineans for Australian military access and defacto control of our former colony alongside the Americans who signed basing access earlier this year, primarily for Manus Island with its naval and air facilities.

I note that in between Papua and Tuvalu is Nauru, a former colony which remains one in all but name. With a precedent in Tuvalu, Nauru could be expected to be forced into an official recognition of reality within coming months.

The end result of this is a solid line of exclusive strategic access and political allies along the North-South axis between Japan and Australia, and the West Pac to East Pac axis of resupply to Australia from the USA. This grouping includes Japan and Korea; Taiwan; the Phillipines following the American and now Japanese basing agreements; the American military colonies in the Marianas, Guam, Marshall Islands, Palau, and Micronesia; the reestablished Australian colonies in Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu and Nauru; New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna under France; Australia proper; New Zealand and the New Zealand administered crown colonies of Cook Islands, Tokelau and Niue.