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‘They just said we had to go’: S.F. clears homeless hot spots ahead of APEC​

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officials have been working to clear some of the city’s hot spots for
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ahead of world leaders, dignitaries, corporate executives and international journalists descending on the city for this month’s
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A high-ranking official in the city’s Public Works department listed seven intersections in the
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and South of Market to target in an email to other city officials on Sept. 25.

“With APEC coming, I am concerned about historical encampments that are close to priority areas,” wrote Christopher McDaniels, superintendent of Street Environmental Services, in an email obtained by the Chronicle through a public records request.

Sounds like SF is preparing for President Xi's inspection tour ;)

American netizens are not impressed.
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Blackrock ie Anglo American elites are quickly going to discover that paper deeds to Ukrainian property and assets are worth about as much as in a war zone in the Donbass.

Taiwan must be liberated before this happens. Indians are using the Jewish playbook of infiltrating key power positions and nepotistically hiring their own people en masse. A few good apples like kishore Mabhubani does not excuse the hundreds of millions of mouths with feet that the Indian government is so desperate to export to the world.

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Notice also how despite the Anglo Americans advocating peace, that they never stopped or relented on their “all of society” race war against china? Like the third reich using the honorary aryan Japanese to attack the British, the Anglo Americans are using honorary white Indians to attach china.

For this reason, the PLA must field a force to take and hold the North American continent in perpetuity.

two Chinese scientific advances of note
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hundreds of thousands of linked, mass data driven suicide drones bombarding US positions and targets and bunkers for years…
Just repeal all Indian work visas across China. Don't let them come to Taiwan or anywhere else.

If they want to work and send money back to Bharat, they can do so in one of China's middle eastern friends. Not China itself.


Indian colonization of Taiwan, JH redditors will soon add it to the map of Akhand Bharat

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It will be interesting. Future culture shock like Singapore.
India is signing up labor contracts with multiple countries. However, I don't think India will be a colonist of anyone. It's more likely to become a bigger version of the Philippines. You cannot really develop your country by exporting labors. You can only develop your country by attracting foreign companies to set up factories and employing your labors in your own country, like China did.

A picture is worth a thousand words - why "democracy" is utterly useless, today's edition:

One stone two birds? Debt relief and increased yuan utilization:

China’s emergency yuan loans to debt-beset nations mark ‘strategic pivot’ in helping poorer countries pay back Beijing​

  • China under pressure to offer more relief to heavily indebted nations amid allegations from other countries that it has engaged in ‘debt-trap diplomacy’
  • With Beijing ‘bailing out countries with the biggest belt-and-road project debts’, emergency loans to debtor nations are proliferating to ensure they pay up
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It would be Biden's wettest dream if the Chinese could be countered with just these "armored vehicles".

What a piece of crap by these MSM salary thieves. If I were in charge of the MIC propaganda fund, I would demand the money back.
I was wondering if the Stryker is a good enough platform for India to be used potentially against China in a potential border conflict, why would the U.S. Army decided to divest in all the M1128 Stryker mobile gun systems due to its supposed obsolescence. Perhaps, India is going to be co-producing the other variants of the Stryker, such as the Medium Caliber Weapons System, the Common Remotely Operated Weapons Station-
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, the Anti-Tank Guided Missile Updates, and the 30mm cannon. Plus, the Stryker program was developed according to this U.S. Army news report for urban use and "to provide direct supporting fires to assault infantry by destroying or suppressing hardened enemy bunkers, machine guns and sniper positions in urban, restricted and open-rolling terrain."
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How is this platform going to be a game changer or even an effective deterrence against China's PLA when it's equipped with what's considered by some as one of the best light tank in the world, the Type-15. How is the engine of Stryker going to perform in a high altitude environment where according to the information gleaned on this forum and elsewhere affects engine performance and reliability. For now, there's too many questions than answers as to what and how the Stryker is going to exactly assist the Indian Military with respect to their clear and present challenges at the border with China.