Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
The short of it is after collapse of Communist Party of Burma a lot of those EAOs formed in the wake. Kokang was one such under control by a group called Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army.

In 2009 the Burmese (pre-junta) government troops attacked MNDAA and the 2nd in command in MNDAA defected to the government side. A new local government was formed and Burmese government troops were stationed in Kokang. MNDAA remnants retreated deep into the mountains to hide.

Neither MNDAA prior to 2009 nor the subsequent government were pleasant people from PRC point of view. MNDAA Kokang's economy was mainly drug trade (80% of it going to China) and post 2009 Kokang's economy shifted to scamming.

Recently MNDAA re-emerged and is attacking what they see as collaborationist and traitors with government troops, using the whole anti-scam thing as their reasoning (and with suspicious amount of Chinese origin heavy weapons). They are making a lot of progress. As far as we can tell their years hiding away in the mountains has lead to some reforms in MNDAA. They have swear off the drug trade and their troops seem highly motivated.

But still, Chinese people shouldn't project themselves into any of these groups. Just look at the response from Wa State the most powerful and most pro-China of the EAOs:
View attachment 120911
Wa State is calling for ceasefire from both sides, not taking either side, accepting any refugees fleeing Kokang into Wa State and will attack any troops entering their territory.

View attachment 120912
This is MNDAA calling for "collaborationist forces" to either lay down their arms or rise up and join them to kick out the government troops. They nailed down that Chinese Civil War feel with the language.
Saw some rumors saying that this stuff started earlier around Oct 20th when one of the warlord groups killed some Yunnan cops.

I think if US is dead set on destabilizing Myanmar and if China can't fix Myanmar in the short term, then China should take full advantage of the situation to use it to destabilize India.
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Registered Member
I'm sorry but this is some unhinged retarded shit. By your twisted logic, Iraq, which contains Mesopotamia, has the right to direct all humanity by force. The Japanese said something just like you but called it divine right, thus justifying all of their cruelty in Asia. I'm disturbed that your post garnered the support of so many members. The fact is that Japan is a modern sovereign nation. It can refuse to join any Chinese-led coalition, and China has no right to invade it for that choice. If they conduct any military operations against China, especially in the event of a Taiwan conflict, even if they send arms to the ROC or allow the US to use Japanese bases in a conflict, that all changes. But China has no right to answer a polite refusal with military force. If you don't recognize that, then you simply want China to become the monster that it spent decades hating.
Why should China tolerate a foreign military presence near its most vital economic areas? The US military has no business being in the western Pacific and the reason it's there is because Japan hosts it. Japan doesn't get to say "no" to China, politely or otherwise. There's nothing unhinged or retarded about a Chinese Monroe Doctrine.
The fact is that Japan is a modern sovereign nation.
The fact is the only fully sovereign nations are superpowers. For the rest, sovereignty is conditional. Japan can run its own post office, but it shouldn't and won't be allowed to make grand decisions like whether it hosts US forces or joins a US alliance.


Divine right is shaky justification, but the problem is that the global situation isn't a choice between divine right and national liberation, but between American divine right and Chinese divine right.
Origin right is just as shaky.
The right of China to lead and control in Asia and over other parts of the world is not mainly based in history, but based on practical experience. There is only 1 other civilization that has shown global leadership capacity by bringing prosperity, through their own power, to over 1 billion of their own people, that being the Anglo-Saxons.

But unfortunately, becoming subservient to them means being an open air brothel like Thailand or Afghanistan, because they just culturally don't accept people who don't look like them. So it's better that nations get subjugated to China, as they at least can be freed from exploitation that locks them into permanent misery.

The sooner more Chinese people assume a mindset of allowing expansion, the better. Having tributary countries will further enhance the wealth and welfare of the middle and lower class, while colonies under Beijing's soft guiding hand rather than Washington's harsh and violent hand, will also benefit in gaining the real development they've been denied for decades by their current masters.

Look at places like for example Philippines and most of Africa. They've been dumps since forever under western exploitation. At the minimum, China isn't gonna do a worse job.
I am completely in support of Chinese expansion. But it has to be done the right way. The way that won't have China remembered as a war criminal that committed genocide (56860 actually asked for Nanjing Massacre reenactments in every Japanese city, not just to conquer them) onto anyone who peacefully said no. China has no reason to right or reason to resort to it. Right is obvious, but the reason is that China is the world's largest economy, largest manufacturer, and greatest technological innovator. The carrot is far too powerful to bring up a dreaded stick when there is no provocation. And that part is key. If there were a provocation, a skirmish or more likely, non-violent material support to a nation at war with China, I accept all of them as premises to expanding the war and ultimately Chinese territory. But absent that, I do not support a China becoming violent against a peaceful country simply due to disagreement in a matter that is their sovereign decision.
Why should China tolerate a foreign military presence near its most vital economic areas? The US military has no business being in the western Pacific and the reason it's there is because Japan hosts it. Japan doesn't get to say "no" to China, politely or otherwise. There's nothing unhinged or retarded about a Chinese Monroe Doctrine.

The fact is the only fully sovereign nations are superpowers. For the rest, sovereignty is conditional. Japan can run its own post office, but it shouldn't and won't be allowed to make grand decisions like whether it hosts US forces or joins a US alliance.
So suddenly, the US is the shining beacon we should follow? It's not the monstrosity on the world that we seek to abolish but the one we seek to become? Defeating foreign military presence near China is correctly done by China growing so strong that America's Asian bases become pointless in the face of Chinese power, like if North Korea leased a base in Venezuela. Then, the US will let them languish and eventually exit because it's vast sums of money for nothing (especially if they get repeatedly embarrassed in encounters with China). And the host country will also want the US out because that is precondition to benefitting from China's power. That is the correct way. Telling other countries they have no right to say no to China or they will face obliteration is exactly the American attitude that must be wiped from the earth. It is not to be replaced.
I believe in the inherent superiority of the Chinese gene seed, Chinese civilization and Chinese culture over all other civilizations. Once this basic fact is acknowledged it naturally follows that China doesn't simply deserve to lead East Asia - it in fact deserves to lead all of humanity.

Japan in particular, as a pale imitation of Chinese civilization at best and an abhorrent mutation at worst - does not deserve to be anywhere except under Chinese jurisdiction.
You're about to get booted from the forum for racist eugenic shit like that. By the way, no one with any understanding of genetics has ever said, "gene seed" before. The worst criminals in history thought like you. Cecil Rhodes justified British colonialism and the murder of Africans and Indians by saying that the British race was supreme and thus must spread over the world making it a better place at any cost. And of course, Hitler himself. Your thought has no place in China's rise; you need to be institutionalized.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
I beg to differ.

After watching a lifetime of JAV and animu, I have learned that the Japanese female gene seed is indeed the most superior, the most kawaii, and the most splendid by far in the world. Especially the 2D waifu gene seed - one that derives solely from Japan.
You're out of touch. Genshin, Honkai, and Girls' Frontline 1 + 2 proves that the future of the "2D waifu gene seed" is in China, and that future is now.


Registered Member
The short of it is after collapse of Communist Party of Burma a lot of those EAOs formed in the wake. Kokang was one such under control by a group called Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army.

In 2009 the Burmese (pre-junta) government troops attacked MNDAA and the 2nd in command in MNDAA defected to the government side. A new local government was formed and Burmese government troops were stationed in Kokang. MNDAA remnants retreated deep into the mountains to hide.

Neither MNDAA prior to 2009 nor the subsequent government were pleasant people from PRC point of view. MNDAA Kokang's economy was mainly drug trade (80% of it going to China) and post 2009 Kokang's economy shifted to scamming.

Recently MNDAA re-emerged and is attacking what they see as collaborationist and traitors with government troops, using the whole anti-scam thing as their reasoning (and with suspicious amount of Chinese origin heavy weapons). They are making a lot of progress. As far as we can tell their years hiding away in the mountains has lead to some reforms in MNDAA. They have swear off the drug trade and their troops seem highly motivated.

But still, Chinese people shouldn't project themselves into any of these groups. Just look at the response from Wa State the most powerful and most pro-China of the EAOs:
View attachment 120911
Wa State is calling for ceasefire from both sides, not taking either side, accepting any refugees fleeing Kokang into Wa State and will attack any troops entering their territory.

View attachment 120912
This is MNDAA calling for "collaborationist forces" to either lay down their arms or rise up and join them to kick out the government troops. They nailed down that Chinese Civil War feel with the language.
Looks like studying Xi Jinping thought is paying off.


Lieutenant General
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Super Moderator
Registered Member
I believe in the inherent superiority of the Chinese gene seed, Chinese civilization and Chinese culture over all other civilizations. Once this basic fact is acknowledged it naturally follows that China doesn't simply deserve to lead East Asia - it in fact deserves to lead all of humanity.

Japan in particular, as a pale imitation of Chinese civilization at best and an abhorrent mutation at worst - does not deserve to be anywhere except under Chinese jurisdiction.


Perma ban

I beg to differ.

After watching a lifetime of JAV and animu, I have learned that the Japanese female gene seed is indeed the most superior, the most kawaii, and the most splendid by far in the world. Especially the 2D waifu gene seed - one that derives solely from Japan.

This is also some racist incel writing that also manages to be sexist (naturally)

That said I'm not sure if you are memeing, so I will only give a one year ban, with perma ban on return if this happens again.

Some people are getting too comfortable here on SDF.
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Registered Member
@manqiangrexue, OK, this part is unhinged, but the Monroe Doctrine analogue isn't.
Whether China is superior to Japan or not depends on which nation is willing to stand on its own proud and tall without bending the knee like an over spent geisha over every single thing. That fact should be pretty obvious by now but really to sink to the same level as a nation that literally will fall apart without endless war spending, really should China devolve into a mindless pissing match with yours truly.

Right now, China should be focussed on pushing forward while addressing its shortcomings in a mature manner, least they end up as the global pariah like what Israel and the USA is rapidly becoming as of now with there genocidal bullshit that is easily avoided if their are any adults in the room. Seriously, China didn’t get this far by sacrificing their humanity for a couples of likes on Reddit or to please some demented incels from the dark corners of the web, China has a vision for a shared future (yes that song from the Chinese Olympics really touched my heart that no Jpop could ever hope to do ever), not a world that is exclusively for the wild west only, and given how the global order to slowly but sure coming China’s way, well eventually the results will speak for it itself on who is able to do better for this world the ones who have been ‘managing the world’ since the end of the cold war
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I believe in the inherent superiority of the Chinese gene seed, Chinese civilization and Chinese culture over all other civilizations. Once this basic fact is acknowledged it naturally follows that China doesn't simply deserve to lead East Asia - it in fact deserves to lead all of humanity.

Japan in particular, as a pale imitation of Chinese civilization at best and an abhorrent mutation at worst - does not deserve to be anywhere except under Chinese jurisdiction.
Racial supremacy is not tolerated or acceptable. Same goes for asking for mass killings against a group of people or individuals. Posts do get reported so don't think the super mods aren't checking.


Racial supremacy is not tolerated or acceptable. Same goes for asking for mass killings against a group of people or individuals. Posts do get reported so don't think the super mods aren't checking.
No, I reported him and he's done. He's an embarrassment to China. They say extreme arrogance is just a veneer for insecurity. I wouldn't be surprised if the person who talks like that ended up someone with no achievments in life at the bottom of society. Meanwhile, the Chinese professionals with muscles and good looks who will actually power China's rise are usually polite and humble.

Edit: Oops, I thought you said posts "don't" get reported.