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There are plenty of military forums that discuss about nuclear strikes against China, genocide all Chinese, racist supremacy and eugenics. SDF bans such topics doesn't mean other military forums have such restrictions. However, such racist discussion contributes nothing to the forum and only pollutes and degrades SDF.

Although, it used to be the policy of SDF that it is a war crimes to attack civilian infrastructure and anyone discusses about attacking civilian infrastructure receives instant ban. But now, when Israel is attacking civilian infrastructure. It seems attacking civilian infrastructure is no longer a war crime.

That's why don't get to work up with such wild outburst of some members. It isn't like the enforcement in SDF is ever consistent and fair to begin with.


Registered Member
Saw some rumors saying that this stuff started earlier around Oct 20th when one of the warlord groups killed some Yunnan cops.

I think if US is dead set on destabilizing Myanmar and if China can't fix Myanmar in the short term, then China should take full advantage of the situation to use it to destabilize India.

The October 20th event is certainly on people's mind with recent events in Kokang. Naturally since MNDAA is saying:
They list cracking down the scammer and rescuing hostages as one of their reason for the offensive. This plus going out of the way to show off their Chinese origin weapon certainly gives off the feel that they have China's blessing for this and October 20th event was the triggering point for China's support. However I'm still pretty hesitant to believe it all because these actors are all very good at Chinese PR and I wouldn't rule out all of these as elaborate scheme to give themselves more legitimacy both in Chinese public eyes as well as among other warlords.

Besides using Chinese made weapons here's their leader filmed brandishing a Mate 60.
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Registered Member
Well you can't. The door closed and the ship set sail over a century ago. The Monroe Doctrine was made in a different time.
I disagree. The multipolar world is a return to exactly the world in which the Monroe Doctrine was born. The unipolar world was a unique aberration in history and any rules, norms, and mores that it formulated will pass with it. If the ship set sail a hundred years ago, it's just reappeared on the horizon and will soon pull into port. Welcome back, history.
You cannot declare that no one else may have a present military in the countries surrounding you because the whole world will know you as a bully. China actually has an outstanding reputation among non-Western supporting nations.
The thinking in the Global South isn't so simplistic. They might profess a principled opposition to bullying and imperialism, but their real problem with it is that they're the victims. China is "popular" (and I wouldn't say that's the right word, it's more that it's seen as a valuable and strong partner by the elites of those countries) despite intensive Western propaganda portraying it as a bully - witness the endless stream of intellectual sewage about Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the SCS, etc.

You might argue that that's because China is being slandered and these accusations are untrue, and I agree. But that's beside the point, the point is people believe in China's righteousness here because that's what serves their interests to believe, whether or not China is actually righteous.

China retains its "popularity" in the Global South and I argue that the primary reason is that China isn't bullying them and they benefit economically and strategically by aligning with it. That logic would remain even in the case of genuine Chinese coercive or bellicose behaviour against countries in the region that ally with the US.
To declare to all Asian nations that they will face Chinese military action if they exercise their rights to form bonds with Chinese rivals will resound loud and clear that supporting China over the US is like kicking a king off his throne to install an emperor.
That's exactly the way it's always been. That's Statecraft 101. No country has ever tolerated the military presence of a rival in its near abroad if it had the power to change it.

I find it self-serving to believe China is the exception because of an excess of morality. The real reason is that China was too weak to change it and could only accept it. Increasingly, that's no longer the case.
The Chinese people are a morally-upstanding people.
Then they would see what I'm proposing as a just war. I don't advocate doing any more harm than necessary to realize China's just and reasonable core security objectives. If vacating the US necessitates a war, then that war is solely the responsibility of those who denied China justice. Whether or not there is a war is entirely their choice. Even if there is a war, they could stop it immediately with one phone call to the Chinese President agreeing to remove the US military from their territory.
I personally find a China that behaves like this unworthy of my devotion.
That's your opinion and I don't think it's widespread among the Chinese public today, let alone 15-20 years in the future as China grows ever more wealthy and powerful.
I didn't say they will shake your hand and admit defeat; I said that they will eventually find it useless and financially draining when it becomes apparent that their military is hopelessly outmatched in Asia and getting repeatedly humiliated.
Nobody will be happier than I am if the US just resigns after its alliance system is spontaneously reconfigured due to China's growing wealth and power. That suits me just fine. My question is what if this doesn't happen? I don't think alliance systems just fade away, they're always broken by war. That's my hypothesis and time will tell.
There's a big difference between telegraphing a willingness to fight, such as flexing over the ROC, vs telegraphing horrible bully syndrome by openly declaring that your interests must supersede other's sovereignty.
I consider China's policy on Taiwan a dangerous holdover from a period of poverty and weakness, just like its minimal nuclear deterrent policy was until very recently. China is not telegraphing a willingness to fight over its core national security issues, it's telegraphing a willingness to fight over one specific issue.

What happens should Taiwan return to the PRC while these other issues remain unaddressed? Some countries in the region would think they could take every liberty with China because the Taiwan thorn has been pulled from its side.

What China should do is telegraph a willingness to fight over its core security and sovereignty issues, of which Taiwan is one and not the totality. That's very different from telegraphing any "bullying syndrome."
It's not a strawman at all. Telling others that they don't have the right to say no on their soveriegn soil just because it is against Chinese interests is bullying.
They don't have the right to say no on a very narrow set of issues that affect China's most fundamental security interests. The core of our disagreement is that I believe this is well within a superpower's prerogative and you don't.
A modern Chinese nuclear arsenal comparable to the American or Russian stockpile, and armed with hypersonic vehicles provides an insurance policy against Anglo tendencies to commit genocide against Chinese.
I wouldn't put it in overwrought language like "genocide", but I was quite concerned until recently about China's strategic deterrent. Recent events have been very reassuring.


Lieutenant General
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Super Moderator
Registered Member
I would like to remind members that advocating for explicit war crimes, and expressions of explicit racism/racial superiority or inferiority, and sexism is not tolerated.

The fact that there are war crimes occurring in the other parts of the world, either in the past or in ongoing events, does not mean our members should express their own desires or advocacy for similar things to happen in the future.
This is a military forum, and civilian casualties and the targeting of civilian infrastructure is indeed unfortunately an element of conventional warfare, and discussions around nuclear weapons of course always has the underlying subtext and consequence of their potential use ways that would result in significant civilian casualties (especially if one has a counter value doctrine).
However, proposing the idea that China should do to every Japanese city what Japan did to Nanjing for the purposes of "commanding respect" is so utterly beyond the pale that there is no comparison with the above.

The fact that other communities may have white supremacists, or racial supremacists of any stripe, does not mean we have tolerance of any variant of it here. I have banned people for racialized remarks saying Chinese people are inferior, and I have also banned people for racialized remarks saying Chinese people are superior, and I have done so if or when people make racialized remarks if any other ethnicity is inferior or superior.


It is perfectly fine to draw a line to say anyone advocating for attacking civilian infrastructure should get an instant ban. But that isn't the case. Plenty of members didn't advocate for attacking civilian infrastructure but justifying Russian attack on civilian infrastructure got banned. On the contrary, no members that justifying Israeli attack on civilian infrastructure ever got banned. You can say whatever you want but the reality is Mods only choose and pick what you guys want to enforce and what you guys don't want to enforce.

In addition, many posts got deleted not because of any violation of SDF's policies but didn't confine to certain Mods' belief and position. It has become a habit for some Mods to rein in difference of opinions instead of moderation of violation of policies by deleting posts.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Nobody has ever been banned for discussing Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure. There is dozens of volleys of missiles against power grids, transportation infrastructure, logistics centers almost every week. Residential buildings covered in bullets and holes are posted by Tam all the time. Members described real-world events. What got members banned was advocating a 'Population Collapse attrition strategy' (a la Yommie/Tonghua, where Russia's 5X population advantage lets it attrite the Ukrainians by freezing and starving to death). That's basically advocating for humanitarian crisis, rather than merely describing humanitarian crisis as a world event (a la Israel).

Edit: I could be wrong, would welcome any examples of advocating Population collapse in Gaza among Palestinians as a counter-example.
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I am certain that there were members that support Russia by saying Russian attack on civilian infrastructure is justified and got permanent ban. I remember their positions were that in time of war attacking civilian infrastructure is a way to subdue your enemies. The MODS' positions back then are anyway suggesting, agreeing and justifying attack on civilian infrastructure wouldn't be tolerated because it is war crimes. But I have seemed plenty of members suggesting, agreeing, and justifying attack on Palestinian civilian infrastructure because this is a war but no ban hammer.