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Tim Cook said this a long time ago

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He was dismissed as indoctrinated by CCP and an adherent of XJP Thought. Just read how that article is written.

The crazy thing is that the article is almost 10 years old. Even China has some staffing issues at factories now.

All politicians say is decouple and ban Huawei, but have zero comprehensive plan to increase industrial output. It’s too long term and therefore unlikely to win enough votes. Much easier to ban Huawei and investigate Chinese academics.


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Israeli propaganda has changed tack and is now questioning the sincerity of people who object to the murder of Palestinians, they’re basically saying, “
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and the second part to their tactic is that they say ”you’re not anti war, you’re just anti Israeli!!!”, and they shriek in pain as they strike you.


Lieutenant General
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I have to respectfully disagree that past bans are consistent or clear cut as you just describe above but it is not my intention to advocate for these two members or in anyway that I think the ban is not justified.

I never wrote anything about past bans being consistent or inconsistent.

I am saying that this specific ban is a clear cut case of being beyond the pale and not tolerated on this forum. At the beginning of the sentence, note how I wrote "In this case".

I am saying that your previous claim that moderators have said "suggesting, agreeing and justifying attack on civilian infrastructure wouldn't be tolerated because it is war crimes" is not something I have seen or observed, and as I explained in my last post there are often discussions where civilian casualties in conventional warfare or nuclear exchange are actively acknowledged as part of how a conflict may unfold. The Taiwan contingency thread discusses those prospects, for example.

Again. Firstly, I don't have a problem with your bans. Secondly, I have no intention to defend these two members. Lastly, I have been here almost 20 years and understand the rules perfectly.

When I speak up about moderation issues, I already understand the consequences. No need to issue a threat to me, I have no problem if you decided to permanent ban me. I speak what I have in mind and is willing to accept the consequences. It is just a discussion forum why would you think I should fear anything if you imposed forum rules to ban me. Rule is rule. If you think I am challenging your moderation authority, just do what you have to do. Again, I don't have a problem with it.

I don't have a problem with your moderation but I disagree with the fact that you can totally disavow any responsibility. As a forum, all moderators are a team and each of you shares some degree of other moderators' actions. Otherwise, you would have inconsistency in enforcing rules and fairness in this forum.

Actually I can disavow the Ukraine thread, because we've had discussions among the moderators about how that thread is run, and I've made it clear that I think that thread is worth more trouble than it is worth and I actively do not moderate it and would prefer if that thread and that topic were outright not allowed on this forum.

Ultimately the role of the moderators is to carry out the rules in the best interests of the forum. You will not find every moderator agreeing with every moderator's decision in every single way, so if you notice inconsistency then you deserve commendation for noticing that actually we are different people and believe it or not we have disagreements among us as well.

I stated I wrote my previous post in black rather than moderator red exactly because I know you've been here a while, so I'm choosing to hear you out. If you interpreted that as a threat then you've missed the point entirely of that part of my post you quoted.

But if this matter is something you feel particularly strong about, then it is up to you if you want to continue down this path.
This will be my last post on the matter in black text.
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Junior Member
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I understand that there are many cooperation between China and Israel in China, especially in water conservation in agriculture industry which clearly Israel is the leader in the world ..... what would happen then?

China exports to Israel is not small but not big either US$16.5B
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And Israel exports to China in 2022 is "only" US$4.6B ..
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Clearly China is benefitting more
True but so was many other industries where foreign countries were global leaders and only they possessed divine technologies like EUV until China decided to spend money on it though don't think China would go out of its way to antagonise anyone it would be Israel banning high profile tech companies to satisfy US followed by China setting up new supply chains consulting with Israeli counterparts and business as usual.


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Agreed. The US will need to find a more efficient path for a 'greenhorn' to get an apprenticeship position. IMO, the education system at the high school level needs to be revamped which is a tall order especially in the US. There needs to be people on the lookout for potential candidates and guide them towards the Trades. I could be wrong but I believe the European model is similar to what I mentioned. Anyone here from Europe is free to correct me.

However, there are lots of problems when you're dealing with a union shop. I support unions but there are days where the union leadership needs to get their asses kicked.
My honest opinion of the entire world's educational system is that it's very backwards. Every countries. Yes even China's.

Give me a second to explain.

I guess my useless psych degree isn't all that useless now. :(

Here's the thing about brain development. We know that even as early as in the womb different fetuses respond differently to stimuli. Thus indicating that the things that make us different. What we are good at. What we are bad at. What we have natural talents for, and what we naturally suck at. What we like. What we dislike. All of that stuff. It's already beginning to be laid out even prior to actual birth.

This process of what parts our brain and our talents get stronger and what skills we can later be best at continues all throughout childhood. Early childhood is especially important.

I've always thought that it should be a good idea to begin to make assessments of people's talents, their brain patterns, and just what they seem to like and what they're good at almost as early as possible, and then an annual, bi-annual, or tri-annual reassessment.

If the baby shows strong natural born talent in quantitative skillsets or tasks then making the kid go through art classes and poetry isn't the best use of his time. Vice versa too. If someone's kid is naturally a people person or shows social adeptedness then forcing him against his will to study STEM-related stuff that he's neither good at nor likes is a waste of what his full potential could've been.

Now I'm not advocating that we start right off the bat with specialized schools right away, but I do advocate that schools initially begin as the usual general curiculum that every country seems to think is best, and then gradually over the course of the entire childhood lifespan we do reassessments and begin putting children towards more and more specialized schools so that when they do enter what is traditionally high school they are studying something that directly translates into going to an actual career. If we do stuff like bi-annual, tri-annual, or I guess even quadri-annual splits where each time we do a split the schools are more and more specialized and less and less generalized then we can make churn out effective workers and well-adjusted adults who have something productive to do with their lives as soon as they leave home and enter adulthood.

Granted some stuff will require college, master's, or doctorates levels.

For the U.S. the absence of not only millwrights, but qualified blue collar workers in like all of the trades stems in huge part from the fact that all U.S. schools are just general curiculum.

And the quality of that general curiculum is utter trash most of the time.

So we have 2 problems adding on top of each other. A curiculum that really isn't useful for anyone, and kids are barely competent or outright idiotic at this curiculum that is useless in the first place.

For those of you not in the U.S. I cannot begin to tell you how absolutely worthless almost all of my studies were. Even in college. And that's not just because of my goddamn psychology degree. Because if I had tried to pursue a Psy. D or Master's half my time in college was similarly useless.

But in a nutshell the issue with the U.S. education system has a lot to do with the fact that almost all high schools (and a lot of colleges in their general education 100 and 200 level courses even) eventually just converge to a few common knowledge points. Everybody reads some shakespeare, A Tale of 2 Cities, some Ancient Greek boringness (Odyssey, Illiad, fucking Oedipus), make sure you can do algebra (most U.S. high schoolers cannot do calculus at all even if they took it in high school unless they went to a very good high school...the teachers and courses make it easy to at least pass if you do some effort), make sure you know how to throw a football or dribble a basketball, make sure you know that the world's coolest country was founded in 1776 and that this country did nothing bad ever except for thsoe few occassions where outright denial is too crazy, oh and then know that there's this thing called gravity and this other thing called evolution (southern schools literally don't teach it or they go through the motions and nobody actually learns it).

The overwhelming majority of U.S. high schools converge to these points eventually...and that's only if your school was competent. Trust me you do not want to see how bad the 'bad' schools are.

OK now that's cool and all but take a good look what you're actually teaching the kids...fucking nothing that can actually help in the real world.

No real world marketable, applicable, or valuable skills. Nothing.

What if the kid wants to be a doctor? Lol congrats! You know that evolution basically says "he who fucks da most maximizes the chances of his offspring guiding the direction of the species". OK now you will waste like your first year or 2 largely repeating most of this stuff (there is some interesting stuff offered in some colleges as general education that actually is worth the 3 hours a week BTW...I can't tell a lie), then spend 2 years trying to get to Med school. A med school where they will definitely take a look at your race and if you're Asian you have to be twice as good just to have half the chance as a fucking affirmative action racist diversity hire candidate.

What if the kid wants to be a lawyer? Good for you kid! The knowledge of the Bill of Rights and the whole 1776 thing will not help you at all when you take the LSAT. You also get to join your doctor buddy in taking like 2 years of useless crap then speed rushing through actually relevant information.

Same for the rest of white collar careers.

As for blue collar?

It's even worse.

Blue collar careers oftentimes require you to have work experience. Many contractors straight up hate some of the trade schools because those schools are glorified scams.

Since trade schools are not often acredited...basically nobody with any power or authority actually verifies if they are actually at least meeting some sort of acceptable minimal standards half the trade schools are trash.

Therefore, some high school kid goes to trade school and now wasted time and money only to find out that half the contractors in his city would've just hired him as unskilled labor first while he was studying. Now they won't hire him at all because they know he learned bad habits and bad knowledge from a glorified scam.

For the highly skilled or even moderately skilled trades there is a problem wherein you have to start out as an unskilled helper, and then get into an apprenticeship. Your helper hours do not count towards the apprenticeship because MURICAAAAA that's why.

Here's a problem though. You obviously cannot just have a ton of kids go into unskilled helper positions. Those are jobs. Not college or school. nobody can afford to have a helper if they truly just already have a fully working and perfectly good staff.

So the helper positions as well as the apprenticeships are not able to find the best people but rather merely whoever gets to the application first or whoever is at the right place at the right time through dumb blind luck.

this problem continues throughout the apprenticeship and even into journeyman status. Notice how badly the TSMC Arizona plant went? Ya it's because most blue collar workers in America suffer from the same problems as millwrights. They do commercial and/or residential stuff a lot, but not a whole lot of industrial. And semi-conductor plants are very high-level complexity and difficulty industrial projects. Even having industrial experience as an industrial electrician, pipefitter, plumber, ironworker, sheet metal worker, etc. will not be enough to successfully tackle this problem.

But don't tell that to the American blue collar guys. You'll instantly see the racism spew forth when they get their itty bitty little feelings all butthurt because they dont' realize that they just simply have never worked on something this hard before.


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Oh please, compare with Hindu nationalists and White supremacists, they are just boastful and racist but have done no harm to the society or the world.
And how is both Indian and Western youth doing now? Ideologies like these that make yourself the victim while blaming everyone else is highly contagious it give you the feeling back when you were a baby having no responsibilities but all the attention and every adult yearns for it, Should nip it in the bud before it reaches Superpower 2030 levels and it will if left alone


I never wrote anything about past bans being consistent or inconsistent.

I am saying that this specific ban is a clear cut case of being beyond the pale and not tolerated on this forum. At the beginning of the sentence, note how I wrote "In this case".

I am saying that your previous claim that moderators have said "suggesting, agreeing and justifying attack on civilian infrastructure wouldn't be tolerated because it is war crimes" is not something I have seen or observed, and as I explained in my last post there are often discussions where civilian casualties in conventional warfare or nuclear exchange are actively acknowledged as part of how a conflict may unfold. The Taiwan contingency thread discusses those prospects, for example.

Actually I can disavow the Ukraine thread, because we've had discussions among the moderators about how that thread is run, and I've made it clear that I think that thread is worth more trouble than it is worth and I actively do not moderate it and would prefer if that thread and that topic were outright not allowed on this forum.

Ultimately the role of the moderators is to carry out the rules in the best interests of the forum. You will not find every moderator agreeing with every moderator's decision in every single way, so if you notice inconsistency then you deserve commendation for noticing that actually we are different people and believe it or not we have disagreements among us as well.

I stated I wrote my previous post in black rather than moderator red exactly because I know you've been here a while, so I'm choosing to hear you out. If you interpreted that as a threat then you've missed the point entirely of that part of my post you quoted.

But if this matter is something you feel particularly strong about, then it is up to you if you want to continue down this path.
This will be my last post on the matter in black text.
If that's how you perceive things, then I don't see any point of further discussion on this topic. I will just accept this is how thing is run here.


And how is both Indian and Western youth doing now? Ideologies like these that make yourself the victim while blaming everyone else is highly contagious it give you the feeling back when you were a baby having no responsibilities but all the attention and every adult yearns for it, Should nip it in the bud before it reaches Superpower 2030 levels and it will if left alone
Not every person is a saint. China has 1.4 billions people and there are no way that every Chinese people would have the same mindset.

Any attempt to conform every single person to certain behavior would always end up being a failure. Preventing any extremist ideology from taking root and spreading is to ensure that extremists understand that they have plenty at stake in the society and they would have plenty to lose if they rock the boat.


Junior Member
so about that whole defending Taiwan thing the Japanese had going.

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A collapse in the yen is forcing Japan to scale back a historic five-year, 43.5-trillion-yen defense build-up aimed at helping to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, according to eight people familiar with the matter.

Since the plan was unveiled in December, the yen has lost 10% of its value against the dollar, forcing Tokyo to reduce its ambitious defense procurement plan, which was then-calculated to cost $320 billion, the sources said.

Reuters interviewed three government officials with direct knowledge of defense procurement and five industry sources, who said Japan will begin cutting back on aircraft purchases in 2024, the second year of the build-up, due to the weak yen.


Registered Member
(Continued from before because I ran over the 10k character limit)

One last thing I'll mention.

So america's blue collar shortage is notorious. Meaning that not only are blue collar workers a pretty old crowd, but the other problem is that if you want new blue collar workers for that war that you're going to false flag the whole world into...well you will be directly interfering with military recruiting now.

The best candidates for blue collar work are also the best candidates for military recruitment, LOL!

Both require good physical fitness (watch as all the basic white girl liberal feminazis who hate 'toxic men' conveniently start hiding in the background), both require a personality that desires or at least derives satisfaction from a career/lifestyle that invovles more physicality and just moving around then anything else.

Both require a good ability to have visual spatial awareness.

Both require mechanical aptitude.

So ya when they execute the Hollywood script they have written up...there ain't going to be enough actors for all the roles you dumbasses!

Even with all their allies and lackeys they are still vastly outnumbered. They need to do something ridiculous like having a kill/death ratio (yes I am using a video game thing here...sake of simplicity) well above what you can realistically expect for war with a near-peer just to stale mate china. Not to win. And even then they 'll be collapsing their population badly And all this time they'll be splitting the pool of potential military recruits along with the pool of potnetial candidates necessary for the civilian side of the war. this is on top of the fact that the american youth are now literally either too stupid, too fat, too drugged-up, too mentally ill and unstable, or just overall too much of an epic failure in any combination of the above to serve in the military.

They're letting them use calculators on the ASVAB of all tests. The fucking ASVAB! Seriously!??!

Another few things I posted elsewhere at some time that goes to illustrate your points.

1. Believe it or not, they were pulling grandpas out of retirement (70+) to try to restart FIM-92 Stinger production

2. CRRC (China railroad and railcar) sent American workers for training in China because there hasn’t been a subway car built in the USA for 50 years.