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Deleted member 24525

I did not question your knowledge of China’s governance or your supposed knowledge of China. What I took issue with was your not so obvious tinge in your posts and disappointment of the members here not understanding the situation and actions of the Israeli government. Which is in a way inferring that our understanding of the policies, governance, and actions that animates Israeli government is intellectually and morally deficient which is far from the case.

But, since we're human beings, imperfect and prisoners to our own personal and ethnic biases, we can't force you to see our perspective and understanding from a non-Israeli lense and vice-versa. I am not going to suggest that my thinking and rationale on this matter with respect to this sad situation is more objective than yours in the same way that your views and opinions on the China-Taiwan issue is more objective based solely on my ethnicity and culture.


Unfortunately, the Yellow Peril is alive and well.

Misinformation and bias is everywhere.

Whatever China did, it's magnitudes better than spending trillions to bomb 3rd world countries back to stone age.
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You're right that I should have considered seige's statement in the context of the whole conflict and not just the latest flare-up, that is my fault.

What I was trying to do was express a general frustration with what I see as pretty extreme hypocrisy on this forum when it comes to violence against civilians. (Not to mention no small amount of antisemitism since Oct 7, see the comment before last). I remember when Russia invaded Ukraine. I was a lurker at the time. There was an enormous sense of glee on this forum for the destruction that followed, and consistent denial of the crimes that Russia committed against Ukrainian civilians, either in its indiscriminate bombing practices or in more on-the-ground massacres and war-crimes in Bukha and elsewhere. They accused Ukraine of bombing its own people and blaming it on Russia. Time has since passed and such denial has become rare, but what replaced it was an indifference to the human cost and general sense that whatever Russia was doing was worth it to protect itself, regardless of the civilian suffering it wrought.
You want to talk about hypocrisy. How about those XJ terrorists that had butchered women and children were called freedom fighters in the West. Didn't Israel send MP delegates to Taiwan to promote tie and condemn China of Xinjiang as genocide that are truly hypocrisy. With friends like these, who needs enemies.

Antisemitism seems to be the Code word for anyone expresses anything against Israel. China doesn't have historical baggage and owe nothing to the Jews just as Chinese foreign spokesperson has said. We can freely express what we consider injustice without fearing for labeling as antisemitism because holocaust and pogrom happened in EU not China.

Russian invasion of Ukraine isn't just. However, the difference of opinion is more to the fact that the NATO eastward expansion and color revolution are just as responsible for this mess than just put all faults at Russia.

The indifference is more to the fact that the Western powers have done so many crimes against other countries from Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama. Regimes change in Indonesia, Iran, Chile, and Argentina.
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Many Chinese and global south have the thinking that if one's day what would happen if they are the ones that got in the crosshairs of the Western powers. Just as the US and the West are actively provoking China from XJ, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and SCS, China sooner or later would force to fight back. All other global south nations can see how Russian state and civilian assets got confiscated, bank accounts were frozen, trades sanctioned and after the double standard in Israel, you think they would ever believe the West.

This is repeated in discussions on options for PLA strike strategies in westpac. It is not uncommon to see advocacy for intensive bombardment of dual-use infrastructure in Japan and even Taiwan; especially Taiwan. This includes things like electric grides, telecom networks, food stockpiles, and water distribution. Are the commentators here ignorant as to what this would mean for civilians in Taiwan? Would they be willing to personally endure the hell that followed for the sake of reunification? They are either unaware of simply indifferent.

That brings us to the most recent spate of conflict in Israel. This was sparked when Hamas operatives snuck across the boarder and massacred about 1200 civilians in their homes and in a music festival. Women were on video being raped and murdered. Entire families including children were killed, and hundreds were captured. Again, the reaction here was one of general glee. People called the victims settlers and mocked their suffering, calling for their mass murder or expulsion "back to Europe", regardless of the fact that 60% of them descended from MENA Jews fleeing ethnic cleansing, and refuse to even acknowledge this undisputed historical fact. Then the predictably terrible retaliation follows in Gaza, and there is an outpouring of sympathy, suddenly human life matters and individuals should not be punished for the actions of their forefathers. Many of the people displaying this sympathy are ones who mocked or otherwise dismissed the suffering of dead Ukrainian and Israeli civilians.

And nobody calls out or even acknowledges this. It's the same behavior Americans display and are hated for; only caring about life when it benefits them geopolitically, and showing a total disregard for it otherwise. And the worst part is that Israel/Palestine does not even implicate China in any meaningful way, it just wants to buy oil from Arab countries and agrotech from Israel, it has no political stake in this. But many forum-goers make up a stake to accommodate their own biases.
Israel has occupied Gaza and West bank for 70 years. Israel has never stopped killing Palestinians. Israel is still at wars with Palestinians. Israel has refused two state solution and didn't plan to treat Palestinians as citizens. Gaza strip is an open air prison for over 2 millions people. Your indiscriminate bombing of Gaza Strip would soon kill more Palestinians within a few weeks than what Russians have done within almost 2 years.

All deaths from civilians are tragic and should be avoided and condemned. However, you aren't going to get too much sympathy because of what Israel has done over last 70 years and what Israel is doing right now and would soon do next.

Undeniably, people have bias. Israel can retaliate and has the right to do so. But don't expect people to sugarcoat what is happening and would be happening. It is ethnic cleansing no matter how you look at this. And the global south won't look kindly of this double standard displaying by the West and Israel.


Lieutenant General
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Love all the headlines from the Western news media saying this war upends China's plans...

If so then why are they trying to pressure China to work for Western interests? They should be for this war since it damages China's interests far more than US interests. If it escalates, all it does is push the Middle East more towards China like never before. Before, China wasn't seen as the alternative to the US and the West. And remember this fundamental fact... They've been pushing China away just because China hasn't bent the knee to them. They want to punish China because Russia invaded Ukraine. They can't cry China invaded Ukraine. All their worries about losing influence to China wouldn't be happening if they didn't go out of their way seeing China as their enemy and all because they're having difficulty competing economically with China. What are they going to do to China? Ban advanced semiconductors to China? See they already used that leverage up on something so petty and what's more embarrassing for them is that it didn't work.


Registered Member
These old idiots are at it again. Iran, Russia and China is the new axis of evil according to the half functional minority senate leader.

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I find it impossible to read the Western press these days. It didn't used to be that way years ago, and I don't think it's entirely because I've lost patience. They've become increasingly unhinged and delusional. This must have been what it was like to read Pravda in the last days of the Soviet Union.