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Problem with that is that the American military are violently opposed to dying for Israel
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The pentagon could face mutiny if they send the US to fight and die for Israel, remember this is 20 years after GWOT and the American public especially the hedonistic Zoomerw are more suspicious of wars than previous.
Is that LEGITIMATE AND CREDIBLE FACTUAL REPORT or just yet another misinformation/disinformation that opponents of Israel/west are also busy doing as part of information warfare.

There's a couple of typo/grammatical errors on that "leaked" email.


Registered Member
Is there a media blackout of China's belt and road forum? Seems to be absolutely nothing being reported.

I think the state department got blindsided by the sudden announcement so they haven't released their instructions to the media on how to badmouth the event
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“At least we talk about it”.

This is a sad day for my country, because the failure of the referendum does not simply maintain the status quo, rather the process and outcome has poisoned the well for future reconciliation efforts for at least the next generation. The latent racism, contempt, and lack of empathy that many Australians have for their indigenous peoples has been laid bare, while the work of a generation of indigenous advocates lies in ruins. All available evidence suggests that indigenous persons and communities were as heavily in support of the referendum's proposals for constitutional recognition and an advisory "voice to Parliament" as the nation as a whole was against them. This result can therefore only deepen the alienation of indigenous peoples from the dominant majoritarian culture and the governance structures that have been imposed upon them.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the rest of the Labor executive bear considerable responsibility for this failure. In failing to recognise the mood of the nation in the context of prevailing economic conditions, failing to recognise the advantages of the "no" case in creating and drawing upon the base instincts of ignorance, anxiety and resentment, failing to anticipate how sentiments would evolve in the context of well-resourced disinformation campaigns (they're going to take your land, force you to pay reparations, abolish Australia Day, etc.), Albanese and colleagues failed in this basic task of leadership: to know their people and to know what is achievable and what is not.

In particular, Albanese and colleagues should've paid greater heed to the history that suggests referendums are doomed if they do not command support from both of the major parties. It was a mistake to move forward without the support of the Liberal (i.e. conservative) party, not least of all because most of the commercial media is aligned with that party. To be sure, the Liberal party are a bunch of cunts, but politics and leadership is about dealing with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be. Blaming Peter Dutton for being a wrecker is like blaming a Great White Shark for taking a bite out of your leg. if the dice could be rolled without consequence that would be one thing, but the consequences of having tried and failed are likely to be enduring.

In my time as a politically aware adult, I have had several occasions to be ashamed of my nation. The invasion of Iraq and our gleeful participation in the "War of Terror" more broadly. The 2005 Cronulla riots. Our attempts to steal the gas reserves of the fledgling and desperately poor nation of Timor-Leste. Our inhumane treatment of asylum seekers, particularly the detention of children, and how our politicians turned the issue into a theatre of deliberate cruelty. Our voting with the UK and USA against the rights of the Chagossian people to return to their homeland. Our consistent support of Israel's ongoing violent oppression of the Palestinian peoples. And now this.


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Is there a media blackout of China's belt and road forum? Seems to be absolutely nothing being reported.

I think the state department got blindsided by the sudden announcement so they haven't released their instructions to the media on how to badmouth the event

Of late this is happening more and more often.

First with Saudi-Iran peace treaty.

Then with Mate 60.

Now with belt and road forum.


Registered Member
For the love of Confucius!! @henrik has found another topic du jour to latch onto that supposedly China must do or needs. During covid-19 it was that China must procure MrNA vaccines for x,y,z reasons and now it's beef patties!!

Many of the Jamaican Beef Patty makers are Chinese... So there's the solution for him... Get them back to the motherland!


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"Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman kept U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken waiting several hours for a meeting presumed to happen in the evening but which the crown prince only showed up for the next morning."

LOLOL MBS told Blinken the meeting would be this evening then went to sleep and went to see Blinken in that room waiting for him till the morning. OMG I have never even heard of this level of disrespect before in movies; I thought he had the meeting planned at noon then showed up at 3pm or something. I can't stop laughing... MBS is a troll legend!

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Look at these CEOs acting tough to little kids (ok college grads, but in the professional world, that's a little kid). If they're adamant about not working with anyone who is anti-Israeli, they should pen an open letter together. Here, I'll draft and they sign.

"Dear consumers,

For those of you who support Hamas' actions against Israel, we don't want your business. Pull all of your money out of our investment accounts. We don't want any Arab money, no Saudi Prince money, no Qatari oil money, no Chinese money of any sort. Everyone who is against Isreal, do not visit our restaurants or businesses. There will be a sign at the door to remind everyone that we accept business from Isreal-supporters only.

Bill Ackman, XXX, YYY, ZZZ"

If they sign that, I'd be impressed with their convictions. Now, they're just bullying some overachiever kids who care about their careers into being silent about thier opinions. And looking at these people, I know they've been there before; they remember the fear they felt of offending the wrong person and accidentally upending their careers when they just got started. They remember they'd eat fresh shit out from under of their boss' ass with a chocolatey smile if it would curry them some favor in the firm but now they're the bosses and they want bully-style payback, except they can only pay it forward, never back to those who inflicted it on them. Kinda reminds me of the new video of a fat bearded adult assaulting a 13 year old then going to his house to challenge him again. You know he suffered some brutal shit in his life and he's just trying to take it out on a soft target. He doesn't really like fighting or he'd sign up with the UFC.
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According to ASPI, Australia should get 18 SSNs because it needs to be able to deploy 2 subs in 2 oceans simultaneously. Also, British SSN readiness problems are caused by the UK having too few SSNs rather than recruitment and maintenance problems. The writer is a retired submarine specialist (whatever that is).

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