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At this rate, visiting this forum will be captial punishment when AR kicks off
What’s amusing to me is that the current world reaction and condemnation against Israel is exactly what the US wanted for China with its Uighur blood libel and yet it is the US which is getting second hand condemnation for its support for Israel and its carriers in the region.

Americans sitting in the comfort of their McMansions having to live with
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Question is, do they have the spine and balls to do something about it, to walk away from Omeas?


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A grown man badly beat an asian middle schooler after a scuffle over a basketball game, in an attack so brutal hundreds of parents took to the streets before a school board meeting this week to demand action.

The boy can then be seen trying to shield his head as men slugged him.

The attacker fled the scene, according to police, but showed up two days later at the boy’s home, with a group armed with baseball bats and yelling anti-Asian slurs, Brian’s family said.
Sub-human behaviour


Registered Member
They must if they want to continue to push their content in western platforms like Youtube, Facebook. Where is the Chinese version of youtube or Facebook in other countries? Why is Youku or Bilibili not even trying to push their platform outside China? Why is Sina weibo not trying to compete with Twitter in places like the Arab world?

As long as the media landscape is dominated by western platforms they will control who can speak
There should just be a western version of the media so rest of the world can have a common platform


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The US elites are cowards... when the US elites realize they have no possible hope of countering China and that China totally and comprehensively won absolute victory in this so-called Great Power Competition? Well my prediction is that the American gov will snap and turn on its own population and cull the bottom 90% of American populus... Deagel 2025 predicts a 90% USA popullation dieoff, it didnt say how it was gonna happen, but the how is now becoming very clear now... In the news there are more and more stories of the white father getting fired from his job and then cracks under mental pressure and thus taking out his entire family then committing suicide on himself, I think when the going gets tough this is exactly what the US government (as the "father") will do to the bottom 90% of US citizens (its "children") ... so as they say, the Apple no fall far from the tree... America was always a coward, taking the "easy way out" but people of the world just never got to see this true side of USA because in its short 249 year history it has so far only ever known what its like to climb up....(ran on cheatcodes from its genocide of natives and plunder of entire continent of resources) its pysche cannot handle the sort of defeat thats inevitably coming very soon...
Imagine how peaceful the world will be with all of those neo-conservatives being gotten rid of out world wide and all those NGOs put down along with the USA finally being given the exact same treatment as those that were colonised for centuries. Really, my sympathy for these hypocritical Anglo bastards has died off a long time ago, only that it’s taking it’s sweet time for some real justice to come knocking


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