how is Chinese going to compete with those platforms or apps when Arabs used them to connect with West or even India. orientation of Arab world is integrating with Europe. just look at international students in Europe. so you need a platform that can interact with West.They must if they want to continue to push their content in western platforms like Youtube, Facebook. Where is the Chinese version of youtube or Facebook in other countries? Why is Youku or Bilibili not even trying to push their platform outside China? Why is Sina weibo not trying to compete with Twitter in places like the Arab world?
As long as the media landscape is dominated by western platforms they will control who can speak
Arabs have funded Telegram but that person do alot other marketing like popularize dubai real estate and social life. The more Westerners or Indians invest in real estate the greater Arab influence.
Russia also involve Arabs in other things that enhance Arab soft power in West just when they are facing heat.