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Very appropriate analogy. Just like the Hindu is not afraid of covertly slaughtering his "sacred" cows for profit, so too does the west not mind sacrificing many innocent Jewish civilians in order to maintain their profitable colony.

They are at end of the day just a sacred cow to be pulled out in public to show the "virtues" of the owner. But behind closed doors, they are still animals, just like any other of the owners' possessions.
Yep, it’s why Putin said the West had no principles, shown by the fact that Jewish Americans were openly financing Ukrainian nazis.
There are better “make work” jobs for the failsons and faildaughters of the western elite: hedge fund analyst, blackrock exec, journalist, think tanker rather than goddamn president of the EU who wanted to exterminate European wolves because one killed her pony. That is Marie Antoinette all over again right there.

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Shame, shame on the Israelis for their barbarity. And that includes Jewish Americans who openly supported and became party to the genocide.


Registered Member
China is taking a stance that can be called as anti-israel. I believe China has calculated enough to know what they're doing.
China is not anti-Israel. Even using the phrase "can be called" is very wrong, to the point of twisting the truth, and it is often used by Israel's and west's extreme factions in information warfare against China.

China is asking Israel to respect Palestians' right to have their own country within UN designated boundry, exactly like China supports Israel's right to be a state. Check the recent speech of Wang Yi. How could this stance to be ani-anybody? Everybody including Israelis should take the same stance as China if they want to be an equal member of the international community.

And taking this stance does not need any calculation, it is a principle based on UN resolutions that every countries should follow.
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Junior Member
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China is asking Israel to respect Palestians' right to have their own country within UN designated boundry, exactly like China supports Israel's right to be a state. Check the recent speech of Wang Yi. How could this stance to be ani-anybody? Everybody including Israelis should take the same stance as China if they want to be an equal member of the international community.

And taking this stance does not need any calculation, it is a principle based on UN resolutions that every countries should follow.

Just one problem. We're coming to the point where supporting Palestinians in any way is considered anti-Israel. In other words, the UN set boundaries are considered invalid by pro-Israel supporters.


Registered Member
China is not anti-Israel. Even using the phrase "can be called" is very wrong, to the point of twisting the truth, and it is often used by Israel and west's extreme factions in information warfare against China.

China is asking Israel to respect Palestians' right to have their own country within UN designated boundry, exactly like China supports Israel's right to be a state. Check the recent speech of Wang Yi. How could this stance to be ani-anybody? Everybody including Israelis should take the same stance as China if they want to be an equal member of the international community.

And taking this stance does not need any calculation, it is a principle based on UN resolutions that every countries should follow.

China could still just say "We are concerned about tensions" or "We extend our condolences". By stating its support for the two-state solution and talking about collective punishment imposed by Israel, it is actually taking a position against Israel, albeit a mild one. Mind you we are not at normal times. Israel was attacked in a significant way and now is at war.

I see this as a big step for the party which had institutionalized indifference to foreign conflicts after 1979. This is the first time China is taking sides in a conflict it is not a part of. It is not doing anything substantial but neither do Muslims so I see nothing wrong with China's position. Its arguments are consistent with its past rhetoric too. It is currently standing where Saudis are also standing.

Regarding Israel's sensibilities, I'd say teaching people empathy is good.
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China could still just say "We are concerned about tensions" or "We extend our condolences". By stating its support for the two-state solution and talking about collective punishment imposed by Israel, it is actually taking a position against Israel, albeit a mild one. Mind you we are not at normal times. Israel was attacked in a significant way and now is at war.
If so, then China does not care to be called "anti-Israel". China is just making her priciples very clear and firm. I mean a thief will call others theif, isn't it? 贼喊捉贼. If China cared for this slander, China would not be China. To be a world leader different from any past and current imperialists, China must not be too shy to say the truth.

BTW, China has been keep saying "two state solution" for decades even during the "good" time with Israel, why be shy now?

Also remember, Israel the state didn't care for Chinese sensitivity when their cross-party delegation went to Taiwan some months ago. If being attacked and at war is something to be sensitive, Israel doese not deserve China being soft.

After some thinking, I think I missunderstood you.

If what you tried to convey is that China becomes more vocal now instead of taking a softer tone as in the past, I fully agree.
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A grown man badly beat an asian middle schooler after a scuffle over a basketball game, in an attack so brutal hundreds of parents took to the streets before a school board meeting this week to demand action.

The boy can then be seen trying to shield his head as men slugged him.

The attacker fled the scene, according to police, but showed up two days later at the boy’s home, with a group armed with baseball bats and yelling anti-Asian slurs, Brian’s family said.


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A grown man badly beat an asian middle schooler after a scuffle over a basketball game, in an attack so brutal hundreds of parents took to the streets before a school board meeting this week to demand action.

The boy can then be seen trying to shield his head as men slugged him.

The attacker fled the scene, according to police, but showed up two days later at the boy’s home, with a group armed with baseball bats and yelling anti-Asian slurs, Brian’s family said.
It seems that the attacker was an Arab-muslim dude judging by the name, which is just sad, since if my assumption regarding the man's ethnicity is correct, he too is a minority: What a bleeping moron beating up on a kid.


The article omitted some information. During the initial fight, there are also African American kids involved but only the Chinese got kid got beat up by the grown up as he was identified by two brothers.

The police failed to arrest the perpetrator and this family decided to go to the Chinese kid's home and instigated a fight. The Chinese kid's parents fought back. Police arrived later and the Chinese kid's father got arrested. It is only a few days later when the Chinese community protested and put pressure on the police department that those perpetrators finally got arrested.