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Lose lips MIGHT SINK SHIPS. It seems that India's CDS made a public statement that ought to have been kept private. His expressed opinion (Russias importance with India will be reduced overtime) is going to make the country even more suspicious to Russia if it wasn't already. India is trying to have their cake and eat it too with respect to its relationship with Russia and its flirtatious move to have the U.S. as the replacement due to India-Sino rivalry.

Anyone who has ever worked or studied with the Indian diaspora in the west, and therefore the 1% ruling elites of Indian society, would know the sort of mealy mouthed, nepotistic, cowardly, vindictive, loquacious calibre of individuals that make up the Indian ruling elite, Indian betrayal of Russia was inevitable given the slavish devotion these Indians have towards white Anglo supremacy, From the mindy kalings and Nikki Haley’s to the useless mouths with feet on twitter, millenia of domination by outside forces have conditioned these people into becoming the perfect human cattle.
I mean, this lady is entitled to her "OPINION" but not expertise since this person does not even have any background, let alone understanding on economics of her country much less to that of China. At the end of the day she's probably getting some of that $$ anti-China fund that Congress allocated this year to the tune of $500 million. She's gotta eat you know.

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i gotta eat as well, but I’m not joining the Triads or a bikie gang for $$$$. This is the sort of banality of evil that got eichmann. Another variant are anglos living off stolen land and resources and saying they had nothing to do with genocide, or christian missionaries in Asia, aiding and abetting white imperialism in creating a pliant and slavish native class that worships white men eg South Korea and the Philippine.
China is taking a stance that can be called as anti-israel. I believe China has calculated enough to know what they're doing.
As if Israel hadn’t already thrown its lot in with America, what with tacitly allowing the assassination of a sitting Chinese ambassador for Pompeo, to joining in on the Uighur blood libel against China.
That reminds me, British curry (and the Japanese variety by extension, which totally uses beef) must be abominations to the Bharatis (formerly Indians).
wait til you see what the British call “Chinese food”

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highky revealing how much Israel and Jewish people are the sacred cows of western societies.

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whether or not these ships see action, this entire event has already become americas Suez moment


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highky revealing how much Israel and Jewish people are the sacred cows of western societies.
Very appropriate analogy. Just like the Hindu is not afraid of covertly slaughtering his "sacred" cows for profit, so too does the west not mind sacrificing many innocent Jewish civilians in order to maintain their profitable colony.

They are at end of the day just a sacred cow to be pulled out in public to show the "virtues" of the owner. But behind closed doors, they are still animals, just like any other of the owners' possessions.


More competitors for Gordon Chang.
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Conpium sells while truth hurts.

China is taking a stance that can be called as anti-israel. I believe China has calculated enough to know what they're doing.
China is against Israel's Zionist government policies only. Remember all those "we oppose CPC only, not the Chinese people" BS? This is the eve of the BRI forum, for which more than 140 countries will attend. China's opinion on the current Hamas-Israel conflict is consistent with its aspiration to be one of the most important leaders of Global South, which overwhelmingly supports Palestine. How can China possibly support such Israeli policies:
BTW, the Israel government should have though twice before they rode the moral high horse on the "Xinjiang genocide" issue.

Ever wondered who most Chinese support Palestine and ignore the US?



Registered Member
China is taking a stance that can be called as anti-israel. I believe China has calculated enough to know what they're doing.
They're only condemning inhuman crimes, not condemning all of Israel.

China follows the practice of cunning geopolitics. They'll only drop Israel if Israel turns itself useless. Otherwise, they can exploit the chaos to draw Israel closer.

Beijing would want Israel intact, at peace with Arabs and free from Washington. They already have Iran completely prepped, Saudis mostly prepped, only Israel remains.

The whole event comes as a rude wake up call that America, Netanyahu and revisionist zionism, cannot keep Israel safe. Whichever of those elements are purged, China will likely have a much more pliant Israel to use in the future. Of course, they could also double down on those elements, make every country in the region hate them and by extension hate America, and then China will eventually simply make deals with the Palestinian nation that succeeds them.


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The USA is a nation of hate, they seem to get off on killing woman and children at a time of their own choosing. One must wonder what will happen when the world, eventually getting sick of red, white and blue will engage in the reverse and at that time, if this sick nation will even be given a voice by that point. I for one feels that given how they love to prevent the voices of their victims from coming out while enabling the voices of the perpetrators dominate the media, that one day when the same happens in return, these utterly morally bankrupt people will receive no mercy whatsoever and my sympathies by that point would be turn completely off and even cheering for such a thing to occur if only to give these people a taste of what their victim have felt for centuries