China needs to starting tossing her weight around. China's official policy is to just do business and not meddle with countries internal affairs, not even with allies that they have great influence with. That sounds great, until you realize that it results in shitshows like north korea, Russia and Myanmar. Just look at what America and Russia does, if China had their foreign policy they would be playing kingmaker in Russia for years and would already have deployed "peacekeeping troops" in Moscow. Just look at the power Russia used to have in central asia, the government there directly answered to the Kremlin and Russia deployed security troops if the situatiuon ever got too unstable.
Who knows, if China had greater influence over Russia, the entire Ukraine war might have never happened, I doubt that China wanted the war after having invested billions into Ukraine only for the war to wipe it all away. I doubt that China wants NK to be in the current state as one of the worst nations on earth that doesn't even listen to beijing half the time. I doubt that China wants all this failed states on her border.
What's probably going to happen is Beijing is going to sit on the sidelines and wait for the dust to settle, before continuing to trade and continue relationships with the survivors, only directly stepping in if the situation gets dire(directly threatens China). They wouldn't do much to actually prevent or help the situation even though everyone can see that Russia is heading into a massive breakup into a warring states period, or just stagnate into a NK/somalia tier failed state. This is a absolute utter failure of foreign policy on China's part, they have so much power and influence but all their allies all turn into failed states, who will want to be allies in China in the future?
What's next? Iran goes full retard, nukes itself, China once again does nothing to prevent it and just continues to buy oil from the handful of survivors?