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Hmmm a good way to basically chase away every Chinese talent that could’ve helped that sorry nation and given how stupid these people are, they will chase away all Asian talent in that nation. This is going to go a long way to destroy the tourism industry and any interest that future Asians will have into wanting to migrate to the USA. Thank goodness my wife didn’t choose to go there and instead choose to be with me instead, least she wouldn’t have to be in a nation that is rapidly destroying itself. All those gang members are basically useless people that will help to tear down the entire nation and those dumb fu@ks don’t even realize it because fundamentally, they are basically what they are, uneducated people who are auspices to target Chinese people according to the US but in their stupidity end Ip targeting any Asian because they are dumb beyond belief. If that nation undergoes the purge, I everyone hear to shed no tears but simply take it as a story of caution instead, what freedom and democracy ultimately ends up becoming, especially under America characteristics, no one will miss this nation and many will not give a rats ass when it finally goes down


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Along with Snowden, Russia appears to be amassing quite the collection of Anglo dissidents.

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Stephen Walt laments that a previously insular China will be forced to depose the US global unipolar position just to develop peacefully in east Asia.
it’s called a self fulfilling policy.


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worrisome indeed, are the anglos that hellbent on war?
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China facing ‘more complex’ security challenges, President Xi Jinping says, warns of ‘worst-case’ situation

  • Officials must stay ‘keenly aware’ of challenges and prepare for ‘most extreme scenarios’, President Xi Jinping tells National Security Commission
  • Comments show China harbours no ‘illusions’ about fallout of US rivalry and has little hope of a lasting improvement in ties, analysts say

Chinese version of the news.
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A pretty big piece of news we should pay more attention to. Taiwanese media thinks the new cold war might get hot soon, maybe in SCS near Philippines. Even though Yankee and his gang on Guanqi says China and Philippine relations will be fine, I think the Taiwanese media's argument that China will use SCS and Philippine to 杀鸡儆猴 more convincing.



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As Twitter is officially banned in China, Elon is not going to shit on his host by using VPN to tweet. That's manner and respect. That overseas female Chinese reporter tweets like a stupid dumb fuck as usual.
His mobile SIM card gives him unrestricted access to Twitter, but of course it's possible that he forgot to turn on global roaming service. He could even choose his Starlink service, but of course it's also possible that he's purely, well, too busy.


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BRICs summit may be moved to China.

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South Africa is in difficult place. Theoretically it *must* arrest Putin, but obviously it won't, and as a result it will have to face tremendous Western pressure

Might as well as throw this hot potato to China. After all, you should only deal with small problems, let China handle the big ones


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MSS has infiltrated DeSantis' canpaign. Imagine this comrade getting an official position if he wins lmao
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The China hawks briefing DeSantis​

Florida Gov. RON DeSANTIS is getting briefed by a bevy of national security experts, many of whom promote a hard line on China.
The Republican and members of his advisory team are holding formal and informal conversations on issues like the Washington-Beijing relationship and the war in Ukraine, two people familiar with the events told NatSec Daily.
Among the briefers we could confirm: GORDON CHANG, ELBRIDGE COLBY, HARRY KAZIANIS and BRANDON WEICHERT. Three of them didn’t respond to requests for comment. Weichert declined to comment but didn’t deny when asked if he was briefing the DeSantis campaign. A spokesperson for DeSantis’ campaign didn’t respond to multiple inquiries.

Also lol at Colby, he is a hack


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His mobile SIM card gives him unrestricted access to Twitter, but of course it's possible that he forgot to turn on global roaming service. He could even choose his Starlink service, but of course it's also possible that he's purely, well, too busy.
View attachment 113682View attachment 113683View attachment 113684View attachment 113685
Are you saying when roaming with your home country SIM in China, Internet restriction is not applied? If so, then I guess I'm the dumb fuck... Haha.


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China facing ‘more complex’ security challenges, President Xi Jinping says, warns of ‘worst-case’ situation

  • Officials must stay ‘keenly aware’ of challenges and prepare for ‘most extreme scenarios’, President Xi Jinping tells National Security Commission
  • Comments show China harbours no ‘illusions’ about fallout of US rivalry and has little hope of a lasting improvement in ties, analysts say

Chinese version of the news.
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A pretty big piece of news we should pay more attention to. Taiwanese media thinks the new cold war might get hot soon, maybe in SCS near Philippines. Even though Yankee and his gang on Guanqi says China and Philippine relations will be fine, I think the Taiwanese media's argument that China will use SCS and Philippine to 杀鸡儆猴 more convincing.

The global situation is, by now, pretty transparent.

First, the war in Europe. It's important to realize that what's happening there is that a large fraction of Russian military power is being tied down by a smaller fraction of Western military power via the proxy of Ukraine. Despite all of mainstream media wanting you to believe otherwise, Ukraine post-invasion is practically a failed state. Its economy has collapsed and so much of its man power have either fled the country or been pressed into the trenches that without Western aid, they'd crumble in a few months. But they're still fighting because NATO is pushing them on.

Second, US leadership, having successfully tied down Russia, is preparing to direct the bulk of its resources against China - the actual threat from the perspective of US hegemony. Similar to Ukraine, it is attempting to do this through setting the stage in Asia for a proxy conflict. The proxies of choices are Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, and potentially South Korea. The US intends to bleed China with these proxies on the front lines, and all of them have unfortunately been infiltrated sufficiently by Western media and institutions and ideologies, that they'd actually be willing to go for it.

Third, not satisfied with the chances, the US hopes to create a second front against China with India, but the Indians are most likely not going to bite unless and until China is on the verge of defeat. Then the Indians, opportunistic as they always are, will happily join the war at the last minute to grab Chinese territory and "free Tibet."

This is the sort of scenario that Xi is likely referring to when he's telling the government to prepare for the worst. The US will happily stay on the back lines - as it has in Ukraine - while Asians kill each other. It's the perfect recipe for preserving US hegemony as you're bleeding both your strongest rivals and your strongest allies, simultaneously. This was effectively the US strategy in World War 2, as even though it lost troops, its homeland was never remotely threatened and that made the difference when it emerged from the war more powerful than ever.

Unfortunately, the US's Asian vassals have been so compromised that they actually believe in dying for Western hegemony. Against such dangerous delusions, China's best options can only be to not take the bait. If you allow yourself to be dragged into a war vs. the US's Asian proxies, the only possible winner is the US. To avoid that outcome, China should be patient and focus on self-strengthening - correcting the atrocious demographics, fixing the youth unemployment, catching up in areas like chips, etc. The goal in that respect is to expand the time horizon, reach better technological parity, and wait for the US to slip up, as inevitably it will.

Taiwan, at the end of the day, isn't going any where, and as much as Xi would like to be the leader that solved the Taiwan problem, taking the fight before you're ready is worse than living to fight another day.