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They got AT4’s only (for now), not Javelins. Javelins are significantly wider than AT4’s. The media outlet misidentified it. Regardless, it’s pretty obvious where they are getting it, and it will be a nasty weapon towards the Mexican Army and police that are currently fielding light vehicles during their patrols.

Such weapons are only going to be used against rival cartels or against the military if the government tries to arrest a cartels leadership again. For daily patrols, the Mexican military uses technicals. It would be easier to have the cartel soldiers pretend to be civilians and drive up along side or behind the unarmored military trucks and use rifles or shotguns if a cartel wanted to openly attack a military patrol.

More effective would be to bribe not only the foot soldiers, but the military and political leadership which the cartels already do.

Deleted member 24525

Such weapons are only going to be used against rival cartels or against the military if the government tries to arrest a cartels leadership again. For daily patrols, the Mexican military uses technicals. It would be easier to have the cartel soldiers pretend to be civilians and drive up along side or behind the unarmored military trucks and use rifles or shotguns if a cartel wanted to openly attack a military patrol.

More effective would be to bribe not only the foot soldiers, but the military and political leadership which the cartels already do.
God if only there were a certain Chinese man in recent history that showed us how to quickly and effectively get rid of cartels and gangs


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BRICs summit may be moved to China.

South Africa mulls options on ICC arrest warrant for potential visitor Putin​

JOHANNESBURG, May 31 (Reuters) - South Africa is mulling its options over an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin should he accept an invitation to a BRICS summit in August, a government official said on Wednesday.

A member of the ICC, South Africa would theoretically be required to arrest Putin under the warrant issued in March by the court, which accused him of the war crime of forcibly deporting children from Russian-occupied territory in Ukraine.

Moscow denies the allegations.

However, South Africa had on Jan. 25 already invited Putin to the Aug. 22-24 meeting in Johannesburg of BRICS leaders of emerging economies, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

"There has been no firm decision," said Zane Dangor, director-general of the department of international relations, adding that ministers assigned to the matter would soon meet to consider a report setting out the options.

One option gaining traction among South African officials would be to ask the group's previous chair China to host the summit, said a senior government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
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Ex-Biden aide (when Biden was a senator) Tara Reade flees to Russia over safety concerns​

Tara Reade, an ex-congressional aide to US President Joe Biden who accused him of sexual assault, has indicated that she intends to apply for a Russian passport. The ex-staffer-turned-journalist recently moved to Russia, claiming she no longer felt safe in the US.

Speaking on Tuesday at a press conference, Reade said that after being constantly persecuted in the US over her allegations, she hoped to “find safety” in Russia – a country she never regarded as an enemy – adding that she “appreciates my friends in Moscow… that have opened their arms” to welcome her.

“I’m going to make a request, and it is a large one. I’d like to apply for citizenship in Russia from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin,” the ex-aide stated, promising to be “a good citizen.
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And Americans will be bogged down in Mexico if they're dumb enough to actually invade that country illegally all in the name of whatever f..d up marketing propaganda their MIC is going to come up with.
More than dumb. 60% of the American military is Mexican or Hispanic. If America invades Mexico it'll be exactly like Russia invading the Ukraine, another brother war.

Everyone will need to wear red and yellow armbands otherwise they won't know who to shoot at.


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On Wednesday, President Dina Boluarte authorized the entry into Peruvian territory of over a thousand U.S. soldiers, who will train the Armed Forces and the National Police.

The U.S. military will carry out operations with the Peruvian Joint Intelligence and Special Operations Command (CIOEC), the Joint Special Forces (FEC), the Navy's Special Operations Forces (FOE), the Air Force's Special Forces Group (GRUFE), the Anti-drug Directorate (DIRANDRO), and the Police's Special Forces Directorate (DIROES).

The training will take place in Lima, Callao, Loreto, San Martin, Santa Lucia, Huanuco, Ucayali, Pasco, Junin, Huancavelica, Cusco, Ayacucho, Iquitos, Pucusana and Apurimac.
The U.S. military will arrive in various groups, between June 1 and December 31. The largest group will be made up of 970 members of the U.S. Air Force, Space Force, and Special Forces.

Besides carrying their personal regulation weapons, they will arrive in Peru with planes, trucks and rapid response boats to take part in the "Resolute Sentinel 2023" maneuver.

On May 19, the Peruvian Congress approved the entry of the U.S. military with the favorable vote of right-wing legislators. During the debate, leftist lawmakers opposed the authorization, noting that the U.S. troops put sovereignty at risk and will not guarantee the country's security.

In Peru, there is "a coup-born, spurious government that is responsible for the death of 70 citizens," said former Foreign Affairs Minister Hector Bejar, who doubts the true intentions of the U.S. military presence, which happens amid protests against Boluarte.

This “is part of a dissuasive policy to intimidate the Peruvian people who have announced new protests for July,” he added.

Peruvian Workers Confederation (CGTP) Secretary Geronimo Lopez also criticized Boluarte's decision, warning that it will serve to cover up the presence of U.S. military bases in Peru.

Former Women's Minister Anahi Durand indicated that the presence of U.S. troops is part of a strategy aimed at delivering lithium and other natural resources to U.S. companies.


Junior Member
And Americans will be bogged down in Mexico if they're dumb enough to actually invade that country illegally all in the name of whatever f..d up marketing propaganda their MIC is going to come up with.
Yep. A "War against the Cartels" would be closer to fighting an insurgency than a conventional war. However, it might be exactly what the Military Industrial Complex wants. A never-ending conflict for them to repurpose and sell its COIN equipment right across the U.S. border and easy to skim money off government contracts.

It's funny because just as the Roman Empire suffering manpower shortages relied upon Germanic immigrants to augment its declining army strength, the US military offers citizenship to Latin American migrants. The country faces unsustainable debt levels from military spending, deep corruption, and crippling political divisions similar to the late Imperium. It is only a matter of time before criminal gangs take the opportunity to infiltrate America's weakened borders and institutions and establish their mini-kingdoms within the US. While previously these groups would not a life-threatening when an immune system is compromised even the flu (like a Cartel Insurgency) can kill a country.

Patterns tend to repeat themselves in history, and as America modeled itself after the Romans, it too may face the same fate.
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Musk is so busy in China right now because he wants to double gigafactory Shanghai's output ASAP. Tweeting is the least important thing for him at the moment. Some of the female Chinese diaspora reporters are really bad.
As Twitter is officially banned in China, Elon is not going to shit on his host by using VPN to tweet. That's manner and respect. That overseas female Chinese reporter tweets like a stupid dumb fuck as usual.
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They partied hard in Chicago last weekend.

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11 dead in Chicago holiday weekend carnage​

At least 58 people, including two toddlers, were shot in the city over a three-day period

11 dead in Chicago holiday weekend carnage

Brandon Johnson speaks to supporters after being sworn in as Chicago's mayor earlier this month. © Getty Images / Scott Olson

Another holiday weekend has turned deadly in Chicago, with 58 people being shot and 11 killed in the city’s latest sustained outbreak of gun violence. The victims included two toddlers who were injured when firearms went off in their homes.

The shootings all occurred between 6 p.m. on Friday and 11:59 p.m. on Monday, and the victims ranged in age from two years old to 77, according to city police. The mayhem reportedly marked Chicago’s
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Memorial Day weekend in eight years and came on the first holiday since Mayor Brandon Johnson took office earlier this month.

The violence was not limited to shootings. A woman was found stabbed to death early Saturday morning in an alley less than two blocks from Johnson’s home in the city’s Austin neighborhood. A 36-year-old man was shot and wounded about five blocks from the mayor’s home on Monday evening. Both of the shootings involving two-year-olds occurred on Sunday evening
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Many of the victims, including 34-year-old William Hair, were merely standing on a sidewalk when their assailants drove up and shot them. “Three blocks from his home, a car pulled up,” Matthew Hair, the man’s brother, told Chicago’s
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affiliate. “There were two gunshots, one from each person. They did not ask for money. They did not ask for anything. They shot at him for no reason.”
No suspects have been arrested. Shootings across the US left at least 16 dead and dozens injured over the holiday weekend. Nine people were wounded when an
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between two groups in Hollywood, Florida, erupted into gunfire along a crowded beach boardwalk on Monday evening.

Holiday weekends in Chicago are often plagued by gun violence. For instance, over 100 people were shot, 18 fatally, during 69 separate incidents on the July 4 weekend in 2021. Last year’s Memorial Day weekend left nine shooting victims dead and 42 injured in the city.

Johnson, a former teacher and union organizer, once called for redirecting money “from the failed and racist systems of policing, criminalization and incarceration.” However, even as he has advocated a more “holistic” approach to public safety, he has not sought to defund the police. In fact, he plans to hire 200 additional detectives to help solve more crimes.

The new mayor announced a safety plan last week to prevent violence over the holiday weekend. His strategy included canceling days off for police to boost staffing and employing dozens of yellow-vested “peacekeepers” to patrol the streets. Police ordered bag checks at local beaches.

Asked about the shootings, Johnson reportedly suggested that socioeconomic factors were to blame: “Poverty didn’t go away over the weekend. Like we understand that when communities have been disinvested in and traumatized, you are going to see the manifestation of that trauma.”