Two wrongs don’t make it right, that statement is true but with how the UK and the USA having done this so often that it is almost literally their entire history and somehow believing their God given right to do so, to be honest, it would be high time that not only the two nations have their soldiers kills in massive enough numbers that the media cannot hide this, but also their remains should be given the same amount of respect that they give to others and then some as not only a warning to the west that no, just because doesn’t enact straight away doesn’t mean that he isn’t going to act and eventually give then their just deserts but also to show that what goes around comes around. You see the west have been dehumanizing everyone for so long, it is almost a duty of the rest of the world to return all of that harm with a massive amount of interest but to also do this in such horrific manners that I would probably get into trouble for uttering such details so that these so called elites can finally at king last have the fear of God forced into them for once and once and for all show that they simply are not special and that justice has finally come and they have no choice to bare witness to a world that will finally treat them with the same respect that they gave to an Native Indian American which is basically less then sh!t and this treatment ought to last for generations to basically do what they did to the Japanese, turn them into a race of useless c@cos while quite frankly is a fate richly deserved and which I suspect many people would be dying to see given how long they have been karmic houdinis for.Sorry. I just cannot agree with this. The British did not show the same respect to enemy combatants. They don't show the same respect to enemy soldiers whom they considered as racially inferior.
When the British soldiers killed Qing soldiers and Boxers. They put dead enemy heads on spikes. They collected scalps. British commandos posed over the corpses of dead communist guerillas in Malaya, as if they were in a safari. Were they under orders to do so? Or was it just for fun? Or was it both? Do they really deserve the same respect when they are dead?
The British, and the West in general will have no second thoughts about desecrating the dignity and the remains of dead combatants that they don't like. From rebel guerillas, to Soviet soldiers. They have no regrets after insulting the sacrifice of the Soviets in WW2. Hence, they do not deserve the kindness and respect of that they are demanding of everyone to give.
Why must you defend the indefensible? Yeah Chinese dynasties burned each other. So because of that, we should all accept that the British burned Imperial Beijing down over a drug deal as ok? So must we take the Japanese murder, pillage, and rape in China as acceptable? Were those soldiers just following orders, or having fun, or both? Many of them are enshrined in Yasukuni today. Did they deserve to be enshrined just because they served the Emperor? Will you pay your respects at the Yasukuni shrine since you firmly believe in the innocence of all soldiers in any war? What the hell is wrong with you?
As horrible as this sounds but given how the Japs have never apologized for Nanjing, I will seriously enjoy watching China take the collective dignity’s of these evil people and drag into the dirt and then turning around and smash it.