This is definitely going to be an unpopular opinion, but I disagree with the majority. Digging up Queen Victoria's (the queen of the British Empire during the first and second Opium Wars along with the Boxer Rebellion) coffin and pissing on her skeleton is one thing, but digging up the ruins and corpses of soldiers who just follow orders is another. The latter is as dehumanizing as Western commentators calling Russian soldiers "sunflower fertilizer" and jeering at their grieving families. Soldiers are soldiers. They execute orders and go home. They are not the decision makers, and the dead can't fight back. As for the burning down of the palaces, every civilization pulled this stunt. We can go down a rabbit hole on the horrible acts of every single country if you want, and that includes the previous dynasties of China.
1) This event seems more like archeology. There is nothing wrong with archeology. The war is over. In fact, several other wars have happened since then, some of them illegal ones, like how Poodle Blair supported the dumb Dubya in his break and enter of Saddam's place. Some good looting there, like real good! World War Two? Ancient history.
2) It is what the lawyers say, possession is 9 10ths of the law. Those ships were sank, and abandoned. They did not want it. Finders keepers. They only complaining about this salvaging archeological effort for propaganda purposes.
3) When the English or Americans start talking about morality, in general, but more precisely about the actions of others, ie non-whites, like Putin, I find there are two reactions. The first reaction is that people might get angry. The second reaction is to burst out laughing.
4) Who cares.
5) The English don't care about this. If they did, they probably would have made an effort to salvage those ships, instead of invading Iraq, Afghanistan, or meddling in Ukraine. Another day, another propaganda story.