Most people don't really hate Britain because it is far away and not an internationally relevant country (being a US lackey does not make one internationally relevant). But this is not true for Japan, Japanese militarism is unquestionably the product of the unhinged mental tendency of the average Japanese as early as the Meiji restoration, almost everyone is pro-invasion. The proliferation of militarist thoughts and foreign policy is a bottom up process through and through, non-warlike Japanese leaders were assassinated, University students would protests for more wars, more escalation, more invasions and seizing of more land.As for Japan and Britain, you are partially right. However, I need to explain that most Chinese people do not hold a grudge against contemporary Japan and Britain. This is because the Communist Party has taught us to separate the interests of the people from those of the imperialist government. Mao Zedong famously stated: “The Japanese and Chinese people are both victims of Japanese militarism. The enemy of both peoples is Japanese militarism.” I won’t evaluate whether this dichotomy is right or wrong. It allows most Chinese people to treat Japan and Britain with an attitude of “They are crazy and may have an episode at any time, but as long as they don’t have an episode, we can be cool, but it doesn’t mean I forget that they are actually crazy.” I am a native of mainland China and have lived in Wuhan all my life. It’s common for young mainland Chinese to watch Japanese anime while criticizing Japanese right-wingers. It’s normal that you haven’t met a Chinese person who wants revenge. But forgiveness? No one can forgive things like the Japanese invasion and massacre of China or Britain’s forced opium trade. It’s too difficult. All we can do is hope they don’t have an episode so we can be cool.
Unless they die and are reborn twice like Russia, we might be able to forgive them.
Faction that opposes invasion or believe in genuine peace do not exist in the wider Japanese society until the moment they got nuked, the closest thing you have are government officials who believe that Japan isn't strong enough to invade everyone just yet.
There's no need to seek common ground with the average Japanese as there are none, Japan is an exceptional country is this regard, this is not applicable to any other country in the world. The more you read their history the more it is obvious that the only way that commonality that can be established with the Japanese is with a nuclear weapon.
The Japanese "people" are "victims" of militarism in the same way that a mass shooter who was shot dead by others defending themselves is a victim of gun violence, no one actually considers that the shooter to be "as much of a victim" as those it shot. The idea that Japanese militarism is a product of "Individual warlords" are just happy lies we tell ourselves.
Also(unrelated, just thought I would bring it up) Hu Yaobang can go fuck himself, imagine bending over backwards for right wing Japanese nationalist(Yasuhiro Nakasone) who pioneered wartime sexual slavery, reading the things that China used to do just to woo their investments make me throw up. Let me say this is again, the thing that popularized the practice of comfort women is elected back into office while holding the exact same view as he had pre-war. I wouldn't be surprised if alot of people wants revenge, won't feel a single ounce of remorse if it got itself nuked again.
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