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It amazes me to no end how you Chinese can be so forgiving towards Russian imperialism yet so vengeful towards Japanese and British imperialism.
You can't seriously compare Japanese imperialism to Russian imperialism. Japanese imperialism led to the deaths of more than 15 million Chinese people in just eight years. In comparison, the effects of Russian imperialism on China are negligible. Russia also played a crucial role in defeating the Imperial Japanese Army in Manchuria.

The vast majority of Chinese people aren't "vengeful" towards Japan and Britain. If that was the case, Japanese and British culture wouldn't be so popular in China. I think the best way to describe the attitude of most Chinese people when it comes to Japanese imperialism and British imperialism is "forgive, but don't forget, so that it doesn't happen again." I haven't met a single Chinese person in real life who wants to exact revenge on Japan and Britain.


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The pro-westoids are in complete shambles now. Their narrative that the Ruskies bombed the flagpole because they suck at flying to frame Ukraine is now irrelevant.

Ukrainians Were Likely Behind Kremlin Drone Attack, U.S. Officials Say​

U.S. officials said the drone attack on the Kremlin earlier this month was likely orchestrated by one of Ukraine’s special military or intelligence units, the latest in a series of covert actions against Russian targets that have unnerved the Biden administration.

U.S. intelligence agencies do not know which unit carried out the attack and it was unclear whether President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine or his top officials were aware of the operation, though some officials believe Mr. Zelensky was not.

The agencies reached their preliminary assessment in part through intercepted communications in which Russian officials blamed Ukraine and other communications in which Ukrainian officials said they believed their country was responsible for the attack, in which two drones were flown on May 3 toward the Kremlin, causing little damage.

U.S. officials say their level of confidence that the Ukrainian government directly authorized the Kremlin drone attack is “low” but that is because intelligence agencies do not yet have specific evidence identifying which government officials, Ukrainian units or operatives were involved.

The attack appeared to be part of a series of operations that have made officials in the United States — Ukraine’s biggest supplier of military equipment — uncomfortable. The Biden administration is concerned about the risk that Russia will blame U.S. officials and retaliate by expanding the war beyond Ukraine.
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The wording of this CNN article is atrocious and insulting. They basically insinuate that the firing is due to pressure on HK to keep Beijing happy. Sure cause discrimination of mainland Chinese is ok. So if an air flight attendant was racist to an American person of color than their firing is not to keep Washington happy but because they were racist. This is why I feel trying to increase soft power in the west is a fools errand, they can turn anything into something negative.
I would be OK with Beijing pressuring Cathay Pacific to fire those employees. A portion of society openly derogating another portion of society is unacceptable for both moral and practical reasons. It eventually leads to a divided society which is an absolutely horrible state for any country. For this reason behaviors that can lead to tensions between parts of society are crimes in a lot of countries.


There are cultural events of Mexico and Egypt
What events? No big dinners and posters making headline news? That's only for people with money?
but modern Arab Soft Power is associated with Aviation in which case the Gulf Arabs so dominant they want to create Soft Power in there own way.
Soft power is predicated on aviation now, for some reason, but...

1. No Arab nation has any idea how to make an airplane despite being "dominant" in it?

2. Mexico has greater soft power than the US despite having less than 10% the air traffic?
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USA #2 370M passengers
Mexico #10 34M passengers
They are putting alot of young blood in government ministers who can think decades ahead so i presume the Soft Power they are creating is more durable and long term.
Oh you presume, making up random imaginary nonsense for the futue again LOL
I’m sorry, I’m confused. What exactly are you two arguing about?
You'd be right to be confused. Believe it or not, PMC's point originated as Mexicans only immigrating to the US due to US soft power, NOT because the US has a superior economy and higher average quality to life. Now, it has warped into this shit fest where he has failed several attempts to define soft power but sternly insinuates that Mexico has a superior economy to the US and has superior soft power over America and Canada. No, I'm not making fun of him or parodying something less stupid that he said; this is actually where he's taking the conversation. Enjoy.


Registered Member
US policymakers who enacted the CHIPS ACT are geniuses: it will boost supply while reduce demand. To add insult to injury, less demand meanings less earnings for R&A.

Why can't China have concerns about IT security? This is unmitigated hypocrisy.

The answer is probably no.
CHIP act is based on the idea that somehow Chinese brains are structurally different and incapable of innovation.

I saw a great thread on this where someone said as long as chips aren't based on alien tech then it only takes time and money for Chinese to crack the nut. Someone brilliantly replied

"Even trisolarians have to follow the Laws of Physics, and Laws of Physics are fair to everyone, even the Chinese"


Registered Member
I haven't met a single Chinese person in real life who wants to exact revenge on Japan and Britain.
I once met a guy who said eating sushi was bordering on being a hanjian.

Goes to say he didn’t have the greatest of wishes for the well being of Japan.

He also told me that Bruce Lee should have never taught our people’s secrets to foreigners…


Registered Member
I once met a guy who said eating sushi was bordering on being a hanjian.

Goes to say he didn’t have the greatest of wishes for the well being of Japan.

He also told me that Bruce Lee should have never taught our people’s secrets to foreigners…
Lol, Bruce Lee simply showed to the world that we Chinese people will not be treaded upon and that we can raise again whilst continuing to improve on one’s self. The fact that everything that Japan and the USA did to prevent such a rise has only made it even more certain that China will surpass them. Hence all this is the fault of these losers for failing to do anything to stop us even after all the warnings and things they tried to do. Whatever secrets Bruce Lee is thought to have taught the west, ultimately amounted to nothing since the west refuses to learn from it and thus has discarded it at their own peril and even worse, goes in the opposite direction and preaches not self improvement, but madness and complete decadence, all of which has been forced on to them by their elites without question. Many Chinese people do not mind the culture of Japan but have still yet to forgive them for their crimes in WW2 but ultimately the best revenge is not really through blood shed (which is quite easy to do right now if China so chooses) but simply to ensure that the Japanese continue to feel more and more worthless via Chinas unstoppable rise and once they see the USA crumple into chaos and their own leaders sell them out, they will bend the knee to China whether they like it or not and China will demonstrate that while their samurai spirit have been dead and buried thanks to their worthless Allies, the Chinese spirit has surpassed not only them but those idiot red necks that had a century worth of time to ensure dominance but is now on the verge of losing it for good, all because China refuses to bend over like the Koreans and the Japanese and even those Taiwanese and that is a fact that these people cannot live with right now. In the end they have all the lessons and history and they still ended up as worthless losers, and their can be no greater shame then that


Registered Member
What events? No big dinners and posters making headline news? That's only for people with money?
do you think dinner so costly? It was not about dinner but the dress code in the dinner. You always reply without thinking.
Alberto Sánchez is i dont think of Arab decent but this what he thought when he arrived in Morocco.

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My first trip to Mogador became a much longer and deeper journey. First came the shock of discovering a place that in spite of being so distant from Mexico provoked a strong impression of recognition, much greater than the one a Mexican receives upon arriving to Spain. A combination of body language, place, and objects made me feel that I had ventured into another Mexico.

here a Mexican person bringing children from Syria for higher education during Civil war.
Soft power is predicated on aviation now, for some reason, but...

1. No Arab nation has any idea how to make an airplane despite being "dominant" in it?
Arab does not need to make plane all they need is to channel enough money across Global Supply chains that the planes are made according to there specifications and required quantity with soft power to attract personal.
Its Arab wealth and energy with single minded focus that has propelled Civil Aviation to this level. There is absolutely zero chance any one can change this system in decades to come. look at list of 777X and 777-8 Freighter biggest customers.
2. Mexico has greater soft power than the US despite having less than 10% the air traffic?
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USA #2 370M passengers
Mexico #10 34M passengers
why you post 2020 data. Air travel is necessity for US while Air travel to Mexico is discretionary aka Soft Power.

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