Miscellaneous News


It amazes me to no end how you Chinese can be so forgiving towards Russian imperialism yet so vengeful towards Japanese and British imperialism.
Over half of the people who say this are blatant liberal agitator trolls trying to provoke people into saying/doing the wrong thing.
Japan lost and China won WW2, while Britain's lease on Hong Kong ended. These situations are different from Qing's loss of territories to Imperial Russia. Asking Russia to return the territories back to China now is instigating nuclear war between the two countries. China needs cheap energy and food from Russia, and Russia's support for the Taiwan issue. As for the long run, to use Keyne's words, we are all dead.
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Cathay fires 3 flight attendants for discrimination against mainland passengers.
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The mainland passenger might have been tormented for several hours in coldness.

My opinion on traitorous hongkongers was already at an abyss during the riots now it has dropped even further. How can one be so detestable. Where is the sense of kinship and unity for your own people?
I don't understand these Hong Kongers' logic. There are 1.4 billion mainlanders and only 7 million Hong Kongers. It's far more likely that Hong Kong residents will benefit from mainland residents' organ donations.

Meaningless and pathetic US attempts. China sent some early signals about changing course when the Party Congress concluded last year.
The two-sessions Xi's speech, I guess, will go into the history books about marking the date when China switched gears on dealing with the US.

China-US relationship started deteriorating in 2010 with none other than Hillary Clinton, and her friends Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken. It's complete BS that China-US relationship worsened because of Xi Jinping and China's increasing authoritarian.




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This is where Western people (as seen on Reddit) say: I'm much more comfortable with the US government spying on me than the Chinese government. Because they're white they're our allies!

Because it totally makes sense that allies should be spying more.
Little do they know that even if China is spying on them (which I don't believe is the case as seriously why would the CPC bother with spying on the Joe average in the West...), China doesn't have the long arm to harm them, compared to the US can actually make anyone living in the West feel the pain.


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One quick question: if Arabs have intrinsic soft power and if Mexico is welcoming to all Arab soft power, how come there isn't a banquet held for very traditional Arabs from Yemen, Egypt or Jordan?

How come only rich Arabs get banquets?
There are cultural events of Mexico and Egypt but modern Arab Soft Power is associated with Aviation in which case the Gulf Arabs so dominant they want to create Soft Power in there own way. They are putting alot of young blood in government ministers who can think decades ahead so i presume the Soft Power they are creating is more durable and long term.


Registered Member
Over half of the people who say this are blatant liberal agitator trolls trying to provoke people into saying/doing the wrong thing. I know you are not, but if you are smart, you wouldn't be saying it out loud. Even Poland is not stupid enough to bitch about stolen "rightful Polish clay" to Ukraine right now.

Btw, I don't agree with your supposed course of action, it is stupidest thing one can do, having good international partners is more important the outer northeast(the US have no interest in being maintaining good relations, nothing is lost by confronting the angloids). In doing so there would just add another attack anglo attack dog while gaining very little.
Agreed. The east Siberia conspiracy theory is early Cold War era disinformation. Because of heavy manpower shortages post WW2 Stalin asked Mao for people to work in Siberia, the CIA spread the idea that China was planning on invading and annexing the territory. I guess they're too inept to come up with something new so they are recycling old news.

It wouldn't surprise me if at some point in the future China and Russia have some sort of dispute. Both are major historical civilisations that aren't going away and have been geopolitical powers for the past few centuries. As their power grows they may have competing interests. But if it is about territory it'll probably be over Central Asia and Mongolia. It doesn't matter though, the only objective for both countries right now ought to be the complete defeat and defanging of the current enemy.


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Latest genocide hopium:
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University of Chicago News

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The Cradle. Wowsers
As polarization grows unabated among the US population, distrust of law enforcement agencies and news media is also spiking.

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The MSM really struggles to justify why they need to go to war against China. That's why they desperately need the Russia+China narrative, to associate Russia's aggression with China. China way too undramatic for anyone to want to go to war with it.
It's fascinating because it's an example of the subconscious mind puppeting their conscious mind. They know subconsciously they must destroy China to maintain their Western supremacy and keep the other peoples down. So it drives their neoliberal minds into ideological or racial extremism to justify their own actions. Their followers are not "brainwashed" by propaganda, they deliberately choose to believe in the most convenient narratives.

These people will always be enemies. It's the neutral parties that China is trying to sway. The more China keeps to the truth and stays calm, the more crazy MSM must become in order to justify their own behaviors.


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Just a reminder how much of a "moral man" Henry Kissinger was during his reign as the most powerful NATSEC advisor in history of the U.S. this newest document report from the intercept and broadcasted by the imperfect show and host Amy Goodman of Democracy Now. American bombing in Cambodia directly killed 150,000 innocent civilians of that country, yet, like many past American leaders they remain as always unanswerable to no one but themselves. Which is why I laugh at these western barbies and Kens who cry and whine of Mongol Putin’s aggression in Ukraine and him being branded as a "war criminal." What a joke. If rules were equally applied as it should, then most leaders and Presidents of the U.S. would have been indicted, charged, and prosecuted as War Criminals by the ICC. But we all know, such organization only arrest the weak dictators.



Registered Member
Just a reminder how much of a "moral man" Henry Kissinger was during his reign as the most powerful NATSEC advisor in history of the U.S. this newest document report from the intercept and broadcasted by the imperfect show and host Amy Goodman of Democracy Now. American bombing in Cambodia directly killed 150,000 innocent civilians of that country, yet, like many past American leaders they remain as always unanswerable to no one but themselves. Which is why I laugh at these western barbies and Kens who cry and whine of Mongol Putin’s aggression in Ukraine and him being branded as a "war criminal." What a joke. If rules were equally applied as it should, then most leaders and Presidents of the U.S. would have been indicted, charged, and prosecuted as War Criminals by the ICC. But we all know, such organization only arrest the weak dictators.

They only arrest the ones the West deems as enemies.