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Registered Member
You're absolutely right, we should follow your approach instead and simp for Russia forever even if it isn't in the national interest to do so.
Don't insert your word, China's relationship with any other country is based on mutual respect, mutual benificial, non agression. That means "not to screw someone without provocation".

It is basic knowledge in human relationship to defend oneself from agression, but also NOT to screw somebody unprovked. I repeat the analog that I have been saying in this forum, you are telling a newly wed couple in their wedding party to prepare knives in case of possible future betrayal. Nobody is so naive to need your advice, but you make yourself sound like "无事生非“ (much ado about nothing) and "挑拨离间" (sow discord).


Registered Member
You're absolutely right, we should follow your approach instead and simp for Russia forever even if it isn't in the national interest to do so.
National interests are national interests, but preparing for a potential future collapse in relations is also not a good way to build trust which would result in being forever marked as that suspicious and untrustworthy guy.

Prudence is one thing, being a double-face double-dealing backstabber is another thing altogether


Registered Member
People with different positions will have different meanings when they say this sentence. For example, as a person who insists on China-Russia friendly cooperation, the meaning of this sentence is definitely that if the world situation changes dramatically in another direction again, China and Russia may abandon their close quasi-alliance status of back-to-back and return to the normal partner status of maintaining such a safe distance in the past.
You are right, but those posts that I refer to are hard to be interpreted as such. Most importantly, who in their right mind and age is still so stupid to need being reminded by such posts over and over again?


Registered Member
National interests are national interests, but preparing for a future collapse in relations is also not a good way to build trust which would result in being forever marked as that suspicious and untrustworthy guy.

Prudence is one thing, being a double-face double-dealing backstabber is another thing altogether
Excatly, one get an enemy if one treat aother as enemy, that is how US got China and Russia as enemies. It is more than stupid for anyone to copy the US' idiocy as it is happening right in front of us.


Registered Member
Just for "BALANCE REPORTING" HERE'S an opinion from a Chinese Communist hating Chinese who essentially advocates for the Canadian government to follow a more belligerent approach which in my opinion destructive and highly inappropriate for Canada since it's power is meager and inconsequential.

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This guy is a comedian!
That's why I have spent four years raising the issue of foreign interference, despite the risks of doing so.
He's in Canada! What are the risks? Someone making fun of you online?
People who have spoken out against China have received serious harassment, digital attacks, threats and intimidation
You're in more danger wearing a Chargers jersey at a Raiders game back when the Raiders were in Oakland
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More gold...
We should look to allies like Australia to see how they are strengthening national security and espionage laws, as well as electoral contribution laws, to protect themselves from foreign interference.
The Hong Kong government agrees too!

I mentioned before that many children of the HK immigrants have built a fictional mythology around themselves, this guy is no different.
My family came to this country in the 1980s with the idealistic hope that Canada would be a place where the principles of democracy, freedoms, and the rule of law would be respected.
In the 1980's there was still a question of what would happen with HK in 1997. Most people did not leave until post 1989.
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So already his alleged rationale is quite questionable.

Most were simply economic immigrants as the cost of living in HK was rising rapidly and the level of education of older generations was not able to meet the expectations of a service and financial centered economy. Furthermore, raising a family in Canada was significantly cheaper, especially for tertiary education, as a bonus relatively easy to get into a Top 100 worldwide institution for the kids.
The instinct of my grandfather's and my father's generation was to attempt to shield the next generation from the brutality and lawlessness of the communist regime that came to power in China in 1949 after the Second World War.
Honestly, the instinct of his grandfather was probably just to live. What did he think went on during WWII? Tea parties and sleepovers hosted by Tojo? This guy is obviously younger than me, but my own father did not grow up in a China that was particularly organized (or Canada for that matter). Most people grew up far and away from any influence the communist party could have on their lives.
To speak ill of the communist regime amounts to subversion or treason in present-day Hong Kong. Doing so means I will bear the consequence of never being able to return to a place that I once called home.
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His own Linkedin page states he graduated high school in 2019. That makes him a ripe old 22? So he was born long after the handover in 2001? Yet he said his family came in the 80's "seek freedom", how could HK be his home?
Doesn't make sense...

These people are basically "stolen valour" type of people. Communist this and that, just pure BS. Why did most people leave China before 2000's? Let's be frank, it was a craphole country. It doesn't have to be some noble political BS. I saw this guy also wrote for Epoch Times, so tells you the kind of level of honesty you can expect from him. That's not fair though, maybe he's afraid of the apocalypse comet or aliens frying him with a plasma rifle, Master Li will protect him.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Excatly, one get an enemy if one treat aother as enemy, that is how US got China and Russia as enemies. It is more than stupid for anyone to copy the US' idiocy as it is happening right in front of us.
Being good is too damn hard. Many people try to escape the new Cold War through group confrontation. I’m sometimes at a loss for words seeing their posts.


Registered Member
They have not converged to nearly any comparable point and have no reason to beyond the rare instance where $16 per hour may be applicable. And even when they do, it is from US insistance, NOT from Mexican "soft power."
Mexico Soft Power has to attract investment before any kind of rules implemented. Mexico sign it as they know they can easily surpass this number.
Yes, America's economy is stronger than Mexico's by nominal GDP, PPP, per capita, wages, every measure that a sane person measures the economy by.
so you think GDP per capita going to tell me about wealth of society?. think harder who need those expensive life insurance and long term care policies.
What nonsense is this? Anybody can do debt negotiation. US has far far more international students and immigration than Mexico. Even all.
Where is Mexico debt negotiation?. Mexico does not need so many international students due to internal strength of society.

"Will". Imaginary future. Right now, everything weaker than the US.

You're an idiot. This has been shown to you multiple times. A third of Mexico's PhDs are in America. Did you forget?
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Yeah, they have the busiest border because Mexicans keep trying to illegally enter. You showed 1.6 Americans but you never showed what they were doing over there. According to you, show me "what skills."
Busiest is the official border. if they have enough money to cross borders often they they are well off.
So who teaches in Mexico universities ?.
No citation? So basically it's nobody's standard and you made shit up, didn't you?
Its standard if you look around. Civil Aviation surpass every thing else and thats what Arabs invests to create Soft Power.
and thats why most countries put flight statistics as this most often expensive mode of transportation. Europe practically eliminated cheap flights. only US can afford to subsidize on such scale.
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Yeah, but not everybody's looking to get tourist-trapped in Cancun. And the average cost of living and per capita resources/PPP is what matters, not just select tourist destinations. Once again, you wanted to pick the most expensive thing in Mexico and represent it as the average, which, among a plethora of other reasons, is why you're an idiot.
I am saying there is not much place for Americans to retire there cheaply in Mexico as compared to deindustrialized towns of US rust belt unless you think US workforce in those towns inferior to Mexico.
No I don't think that. I think you're full of shit.

There are over 37 million Mexicans in the US.
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"People of Mexican origin accounted for nearly 60% (or about 37.2 million people) of the nation’s overall Hispanic population as of 2021."
Mexico has historic connections and they produce more so there population will dominate hispanic.
No, manpower is not created by values. Slaves are manpower, butlers are manpower, and "glorious" workers in a Communist country are all manpower despite all the different social values. If you have people whose bodies are able to work, you have manpower. If you know how to spend and save resources, you have the intellect for superior management and it doesn't matter what social values are around you. All hard power. You don't know what soft power is and you continuously run away from defining it after multiple failures.
Mexico manpower strength is acknowledged as there life Expectancy exceeds what Communist could achieve with there population They are open to go to North America or any other place world. It is not some one force them to work on assembly lines.
look at this picture. Mexico soft power is on display but i am not going to spoon feed you what is soft power in this one. Soft Power not every one can recognize in every situation.


Junior Member
Registered Member
This guy is a comedian!

He's in Canada! What are the risks? Someone making fun of you online?

You're in more danger wearing a Chargers jersey at a Raiders game back when the Raiders were in Oakland
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More gold...

The Hong Kong government agrees too!

I mentioned before that many children of the HK immigrants have built a fictional mythology around themselves, this guy is no different.

In the 1980's there was still a question of what would happen with HK in 1997. Most people did not leave until post 1989.
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So already his alleged rationale is quite questionable.

Most were simply economic immigrants as the cost of living in HK was rising rapidly and the level of education of older generations was not able to meet the expectations of a service and financial centered economy. Furthermore, raising a family in Canada was significantly cheaper, especially for tertiary education, as a bonus relatively easy to get into a Top 100 worldwide institution for the kids.

Honestly, the instinct of his grandfather was probably just to live. What did he think went on during WWII? Tea parties and sleepovers hosted by Tojo? This guy is obviously younger than me, but my own father did not grow up in a China that was particularly organized (or Canada for that matter). Most people grew up far and away from any influence the communist party could have on their lives.

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His own Linkedin page states he graduated high school in 2019. That makes him a ripe old 22? So he was born long after the handover in 2001? Yet he said his family came in the 80's "seek freedom", how could HK be his home?
Doesn't make sense...

These people are basically "stolen valour" type of people. Communist this and that, just pure BS. Why did most people leave China before 2000's? Let's be frank, it was a craphole country. It doesn't have to be some noble political BS. I saw this guy also wrote for Epoch Times, so tells you the kind of level of honesty you can expect from him. That's not fair though, maybe he's afraid of the apocalypse comet or aliens frying him with a plasma rifle, Master Li will protect him.
To speak ill of the communist regime amounts to subversion or treason in present-day Hong Kong. Doing so means I will bear the consequence of never being able to return to a place that I once called home.
Those with ‘CPC stress syndrome’ say this. It’s a widespread ‘developed country syndrome’. I wish it were true that those criticizing CPC would be caught and shot. Our online discourse would be cleaner. But no, then I’d be shot too. Damn.