This guy is a comedian!
He's in Canada! What are the risks? Someone making fun of you online?
You're in more danger wearing a Chargers jersey at a Raiders game back when the Raiders were in Oakland
More gold...
The Hong Kong government agrees too!
I mentioned before that many children of the HK immigrants have built a fictional mythology around themselves, this guy is no different.
In the 1980's there was still a question of what would happen with HK in 1997. Most people did not leave until post 1989.
So already his alleged rationale is quite questionable.
Most were simply economic immigrants as the cost of living in HK was rising rapidly and the level of education of older generations was not able to meet the expectations of a service and financial centered economy. Furthermore, raising a family in Canada was significantly cheaper, especially for tertiary education, as a bonus relatively easy to get into a Top 100 worldwide institution for the kids.
Honestly, the instinct of his grandfather was probably just to live. What did he think went on during WWII? Tea parties and sleepovers hosted by Tojo? This guy is obviously younger than me, but my own father did not grow up in a China that was particularly organized (or Canada for that matter). Most people grew up far and away from any influence the communist party could have on their lives.
His own Linkedin page states he graduated high school in 2019. That makes him a ripe old 22? So he was born long after the handover in 2001? Yet he said his family came in the 80's "seek freedom", how could HK be his home?
Doesn't make sense...
These people are basically "stolen valour" type of people. Communist this and that, just pure BS. Why did most people leave China before 2000's? Let's be frank, it was a craphole country. It doesn't have to be some noble political BS. I saw this guy also wrote for Epoch Times, so tells you the kind of level of honesty you can expect from him. That's not fair though, maybe he's afraid of the apocalypse comet or aliens frying him with a plasma rifle, Master Li will protect him.