masses like the unauthorized?.
English too poor, doesn't make sense.
If Its tourist visa or travel with a visa free country they are certainly not poor than US.
So? Most tourists don't stay. They go back home because they are fine there. Those who want to stay want the oppertunity to develop their careers which are much weaker in their own countries.
what is Mexico per capita officially and why you dont see Mexican in US offices?
Mexico has a lower GDP per capita than the US and you do see Mexicans trying to immigrate into the US.
. when gap in per capita gets close the less motivation for moving and it is even less for high income unless they attracted to soft power.
No, they are attacted to the oppertunity to development themselves, oppertunities that are afforded to them in the US by hard power, but not their home countries.
or you think countries in Asia are worse off than Mexico office workers. Mexico population is concentrated in very small area. so it is not like they have big country relative to population.
People from poorer countries want to move to the US. It doesn't matter which countries. People from rich countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Lichtenstein, Netherlands, etc... don't want to move as much. It's all due to the difference or lack of difference in quality of life afforded by hard economic power, often on a per capita basis.
Musk was attracted to German Soft power.
he ignore all the negatives of investments like dealing with environmentalist. this also has impacted his thinking in other issues like Ukraine. Germany has irritated him alot.
Germany was known for having a very strong industry and tradition for making cars. That's hard power.
Its Germanic Strength that don't care about these people.
Off topic nonsense, ignore.
US potentially has out source low to mid level coding. so why you think there is so much demand for such workers and what is the job security.
Not a tech worker; I know the US pays better, offers easier hours, leading to better quality of life.
you dont have data that people moving are getting even higher standard of living after being successful in there own country?.
Yes, I have data, which I didn't think was needed due to common sense.
they maybe coming for Soft Power.
Then maybe nothing. Read links above for why people move to the US. Everything is about America's hard power making its quality of life high. Nothing about soft power cus they saw movies thought America's cool.
To show that such large wide body fleet of Ethopia airlines means that that more people are traveling far distance. not closer to Mideast which does not need it this kind of fleet. You will be surprised by salaries they getting.
Yeah, America is farther than the middle-east. The average salary in Ethiopia is much much lower than that in America. Don't ever try to weasel this one around.
read the links that i posted about from Swiss website and Atlantic council and why that soft power not apply to Malaysia.
If it doesn't apply to Malaysia, why you post about Malaysia?
since you dont read the links or not understand it. let me put the pic.
You have never posted a link relevent to this picture.
This pics taken in Nepal in 2017 and there is no Arab in pics as only three chairs. Only Soft Power of Qatar can make it happen even when Qatar was under air embargo by other Arabs and Trump was backing them.
Soft power make what happen? Qatar has a lot of oil and money. I don't know what you're talking about, because your English is terrible, but I have a feeling, that if it wasn't for the oil and money, nobody would give a shit about Qatar. Hard power only.
Soft Power comes before the application of Hard Power to make it effective especially in a prolong conflict and Russia perfectly understood it where to create that Soft Power.
Russia's in a prolonged conflict right now where its "soft power" is totally useless and the only way to victory is hard power. It wouldn't even be a prolonged conflict if Russia had the hard power necessary for a swift victory. Everything depends on hard power. If they "perfectly understood" that soft power was the key, then that explains why they're still in heated battler 15 months later against a country they should have carpet-bombed into submission in 2 weeks and now they're losing the territory they once gained. I think don't think Russians are stupid enough to try soft power here but if they are, that would explain these terrible results.
Aviation is front and center of Arab strategic interests.
Aviation is hard power. You can't be an aviation power without the hard power of technology.
Photo has no context for evaluation.
computer science is limited as its limit you to California for high standard of living.
You picked computer science, then I proved it's all hard power. If it's limited, then pick something else that's not and I'll prove you wrong again.
the rest of world is good enough if you are good in computer science.
LOLOL There are a handful of nations in the world out of almost 200 that have any ability at all to engineer a computer, ignorant one.
California is not factory floor. here Venture Capitalist and other wealthy resides who fund the campaigns and it is not far from Hawaii where people have islands.
Off topic nonsense, ignore.
Its clear California has lost the soft power and its firms will be loser for tech distribution.
No, it lost the hard power of funding and innovative talent.
I mention him as he hang around with tech scene and really impressed with Europe Soft Power. even flown in European Prince Karim chopper.
Investment is money, is hard power. To be invested in, you need tech, which is hard power. No soft power here.
where you get this idea current situation is not in German ideological interests?
Because their economy and industry is in ruins.
All those Gretas, Soros and Gates foundations cannot exist without Germany.
None of them are German and they would all be fine without Germany. Even your imagination is off topic.
I think Germany used US or any other European country to do the work from them.
They used the US and EU to tank their own economy and industry? Geniuses, aren't they?
They will not allow domestic pressure to open things if there Elites do not want.
That's called tyranny, AKA total absolute rule by hard power.
its both economic and security forums created in Europe and most of Global South Elites visits there. They certainly not visit to US on same scale to basically private gatherings.
Then people visit there in order to get things done. That's not soft power; that's the hard power to accomplish things people need accomplished.
It is the Soft Power of Europe that attracts so much people which hard power of US cannot.
First of all, before you make your incorrect extrapolations, your data is incorrect. The US attracts the greatest number of immigrants in the world.
After that, I have proven that every positive thing you have raved about was either actually hard power, not soft power, or it's in the end worthless, which is what soft power is.