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Fukuyama: the man who coined the end of history thesis that liberal democracy and neoliberal economy were the end station of all humankind and that is the end of humanity sociopoliticalcultural development. The man means we were shocked because in our lifetimes we never witnessed the invasion of a country were the majority of people has a white skin. The beautiful garden. Invasions and a violent death on mass scale are only the right of non white peoples to experience who live in the jungle. Not the rules based garden. We have a right of absolute security and dominance so that we sleep sound at night. That is the translation.

Fuckuyama has tried to walk back "end of history" in recent years, via various channels including recent books like Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy (which was surprisingly ok but still written from the western lense and parrots many (dodgy) western conventions) nonetheless it's a bit late for him.... he is forever branded with "end of history" on this forehead and will live with it for the rest of his days... like Gordy Chang and his coming China collapse, although Gordy is still uber-gungho about China collapse, now that's dedication, what a comrade!

End of history 2.jpg
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China tells foreign embassies to remove pro-Ukraine posters – media​

Beijing has urged diplomats not to “cause conflict” and to avoid “political propaganda”

China tells foreign embassies to remove pro-Ukraine posters – media

File photo: A man walks by a large Ukrainian flag with the slogan "We Support Ukraine" in Chinese characters on the outside wall of the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, China, March 1, 2022. © Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

The Chinese government has sent a notice to multiple embassies and international organizations, asking them to remove inappropriate signs from their premises, a Japanese news agency reported on Tuesday. The request most likely refers to pro-Ukraine posters displayed by embassies of Canada, Poland and Germany.

The memorandum asked foreign missions not to use the outer walls of their buildings for “political propaganda” and to “avoid causing conflicts between states,” according to
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. It was reportedly sent by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on May 10.

The notice also informed recipients that they are “obligated to follow Chinese laws and regulations.” However, there was no indication China would renege on the principle of diplomatic immunity, established under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
Multiple Western embassies have put up posters declaring they “Stand With Ukraine,” in Chinese and English. The Canadian display in particular has drawn the attention of news photographers. Some embassies have also displayed the
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flag in support of LGBT causes.
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Beijing’s request has reportedly “triggered a backlash” at Western embassies, according to Kyodo. One European diplomat said there was “no reasonable justification” for the request and that their embassy will not comply. None of the signs have come down yet.

The government in Beijing has resisted the pressure from the US and its allies to side with the West against Russia, urging a peaceful end to the hostilities that escalated in February 2022. At the daily press briefing on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the US should “reflect on its responsibility on the Ukraine issue and stop coercing other countries to pick sides and smearing others.”

“We believe that most countries would like to see a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis instead of more arms sales and actions that fuel the flames, such as what the US has been doing,”
Wang added.


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China and the US became locked in an intense military confrontation as close as 150km from Hong Kong in early 2021, prompting the US to destroy its own floating sonars to prevent them from falling into Beijing’s hands, it is revealed for the first time.

As supporters of former president
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gathered outside the Capitol building in Washington a day before the
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on January 6, 2021, three US military aircraft launched a submarine hunt unusually close to China’s shoreline.
On January 8, three days after the incident is said to have taken place, General Mark Milley, head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, made an unusual phone call to a Chinese general and promised to give China advance warning if it really intended to launch a war.
So that's why General Miley had to call a Chinese general shortly after the January 6th 2021 Capitol riots.

In any case, why should the PLA trust a US general to tell them ahead if the US plans to launch a war? It's suicidal to trust the US.

US having ASW planes snooping near HK is definitely a very suspicious act that needs attention. If China sent ASW planes 150km off the coast of Los Angeles, the US will definitely take that as a threat.

China should keep an eye out for suspicious US activities in the lead up to coming the Taiwanese elections. The US did the 2019 HK riots last summer. I suspect that something fishy is gonna happen this summer too.


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De-americanise NOW....

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Chip giant Qualcomm reported to secretly collect, transmit user data


Smartphones with Qualcomm chips were found to send private user information, including IP address, unique ID, mobile country code, back to the U.S. chipmaker, according to a report by the German security company Nitrokey first released on April 25.

Such personal information was sent "without user consent, unencrypted, and even when using a Google-free Android distribution," said the report.

Nitrokey tested with a Sony Xperia XA2 smartphone which was equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 chip and installed /e/OS, an open-source version of Android free of Google services.

No SIM-card was inserted in the phone, nor was the GPS location service turned on. The device can only access the internet through WiFi.

The company monitored the data with Wireshark, a network traffic software, and found that the data will be transmitted to izatcloud.net server, which attributes to Qualcomm.

The report said the data packages were "sent via the HTTP protocol and are not encrypted using HTTPS, SSL or TLS," making them vulnerable to attacks as anyone accessible to the network "can easily spy on us by collecting this data, store them, and establish a record history using the phone's unique ID and serial number Qualcomm is sending over to their mysteriously called Izat Cloud."
It added that the data sharing with Qualcomm is not mentioned in the terms of service from Sony or Android or /e/OS, which violated the General Data Protection Regulation.

While a Sony smartphone was used, Nitrokey said "many more Android phones" with popular Qualcomm chips such as Fairphone are likely to be affected.

Qualcomm's response

The chipmaker reacted in a statement sent to Nitrokey that the data sharing was in accordance with its XTRA Service Privacy Policy.
"Through these software applications, we may collect location data, unique identifiers (such as a chipset serial number or international subscriber ID), data about the applications installed and/or running on the device, configuration data such as the make, model, and wireless carrier, the operating system and version data, software build data, and data about the performance of the device such as performance of the chipset, battery use, and thermal data," said the statement.

In its statement sent to cybernews.com, Qualcomm called the Nitrokey report "riddled with inaccuracies and appears to be motivated by the author's desire to sell his product," and noted that it only collects personal data permitted by applicable law.

Nitrokey said the chipmaker, however, didn't mention IP addresses were being collected originally, but added IP addresses into its data collection list after the research was completed.

'Not a backdoor'

The report triggered heated discussion after release.

A Reddit post said that Nitrokey proves a backdoor by Qualcomm chips, which the security firm denied, saying it did not discover a backdoor, and "this is not a backdoor."

British tech news website The Register said that the Izat Cloud, part of Qualcomm's XTRA service, is "basically a way to make GPS more precise and reliable while reducing use of energy-intensive radio hardware."

It cited a source familiar with Qualcomm technology saying that all chipmakers "are going to have all kinds of different fetches that they're going to make [over the network]."

While on the other hand, The Register cautioned that data transmission on mobile device can cause problems in high-risk environments in that "network identifiers such as IP addresses can be considered personal data, particularly when paired with hardware identifiers or other sorts of data. "

Martijn Braam, an IT expert said in his critique titled "Nitrokey disappoints me" that what's in the HTTP traffic "does not contain any private data" but just downloads an GPS almanac from Qualcomm for A-GPS, which is to "make getting a GPS fix quicker and more reliable."

Also, "The thing that gets leaked is your IP address which is required because that's how you connect to things on the internet. This system does not actually send any of your private information like the title of the article claims," Braam said.

He added the feature "happens in practically all devices that have both GPS and internet," and also called the Nitrokey article a marketing piece for selling their own phones.


I am pointing out that there plenty of rich people in third world and they have even higher standard living than most rich in developed world. there are plenty of opportunities in other fields like Civil eng, Railway eng, Textile eng, Mining eng or even managing large number of software developers in third world that can make good money. you are only concentrating on few narrow fields of large structured business in West.
I am concentrating on the masses of people who make up immigration data. You are only concentrating on the very few people who had the exact income and savings where they could live an easier life in a low-income-low-cost country but would see their quality of life suffer in an advanced country because they would have the effectiveness of their savings cut down by the high costs but also could not increase their income to match. This is a very rare situation and there is no reason to focus on it. Most people, from street vendors to office workers to mega corporations, earn way way more money in an advanced economy than they do in a poor developing one. I'm focused on them.
Yup they are going to places to lose money. Elon Musk said his Tesla Berlin plant is money furnace despite selling Model Y at higher price than California. He will not even attempt to do this experiment in Japan or Korea countries with lower per capita than Berlin.
Like I said, not on purpose. It's a failed business venture; that's not soft power.
i am saying people who are rich and have skills for that environment there quality of life will not be much worse than US/Western Europe.
And you'd be wrong. First of all, rich people and people who have skills are not the same thing. Rich people who have no skills but inherited significant savings, you could be right but they are an insignificantly small percentage of people. The skilled people are where it matters. The most prominant example I know of is in coding. Many Chinese people who specialize in low to mid-tier coding much much prefer to stay in the West than go back to China because in China, they are treated like cheap labor and work more than 9/9/6 (9am-9pm 6 days a week) but in the US, they work 9am-5pm Mon-Fri and get paid much more.
Yes its this third world growth that has enabled 1.4M students to US alone and many millions more to Europe/Canada/Australia. These millions have some basic skills and wealth that enable it for seamless integration to West. This kind of movement of people not possible in prior decades as there was no infrastructure and wealth to prepare them. I am sure these people know how to use computers and how to drive car. you simply not acknowledging that significant population of third world has become wealthy and educated.
No, I don't have any argument with that. Of course a significant portion of the third world is rising, but my point is that that chose to immigrate to the West because the West still holds a great hard power advantage making their economies strong enough to provide an average higher standard of living than the vast majority of third world countries can afford to do. It's not soft power.
Not every American and Not every Ethopian. but those who can afford visa and air travel they will be fine.
LOL Of course not every person. That's not an intelligent answer. The vast majority of Americans and Ethiopians fall into the situation I said. We're talking big data, not the exception of a wealthy Ethiopian businessman vs an American redneck. That conversation is a waste of time.
This Fleet complexity of Ethiopian airways surpass most European , US and Asian airlines.
What does that have to do with anything? That's wildly off topic again. Fleet complexity isn't an advantage; it means they are buying whatever is cheap to hodgepodge a fleet together only to pay for it later through increased maintenance complexity. Why did you bring this up? To show that Ethiopia is richer that US/EU/Asia because they operate more kinds of civilian aircraft??
i mention Malaysia that hard power of brick and motor cannot create soft power at one place but can do at another . not all investments are equal.
What does that even mean? I don't know of any significant soft or hard power coming from Malaysia. Nothing noteworthy in technology, economy, military, or cultural products. I know they have good curry. That's all.
This is very narrow field.
I randomly selected "rocket scientist" and you said that's too narrow. You said computer science is mainstream, so I use computer science to continue, and now that's too narrow too?? That's the field you mentioned LOL
just because US has stock boosted business around computers does not mean they are as important as some other things. Some how Justin Trudeau like to travel to Europe alot and i dont think he has officially visited California despite hard power of California in computers.
What the hell are you talking about??? The hard power of California in computer engineering translates to American technological prowess, NOT getting Justin Trudeau to visit!! Where even the hell do you think of these random things from?? When any world leader needs important tech made in California, they don't go to the factory floor for it; they go to DC to ask for US government approval.

Even if we were to throw all of that out, California is the most populous state in the US. Even if you erroneously conflated hard power with the ability to get people to visit, how did you overlook its 40 million population and just focus on one Justin Trudeau??? What goes on in your mind??
It is the Soft power of Germany that set the global agenda of climate, migration, values, trade, tech regulations, de risking.
And that "power" did absolutely nothing to stop Germany from being dragged by the noose into bleeding out its economy in a conflict it has absolutely no interest in or from the US blowing up the major pipelines that supply energy to Germany. Once again proving, "soft power" is worthless; hard power determines the result.
why do so many people like to visit WEF and MSC?
Do people visit these places? One is a shipping company and the other is an economics forum. You mean why tourists might take pictures? What kind of effect do they have? It's negligible, does not qualify as any power.


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Who remembers this lady on Twitter?

Now even Global Times is giving her a shout-out:

Eleven Chinese institutes
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’s planned Xinjiang visit in joint letter

Maureen A Huebel, an Australian scholar, has come under attack from anti-China forces after announcing her plan to visit China's Xinjiang region in 2024.

Since Huebel announced on Twitter in March that she was planning to go to Xinjiang in 2024 to research poverty alleviation, she has been hounded by trolls and attacked by people insulting her on Twitter, even receiving death threats.

At the end of April, the Institute of China's Borderland Studies at Zhejiang Normal University and the Institute for Communication and Borderland Governance of Guangzhou-based Jinan University openly welcomed Huebel and expressed their willingness to assist the Australian with her research in the Xinjiang region. Later, several more academic institutes in the Xinjiang region and across China also extended their welcome, with 11 jointly releasing the latest letter.

She stated reasons for her interest in the Xinjiang region when she noticed rising levels of Australian poverty and homelessness. Xinjiang was identified as among the fastest GDP growth of all Chinese provinces and regions.

However, when she tried to conduct preliminary research on Twitter, she came under fierce attack. She contacted Adrian Zenz, a notorious anti-China "scholar," and asked him for field research notes and methodology and published peer-reviewed journals, only to find herself blocked, she said.

I'm dying of laughter. Who would've thought that one day Adrian Zenz of all people would get mentioned in Global Times?
Smart, Having an interview with the Chairman would shoot her career all the way to the moon unfortunately for her Chinese politicians have to play way better mind games just to survive at local level let alone reach national level what she's doing is kindergarten stuff, Respect the hustle though.



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Who remembers this lady on Twitter?

Now even Global Times is giving her a shout-out:

Eleven Chinese institutes
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’s planned Xinjiang visit in joint letter

Maureen A Huebel, an Australian scholar, has come under attack from anti-China forces after announcing her plan to visit China's Xinjiang region in 2024.

Since Huebel announced on Twitter in March that she was planning to go to Xinjiang in 2024 to research poverty alleviation, she has been hounded by trolls and attacked by people insulting her on Twitter, even receiving death threats.

At the end of April, the Institute of China's Borderland Studies at Zhejiang Normal University and the Institute for Communication and Borderland Governance of Guangzhou-based Jinan University openly welcomed Huebel and expressed their willingness to assist the Australian with her research in the Xinjiang region. Later, several more academic institutes in the Xinjiang region and across China also extended their welcome, with 11 jointly releasing the latest letter.

She stated reasons for her interest in the Xinjiang region when she noticed rising levels of Australian poverty and homelessness. Xinjiang was identified as among the fastest GDP growth of all Chinese provinces and regions.

However, when she tried to conduct preliminary research on Twitter, she came under fierce attack. She contacted Adrian Zenz, a notorious anti-China "scholar," and asked him for field research notes and methodology and published peer-reviewed journals, only to find herself blocked, she said.

I'm dying of laughter. Who would've thought that one day Adrian Zenz of all people would get mentioned in Global Times?

They should invite Adrian Zenz to the BDSM center concentration camp in Urumqi where they can gather incriminating evidence.


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The brown fella not popular with Brit voters...

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The opposition Labour Party would be voted into government if a general election were held tomorrow, data suggests

Polling data published on Tuesday by market research firm YouGov has found that almost 60% of UK citizens have an unfavorable view of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

The results of the YouGov survey, which was conducted on May 14 and 15 and featured 2,012 respondents, suggested that just 6% of respondents had what was described as a “very favorable” opinion of the Conservative Party leader.

Another 25% described their stance on Sunak as “somewhat favorable,” while 59% of respondents had a negative view of Sunak’s premiership, the poll found. The latter figure included 34% who described their opinion of the premier as “very unfavorable.”

Keir Starmer, leader of the opposition Labour Party, marginally outperformed Sunak in key poll metrics, YouGov reported. Of the respondents, 35% said they had a “favorable” opinion of Starmer compared to 51% who stated the opposite, while 15% didn’t offer an opinion either way.

YouGov’s data reflects similar recent polling which has indicated a swell in support for Labour. Per analysis by Statista this month, 43% of the British public would vote for the Labour Party if a general election were held tomorrow. Just 26% would vote for the Conservatives, who have been the primary governing party in the UK since 2010.

The Tories have trailed Labour in most polls since 2022. The turbulent 44-day prime ministership of Liz Truss opened a large gap in support between both parties, Statista noted, as the government struggled to transition away from the scandals which plagued the final weeks of Boris Johnson’s leadership.

While Tory polling has rebounded somewhat under Sunak, Statista’s data suggests that the Conservatives would lose any upcoming general election in the current political climate.

British voters have consistently identified the economy as a key issue, according to extended data trends cited by Statista. Public health, as well as the successful operation of the National Health Service (NHS), immigration reform, and the environment are also considered to be the most important issues facing the UK, polling indicates.


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Invasions and a violent death on mass scale are only the right of non white peoples to experience who live in the jungle.
This is not true at all.

I think members are getting younger and younger, but I think most members were still around for the Balkans conflicts that occurred from the 90's to 00's. This was happening right in the precious garden.

It was ridiculous to hear things like "never thought the horrors of war would happen in Europe" from news anchors, when we are only 2 decades removed from it.

- Mass scale violent deaths (Muslims, Serbs, Croats all expelling each other from "Their" lands)
- Invasion (NATO invasion of the sovereign territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
- Terror bombing by NATO (Civilian targets attacked such as a TV station and a train carrying civilians)